Today's students
By kmaz62406
@kmaz62406 (10)
United States
January 12, 2010 7:28pm CST
Why is it that teachers these days are expected to deal more and more with defiant and extremely rude students. It seems as though every school I have worked at in the past 6 years has had a large handful of students who are extremely rude and disruptive and defiant... what aren't parents teaching their kids these days that we as teachers have to? When did it become a teacher's job to teach about respect and listening and following directions, and most of all, being kind to others? I worked in a school where some of the paraprofessionals in my room told the children that when they were in school, they weren't taught these things, their parents taught them at home. Where has parenting gone wrong, for most of these students??? I am a parent myself and I am afraid of when my son is old enough to go to school and he has to deal with these types of students in his classroom and disrupting his education. When is it going to stop???
12 responses
@tap0991 (2766)
• United States
13 Jan 10
as a student I have found that teachers and students are getting more rude towards each other. I honestly do not like teachers period. they are there to teach me what I need to know to get out of their class. Yes they shouldnt be teaching manners they are suppose to be enforcing it. I mean thats why schools have detention isnt it? To me detention was a place for bad kids who didnt behave but when i went there and my reason was because I fell out of my seat on the bus after we ran the effing curb over oooo I was so mad and after that day I swore to myself never to trust a teacher and to basically do what I have to do to get by. To me teachers are pretty much crazy and most of them I think should just die. Because some these teachers me, my brother,and sister have had were not good teachers to the least. My brother had to repeat 5th grade because his first 5th grade teacher did not teach him how to do math correctly and also because the teacher was there to get money and not to teach. Meaning he went through the lesson basically as fast as he could. I know you would think why trust a 5th grader when he tells you that. Well what happens when half the class had to repeat. you believe them then. So a note to all you stuck up teachers. LEARN to teach and if you have to teach manners have the teachers in the lower grades do it. Like kindergarten through 5th grade would be good. Because 6th grade is where detention starts to be serious...
@RBBailey (10)
• Japan
16 Jan 10
The Students (both Children and Adolesence) have to learn this traits at both home and school. Trait-learning doesn't discontinue during school hours. The parents and teachers have to work hand in hand to mold the Children, starting at infancy (if the Child attends a preschool or day-care). Perhaps previous teachers/parents turned a blind eye to the Children's bad behovior, hoping they would "grow out of it". It's not a teacher's job to teach quailty traits alone. Talk to your student's parents about the situation, especially if it is bothering or harrassing your well-behaved students.
@V_nessa666 (8)
• Canada
13 Jan 10
well coming from a students point of view i can say it is because parents arent paying enough attention at home or caring enough to do something.. it seems with every geneeration that passes kids are getting worse and parents are gettin more clueless..parents need to stop being so selfish and pay more attention to there thriving children
@pukaprat2 (442)
• United States
14 Jan 10
unless we as a society goes back into the past to understand that the rod is there for desipline there is no telling when such behavior will cease. I am a firm believer that under certain guidlines a parent has no choice but to spank their child. I am not saying beat but firmly correct. That is the only way.
when a child is 2-4 they test boundries of the parent and see if the parents resolution to saying no is firm. but when the parent wavers and doesn't follow through with the punishment the child knows that it can pretty much get away with anything it wants.
another thing i have noticed is the fact that if the child runs the house it is most likely because the parents have become too lazy to do their jobs. Parents are not suppose to be 'friends' or to relate. although it is ideal that there is communication between the child and parent, the parents job is to set boundries limitations and steer their children into becoming secure self reliant adults. the problem is that most the parents these days can't seem to get past their own problems and those problems are passed on to the children. take for expample healthy eating. if you don't introduce the correct nuitrion for a child they become obese. these kids then think that it is okay to go to mcdonalds 4 times a week. and so the problem from childhood extends into adulthood.
however if the parents take time to show their children that cooking a home meal from scratch can be fun the child is more likely to want to help. and perhapse expand their taste buds.
I know that there are so many children that are disrespectful becuase the parents don't care. they allow television to babysit their children. and we all know that morals based on make believe are just that illusions. children think that when they grow up they have to be a certain way or look a certain way because that's what they were taught from the media. one more reason to throw away the television or at least limit it.
@berrys (864)
• Singapore
13 Jan 10
i have a 16 year old and he's quite naughty always getting in to trouble in school with truancy and breaking rules and not doing homework but no matter how hard i try to get him to listen he just doesnt and in result i told him i would not care about him anymore and that he could do whatever he want so long as he doesnt take a cent from me he can only eat the food in the house and that's it. after that he shaped up quite a bit he still causes some havoc in school sometimes but you know old habits die hard and he's come a long way from last time. but i would say its partly teachers fault too. some teachers even though they say they don't they really do pick on the kids and some of them just love making the kids life miserable. my kid started rebelling when the assistant head teacher tried to make an example out of him because he was late atleast once a week to school but he wasnt late for a class he was late for registration (a morning period where kids just sit and stare at the teachers) which i thought is pointless anyways cause he wasnt mising anything important and i rather him go to school happy and ready to learn then miserable and not bothered but that teacher tried to make an example out of him and failed i never ever talked to the teacher as i wanted him to handle it on his own and event hough some of you may disagree with my tactics i feel i made the right choice and really believe my child has a bright future ahead for himself.
so hang in there kmaz shed a little light on your students and they may just surprise you.
@HansonFan (1653)
• United States
13 Jan 10
I fully agree. I am a college student and I am ashamed FOR some of the kids around me. They are not young adults, or they certainly dont act like it. Its time to grow up and figure out that its not appropriate to argue with your professors, yell loud enough that people down the hall can hear what you are saying, etc. They do it all the time and it drives me crazy. I almost became a teacher but by the time I finished high school I wasnt sure. By the end of my first year of college - No way! Parents aren't doing their job right anymore and it shows. Teachers should teach about respect in elementary but that should not be the first and only time kids learn about it. Parents are the main ones responsible - teachers have enough to do as it is and a comment here or there is all they should have to do.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
13 Jan 10
What can you really expect when parents are forced to work more hrs a day & spend more time away from their kids in order to provide for them? Then you have the whole discipline situation. Spank a kid & it's considered abuse... The parents either don't have the time or are forced to be soft on the kid. The kids then take advantage of the situation & you end up with what he have now.
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
13 Jan 10
Hi kmaz62406.
I think your first question was ably answered by your other questions--it's the parents (I have 3 sons folks). Morals and manners should be taught at home, and reinforced by their house of worship then the school system.
There is a complete reversal in society of the way it should. You teachers have it rough. I was substitute school teacher back in the 80's and things were bad then, and I know they are worse now.
The reason? Christ said in the last days iniquity shall increase.
It is not going to stop until Messiah returns.
@gladorient (2)
• China
13 Jan 10
We here in China have the same problem. Children today are spoiled and we Chinese think it might be due to the fact that Chinese couples are to have only one kid each. The only child in a family is definitely the most indulged. Hence the kids today are more defiant and extremely rude. It's surprising to know that this problem is not to the Chinese society only. We have beeing thinking that it might be better if we were allowed to have more kids.
@skbrence (475)
• Philippines
13 Jan 10
I guess teachers are now after with the "CHALLENGE" of getting this extremely rude students to change to be the next future scholars.
Well, for your son, I would like to suggest that you enroll him on a high-sectioned and well-mannered class. You would like also to check first the background of the teacher. And you could also tell the teacher to take care of your child.