New book shows Hilary got stabbed in the back by her own party and friends.
By lilwonders
@lilwonders456 (8214)
United States
January 12, 2010 10:31am CST
I am sure you have all heard about the new book "Game Change" about the last presidential election. It certainly got Reid into a lot of trouble lately for his comments. But some other things in the book I think are just as shocking if not more so.
Especially about what the democratic party did the Hilary. The party knew she was going to run. To her face they were all supportive. But behind her back they went to Obama and talked him into running. Obama has no intentions of running....until Reid, Kennedy and other top Democrats who Hilary has always supported talked him into it.They told him if he got close to hilary in the polls they would ditch their support of her and switch to supporting him. Why? Well they were worried about Bill. Seems he has not changed his cheating ways sense he left the white house and they were worried that if Hilary won the primary the Republicans would use his recent affairs against her to win the general election.THe democrat party thought she could not win the general. So therefore they intentionally tried to keep her from winning.
So why not tell Hilary up front they did not want her to win the primary? Why not tell her not to run in the first place or that they would not support her if she did? Why be all nice and supportive to her face and then turn around and talk someone else into running just to keep her from winning? That was low and a back stabbing move to make. Especially with everything she has done for the democratic party and how much of her own money she used for the campaign.
Hilary needs to dump Bill. He is a political liability. If she wants any kind of political career after being SOS, it definately won't happen with Bill or the party support. Especially now that this book also outed Bill's comment to Kennedy about Obama saying "a few years ago this guy would have been serving us coffee" and that the only reason Kennedy was supporting Obama was because "he is black".
So what do you think.....did the party play dirty with Hilary? Trust me I am NOT a Hilary fan....but with friends like them...who needs enemies. I don't see why she supports the party anymore or Obama comparing how they played her.
Tell me your take on this.
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6 responses
@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
12 Jan 10
I will probably be reading this book eventually. It’s not exactly on the top of my priorities as I’m currently engrossed in 2 other books at the moment, but it will certainly be an interesting read when I get around to it.
I voted for Hil in the primaries and she would have had my vote for President without a doubt. I remember back when Bush we elected for his second term I was excited for one reason only; I knew that having Bush for 8 years straight would be the best thing to happen for Hilary’s political career. Even back then I knew the country would be ready for change in 2008. Everyone expected Hilary to be that change.
A friend of mine campaigned for Hilary in many states during the primaries and the stories he told me about what Obama supporters did to him was atrocious. Ripping down posters, harassment… he even told me how one of his friends had her tires slashed.
A staunch Democrat through and through… however, after Obama won the primaries, he replaced his “Hilary ’08” bumper sticker with a “McCain ’08” sticker.
As far as Hilary dumping Bill, its just out of the question. Having read “Living History” I can tell you she is head over heels in love with him – even if everyone else thinks she shouldn’t be. I’m fairly certain she would leave politics altogether before even considering leaving Bill. She’s in love, even after all these years and all the wrongs. Love can make you do some crazy things.
Besides, what’s the point in leaving him now to help her career? She has reached her zenith. After Obama leaves office she really has no hopes of running for President again (I daresay that goes for any Democrat lol). I will always admire her strength of character though. After what Bill did (does) to her, and after what the Democrats did to her, she still holds her head high and does her job with pride and integrity.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
12 Jan 10
Yes she still holds her head up high....but at what price. Once Obama got the nod she knew what hte party and her "friends" had done to her. Yet she still worked her butt off helping Obama get elected. I wouldn't have done that. I would have said want it without me. NOt becuase she lost but because of "how" she lost. Her own party and long time politican "friends" that she had helped in their careers and supported publicly over the years stabbed her in the back. Why help them? She comes off now as Bill's doormat and the Democratic parties doormat. No matter how nasty and disrespectful they both treat her she still supports them, helps them and takes up for them. Unhealthy relationships...the one with Bill and the one with the Democratic party.
I just wish she would stand up for herself.
Ya things got nasty on all sides during the campaign. I volunteered with Ron Paul's campaign...we caught all kinds of heck from all sides. Our signs torn down. Threatened. Harrassed. Banned from the national convention. Immature BS by adults. Lots of people need to grow up. Politics remind me high school ALOT.
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@II2aTee (2559)
• United States
12 Jan 10
Well that’s one way of looking at it, but on the other side of that coin it just shows that she believes in the Democratic party, and she is willing to shelve her own ego and do what is best for the greater good, as she sees it. Lets face it every day we see the integrity of our nation eroded away by politicians who are only looking out for themselves. We see it constantly. How many times a day on MyLot alone does someone complain about some politician screwing over the system just so that they can make money or get ahead.
You cant accuse Hilary of that. She steps aside with grace and dignity. Even after the Democrats scorned her, she didn’t let that come between her and her belief in the party, and her hope for change for the better.
Some politicians… and regular citizens for that matter have no threshold for forgiveness, and a belly full of fire for revenge. Not Hilary. She understands that she is a part of something bigger than herself.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
12 Jan 10
THere is a line between believing in something bigger than yourself....and letting people walk all over you...take advantage of you, and treat you like dirt....which is what her "friends" did.
I believe in something bigger than myself....but I would not have allowed myself to be abused that way. I am a human being and therefore I deserve to be respected as a human being....they treated did not treat her with respect or even dignity. Why stand up for a party that promotes treating people like crap? that is ok to do this is someone...especially after all they had done for her. They should have just gone to her as a friend and her .....listen....if you run we can't support you....we truely think you can't win. Instead of blowing sunshine up her butt and then stabbing her in the back.
Why promote poeple who use those tatics? what is so great and wonderful about people who act like that?
Don't get me wrong. The republican party does that same thing and behaves just as bad....That is why I dont like them either. These people are suppost to be the best and brightest we have in this country. Are they really? There is too much corruption, unethical behavior, and power hunger monsters in our elected offices....from both sides. I am tired of it. I won't support a party that supports that kind of ethics or behavior.

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
12 Jan 10
I knew they had treated her very shoddily. I thought it was beneath board, but now I see just how bad it was. I'm quite sure she would have won the election and been the first woman president. I also feel like the libs abandoned the "women" in favor of yet another man in the presidency..
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
12 Jan 10
OH they not only "abandoned" her....they intentially let her believe they would support her, got her set up in the race, gave her money and then did everything they could behind her back to stop her. Why? That was a pretty wicked thing to do. It is one thing for another candidate to win the primary. The american public votes. They decide. But once Hilary told them she was going to run....they intentionally went out looking for someone else to put into the race to take her down. All the while smiling and acting like her friends.
It was all over CNN yesterday about this....yet I have not heard one Feminist or Democrat call them out on this horrible behavior. Not one of them has called anyone out about it. By not speaking out....they are condoning the behavior. Which makes them inablers.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
13 Jan 10
I agree they treated Hilary pretty crappy. But it happens on both sides and to almost everybody. But I do believe that Obama was planning to run even before they approached him. That was his original intent. The dems like the slick and slimey side of politics - not to say that Republicans dont..... I am so excited to read this book, it is an equal opportunity crapper!
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
13 Jan 10
I think Obama planned on running....just not so soon. I think he was going to finish his term as Senator first. Get more experience and let the country get to know him. When he decided to run in the primary no one really knew he was and he did not have experience.
But they did not want Hilary to win the primary so they talked him into it. From what I hear and from what the book is saying it took a lot for them to talk him into it. He thought it was too soon. But they finally convienced him to do it.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Jan 10
I think this is a political book I might actually buy although I'm not at all sure how seriously to take it. Harry Reid has confirmed that what was written about him is true and he's apologized for it over and over. That seems to be the only thing getting much attention.
The authors are respected journalists but it's still pretty much a "he said, she said" tell-all gossip fest. What I'm interested in knowing is how some people will choose what to believe and what to dismiss from this book! I mean, the right is sure having a good time calling for Reid's head and I'm sure when the smoke clears from that topic they'll be having a field day with the juicy gossip about the Clintons and the Edwards but what will they say about the McCains and Sarah Palin "revelations"?

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Jan 10
Lil, I guess my point is that instead of, "She worked her butt off for the party and for Bill for years," that should read, "She worked her butt off for the people and her country for years." If, in her opinion, that meant supporting one party over another I guess that was and is her choice.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
12 Jan 10
I am still wondering what in the world was going on in Edward head to run for president. He knew he had had an affair on his cancer striken wife and fathered a child with that woman. He had to know it was going to come out and kill him politically.
Why are soooo many politicans take down for their inability to keep their pants zipped?
As for Hilary. You know I am not a fan of her. But I honest to God for bad and sorry for her. SHe worked her butt off for the party and for Bill for years. She had helped make the political careers of some of the same people who took her down. And they stabbed her in the back on purpose. When she asked them about her running they should have been honest with her and said..."we love you but we can't support you. Bill is too big of a liability and we think he will cost you and the party the election.Please don't run." Then she could have made the decision to run anyway or back down but known what she was up against. Instead of being honest with her about how they felt they feed her sunshine of "oh ya we love that idea, please run, we will support you the whole way." Then turned around and intentionally found someone else to get into the race to bet her. Why put her through that? Why set her up to fail? Why work against her like that after all she had done for the party? Why let her blow millions of her own dollars on it? It was low. It was wrong. They should have been honest with her from the beginning. It is not like she just lost a primary.....her friends made sure she lost it all the while smiling to her face.
As I said before with friends like that who needs enemies.
I can understand that she honestly believes in the principles of her party. But what I can't understand is why she will stand by the individuals who did it to her. Or put herself into a position to take up for them. If she honestly believes in the principles of the party than she need to help and push forward poeple who are there for the ideals of the party and the back stabbing money hungry dishonest jerks that are there now.If they will INTENTIALLY set her up for failure and screw her over and she is one of their best friends who has worked tirelessly for them......what hope or faith can the rest of us have that they won't do the same thing to us. We can't. If we trust any of them as far as we can pick them up and throw them than we are idiots. If they did it to her than they WILL do it to us.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
13 Jan 10
Are these the kinds of people you want promoting the democratic party? Do they represent its ideal, morals and ethics? DO they represent their people? I hope not...I know most democrats (average citizens)I know are NOT backstabbing, unethical, b*astards. But the people who represent them and tehir party certainly are.
To be fair I have the same opinon of the republican party. But you know that.
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
12 Jan 10
I remember seeing videos of when delegates were being chosen. While the ones for Hillary were trying to get their job done the Obama delegates literally stood over them screaming "Obama" to where no one could hear anything else.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
12 Jan 10
Yep I remember that too....politics sure bring out the worst in a lot of people.