Enjoy life could be so this tiring...

@Hadame (194)
January 12, 2010 6:38am CST
After having six days exams i try to enjoy my life by having six days backpack journey... The first day started by 9 hours on the train... 3 hours sleep on cold flors... And over 4 km walked with heavy backpack on my back... *my back is still hurt* :lol: what a tiring ways to enjoy life,- Anyway, i had much fun today...
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4 responses
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
12 Jan 10
I think to travel would be just wonderful!! I have a tiring way to enjoy life for you. Wake at 6am, drink 2 cups coffee. Make sure there are fun toys out to occupy the kids that are coming. Greet one child at 6:45. Then check some email. Greet 2 more children at 7:30am. remind the 3 children to not be so loud as there are 3 others (mine) still sleeping. They all wake at 8:00. Fix breakfast for whoever is eating. Great one more (baby this time). Make sure the kids that are eating are not being to slow. They have to leave for school. Greet another baby. Make sure by 8:45 the kids going to fullday school are getting out the door. Clean up after the breakfast. Play with babies, change them, carry them around, read to them. Feed them. Check email for a minute while they play. Give older kids some art/learning activity. Make sure one child is ready for preschool by 11:15. Serve lunch at 12:00. Workout while they eat. Work on my daughters blanket. Clean up. Get other child off to kindergarden. Come back. Put babies to bed. Clean toys, play on the computer. Babies wake up. Snack, get ready for 5 kids to come back from school for snack. Make sure they do their homework. Supervise them play............Now its time to be mommy and take care of my kids..............in bed by 8pm exausted.....Do it again tomorrow.
@Hadame (194)
• Indonesia
12 Jan 10
Mothers are really amazing... They have that super power to do these things... I love mom..!
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
14 Jan 10
Yes, Sometimes life can be really tiring and just no fun at all. That is why we have to grab up those good moments when we have a chance to just sit back and enjoy and really enjoy ourselves, because we know soon enough we will have to get back to work or back to our studies and back to not having fun. Try to keep a good balance, that is all we can do.
@Canteen (592)
• China
13 Jan 10
why my response was gone. i remember i posted it last night. the admin deleted it? i don't think there's anything wrong with my post. anyway i continue what i wanna say. why did you bother to go so far away, you went to a scenic spot? and it took so much time, you went there by train? the "4 km" reminds me of my childhood. from i was 12 to 14, i had to walk 4 km to go to high school. 4 km is one way, so actually i walked 8 km every weekday. the class began in 8 am. i was such a good student that time. i remember once i got up at 5 am, when i left home it's still dark outside. my friends and me used flashlight to see the road. life is hard in the countryside, but that's the happiest time in my life.
@shell2784 (752)
• United States
12 Jan 10
Maybe you chose the wrong kind of life enjoying after you were all ready exhausted! lol I think if I had 6 days worth of exams... if I wanted to take any sort of 6 day vacation... it would be in a cabin in the woods with a couple friends to roast marshmellows and go sledding! Or along a nice warm beach somewhere to lay there, soak up the rays and let the waves reward me for all of my studying! Or hell, I'll even take a few days at home in my PJ's to watch tv, read a good book, flip thru some gossip magazines and sing on the karaoke websites! haha But I'm glad that you did what makes you happy! And I'm sure there are many stories to be told of your trip other than the train and the cold floor! haha I hope you did well on your exams!