Do you think that there is life on other planets??
By sharone74
@sharone74 (4837)
United States
January 13, 2010 10:59am CST
I am almost certain that there has to be life on other planets outside of our solar system. They like us may not have acheived inter galaxy travel yet either or some of them may have. I am not sure whether I believe that we are visited every so often or not, but I believe with all of the galaxys out there it is incomprehensible that life did not develop on one of those floating balls of carbon and gas out there somewhere.
Do you believe that we are alone in the universe or that there is life on other planets? Do you believe that they come and visit us or that they ever will? What do you think would be the reaction to a close encounter too big to cover up? Would the militaries of the world try to repel the visitors? And what type of reaction may they have to us?
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16 responses
@pentagan12 (757)
• Philippines
13 Jan 10
Well, I actually don't have any ideas about the existence of life in other planets. But as far as I can remember from the news I have heard long time ago, many scientists have been studying the characteristics of some planets and that they've found out that there is no way for men or other creatures to be able to live in such planets, though not all planets have been studied. Nobody really knows about it unless there will come a time that aliens will show off here in our planet and prove that they are indeed existing.
@poingly (605)
• United States
14 Jan 10
They wouldn't have to show up here. Well, we could also show up at THEIR planet and find out! In fact, we wouldn't even have to show up, just send a satellite close enough (or just have continually better technology to tell what's out there from our current vantage point). The likelihood of finding life shows much better promise than it did many years ago because we have found out that life-creating conditions in our corner of the universe are much more common than initially thought. However, statistics also tell us that most aliens would likely be micro-organisms anyway.
Oh, and there is the possibility for life to thrive in sulfur, which would be poison to humans.

@nautilus33 (1827)
13 Jan 10
HI! Yes, I do think there is life on other planet I can't and want believe that in this endless universe we are the only one reasonable creatures, that only this planet is alive and there are living creatures. Maybe there are far away and have no technologies to come here, we always think aliens are better and smarter than us, they have more technologies and more functional space ships, but I think they also can be so clever as we are. They can also look like us,and not like the green creatures from the movies. I don't know, but I am sure- there are other creatures in this universe and waiting to meet with us! I only don't know when is that going to happen!~
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
14 Jan 10
Life may have evolved in a totally different direction on their planet that Simian bi peds. Aliens might live thousands of years longer than us or just for days like our May flies. There may not even be sentient (self aware) life on other planets longing to travel the stars like us. Maybe they are happy right where they are and so feel no ambition to leave their planet. There is evidence that the other planets in our system may have been very different from how they are now over their evolutionary cycles. There is even oxygen, in very thin and small quantities on a coupld of the planets in our system. Aliens may not be oxygen breathers which means that they will never come here for a "visit" since they couldn't breathe our atmosphere.
@olisaur (1922)
• United States
13 Jan 10
I certainly believe that Earth is not the only planet with life on it, but I'm not sure if I believe that life from other planets or galaxies or whatnot could make it here.
It really is impossible for us to comprehend how BIG the universe really is, and how small we are in it. And its hard to imagine what would happen if aliens did come here- I mean, they could be friendly or they could be something out of a disaster movie.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
15 Jan 10
They could be friendly and interested in our existence because for centuries they posited that there was no other life out there either. Or they could be seeking planets to suborn and take over due to the using up of their own resources on their planet. We won't know until they arrive. But taking and dissecting them would be the aim of any human that they came into contact with and in most societies, whether they are hyper technologically advanced or not, if you take and dissect their people when they come to visit that is an act of was or at least of savages and you know that that could probably start a war.
@borg246 (539)
• Malta
13 Jan 10
Hello sharone,
This question is something which cannot be completley answered. We all think different things and therefore, there is no definite answer to this. But I will tell you what I bleieve.
I believe that there is life out there...not on other planets in our solar sytem, but maybe in other solar sytems, galaxies or even other dimensions.
Besides, if you didn't believe there was life out there, how would you describe the thousands of UFO (unidentified flying objects) that have been reported since many years, not to mentions the videos that have been captures and the supposed "alien abductions" that have been happening all over the world?
Therefore, I truly believe that there is something out there and that the goverment want us to think otherwise. Why do you think A51 in Nevada is top secret and no one is to know about it? Sounds like someone is keeping secrets from us.
I believe that it's just a nick of time before we will start to see more and more UFOs on our planet and then everyone will believe that it exits.
Please ask me anything that you might have not understood from what I said.

@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
14 Jan 10
poingly has a point when we find them or they find us whichever comes first we will then have definitive proof that there is other life out there. However borg I believe the same things that you do so there was nothing unclear about yoiur response. I think the governments of the world, heck the people of the world are scared that there is life out there that is more technologically advanced that is going to arrive one day with conquest in mind. However a space expedition that reached here would more than likely be a small one and one of science and discovery rather than a mission of conquest.

@AmandaMBF (284)
• Brazil
13 Jan 10
I think yes!!! I really believe in this because there was lots of cases that can comprove this!!!!!! THere are some inexplicable things, inexplicable apearances. I think we don't alone in the universe!!!!
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
15 Jan 10
There may or may not be life out there, but it just seems crazy to think that there isn't anyone out there but us. Why would God or whoemever is running the show make an infinite number of planets and then only put life on one of them. That idea does not hold water.
@Samrocks55 (142)
• India
13 Jan 10
Yes, i think life does exist somewhere other than in earth. Humanbeings are made of elements. Similarly, other beings must be made of some elements with another composition and their life may be existing under a different atmospheric conditions than ours.
@surfette (673)
• United States
13 Jan 10
When you look up at the sky and see the vastness of only what we can see, I imagine that there are life forms in our galaxy and others. We may not even be able to recognize the other forms of life, but I really can't imagine that we are the only ones in the universe. Just because we don't know yet, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. In fact, I often chuckle to myself and look around at some of the "dorks" that walk among us and think that we are probably "the trailer trash" of the universe. Now, that's just a joke, but then again, could it be true? Who knows?
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
14 Jan 10
I have often thought the same things. That there may be aliens out there with powerful telescopes, watching us hop back and forth between our moon and the planet and rarely venturing any further afield, laughing at our tiny efforts to actually explore the stars. We may not have anything that they either want or need which is why they don't bother much with us. Or the way that we are willfully destroying our planet and ultimately ourselves.
@winterweizen92 (169)
• Malaysia
14 Jan 10
We are not alone. I have strong believe that there are others creatures in the universe. to the certain extend, i might believe that they would visit to out planet, just like we are from one family, one universe(maybe there is many universe out there, idk)
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
14 Jan 10
Yeah I do. Think about how big and how far the universe spans. The universe is apparently infinite and it just doesn't really make sense that we are the only planet with so called "life" on it. I would be very surprised if we were to never find life anywhere else in this massive universe that we exist in.
Who really knows what the military would do to life on other planets. We've seen what government and militaries can do to each other I'm sure they wouldn't be all that clear headed if they found out there was another planet with life on it. Hopefully we can improve the way our world and countries are run by the time we could possibly discover a different species on another planet.
@think_twice (553)
• India
13 Jan 10
Yeah! I do believe. But in my view they might be not like us but fur more superior than us. Several U.F.O sightings, whether you believe it or not, supports that. They have already the technique to travel within galaxies and we are limited to our satellite moon. It's very foolish to believe that we are the only living things in this cosmos.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
15 Jan 10
I agree with you completely that there is extra terrestrial life out there. They may or may not have discovered how to trabvel between star systems or galaxies. There could be as many extra terrestrials as there are little blue balls of gas out there. Until we manage to get out there we will never know for certain.
@adamc151 (476)
14 Jan 10
Personally i think there must be because the universe is so MASSIVE! People sometimes say there is no chance that everything that makes it possible for life here on earth just happened, e.g. its not too hot, its not too cold. But i mean there are millions of different planets, surely there must be livable conditions on at least a few :D i hope there is life on other planets. Would certainly make things interesting. I wonder how religious people would react.
@washingtonmark (367)
• United States
13 Jan 10
I agree that there is life on other planets outside of our solar system, but I highly doubt there is anything as smart and advanced as humans.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
14 Jan 10
They don't have to be more technologically advanced than we are to be out there somewhere. We are not all that technologically advanced either hopping back and forth between our moon and earth and sending out unmanned probed and telescopes to the other planets. There is little or nothing known about most of the planets that we have located that are outside of our solar system. Alien life forms in other parts of the galaxy may question whether or not we exist or not. It appears as though we haven't developed interstellar travel capabilities and it is possible that neither have the other life forms in other parts of the galaxy. The galaxy holds an infinite number of stars with planets in close enough orbit to sustain life. Just because we claim there are only a handful of planets that are close enough to their stars to sustain life doesn't mean that creatures who require a different atmosphere and temperatures cannot live on any one of the planets out there. Even if their atmosphere is largely frozen water like Jupiter and Neptune. Thank you for responding to the discussion.
@fedoralinux (556)
• India
13 Jan 10
no way Mr Sharon there is no living things in planet, if u want to know, search any
website about that definitely you will get many information.
this is only know about the planet .
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
14 Jan 10
Firstly I am a Ms. Sharon e, secondly any website about life on other planets asks the same question I have posed to you. Everyone wonders if out there revolving around some alien star similar to our own there is life that has sprung up in the right circumstances just as we have. I didn't ask if there was life on other planets in our Solar system. I think you will have to ook far beyond out tiny little star system for life and that means a very very long trip to get either out there or back. It would take a 1 mile long ship with a speed measeured in miles per minute, or thousands of miles per second, 6 years or more to reach the boundary of our solar system and it would have to figure out how to get through the ort cloud out past Jupiter without being detroyed before we can even get out of our solar system. We don't have that tech yet and getting through a cloud of asteroids and space debris which is the ort cloud without being struck or crushed is impossible even if we could build the right ship to take us out of here on.
Check out some of the vids on about space, the solar system, the hubble telescope images of the universe, the sounds of the radio waves coming off of Jupiters rings, or what we have learned most recently about the 8 planets in our little tiny solar system. We know more than ever about the planets in our solar system than ever we did and still they wonder if there isn't some form of life on one of them that is unaware of us and takes a totally different form than we do.
@elizabeth3166 (1)
• Peru
25 May 10
im quite suere that there is life in other planets, the universe is so big that there is impossible that theres no exist life, we are not the only one in the universe, there are many powerful race than us!
by the way i found a website that give you prizes for your opinions, here is a topic about this:
@angadp (199)
• India
13 Jan 10
I definitely think there is life in the universe. Many facts and figures suggest the same. Also there have been many instances of spotting of UFOS. I know many must have faked them . But there must be 1% reality in it. Also if there can be twin people in the world then why can't be twin planets in the universe?
@janale6 (51)
14 Jan 10
ever since i had studied, professors on science always say that the EARTH is the ONLY "LIVING PLANET" existing.
earth has water, fire, air and land. as to other planets there are no elements which can sustain living things.
and in current news, the moon seems to be giving out water which they say, MAYBE, someday, we can live there. just maybe someday.