What are you gonna do if you find your bestfriend talking behind your back?

January 14, 2010 5:57am CST
I have a very bad experience about a friend of mine who used to be very very close to me. All the while I thought she is a true friend until I found out that she has been talking behind my back. I was hurt so bad because I was surprised that after all we've been though together she still managed to betray me. I did not understand why she did that when she can freely talk to me. It has been 2 years now and I still cannot forgive her. With that bad experience I find it hard now to put my trust to anyone. Sometimes I have a feeling of missing her but I will end up very sad after. Do you have the same experience or some story to tell? They said that your best friend could be your greatest enemy. Do you believe in this? I know I need to forgive her but it has been 2 years now and I am still not ready to make it up with her or do I need to totally forget her? She has been viewing my profile in one social networking site that I am in, and I am confused why is she doing that & what are her real intentions. I would love to hear your opinions.
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26 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
14 Jan 10
I know I need to forgive her but it has been 2 years now and I am still not ready to make it up with her or do I need to totally forget her? No I think you need to talk to her about it...You didnt say in your post whether or not you confronted her at the time and got HER version..I COULD be that the ppl who told yu this were either mistaken or didnt have the facts...IF you HAVENT ever talked to her about it then I think you need to and find out what she has to say... What would I do? I'd confront the person right away and get to the bottom of it then take it from there..
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• Philippines
15 Jan 10
I agree with Raven...You do need to talk to her and hear what she has to say. Sometimes, there are just people who might say the wrong words but has the right intentions. Your friend may have been misunderstood by the people she confided with. And maybe a thorough talk with her will give you the answers you seek. As to why she keeps checking your profile. You never know... maybe like you, she's also confused as to the way your friendship ended the way it did.
• Thailand
15 Jan 10
I did not confronted her because we are away from each other. She was in the other part of the globe when I found out. I sent her an email of everything I wanted to say and I did not get any response from her, she just stopped communicating with me, so to me she admits everything and she chose to be silent with her guilt feelings. She did not make any effort to explain her side, I waited for an explanation but nothing. I forgot to tell she did it already with her friend in the past but that's a different story (she won her close friend's boyfriend) but this did not make me dislike her as a friend because I do not easily judge people or measure my trust to anyone's past. I believe we all make mistakes in our lives. But anyway, thanks for everyone who replied in this discussion. I guess I will just leave it there for a while & let time decides...
@dreamnishu (1247)
• China
15 Jan 10
I believe if she is my best friend then she will never ever talk about me anything wrong behind me. Moreover if anybody say anything wrong about me in front me then she will prevent them to do this. But sometimes some people talk behind us cause they don't consider us as a friend. Otherwise they can't never do this. So my best friend can't be my greatest enemy. And about you, if the person say sorry to you and if she realize her mistake then you should forgive her.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
15 Jan 10
Hello daphneclix! Welcome to mylot family. It is a bit strange that you are carrying the grudge against your (so called) best friend for the last two years. You should try to forget her. She afterall was not your best friend, though you took her like it. Had she been your best friend, she would not have spoke against you behind your back. I would say that you should forget about her as a bad dream. Coming back to your precise question, if I land in similar situation, I would also feel bad, however, I would not hesitate to snap ties with my (so called) best friend, because he was unkind to me.
• India
15 Jan 10
I know about the best friends. If he is goinng to talk on me behind me, then I will ask my friend to talk to me and find where I had gone wrong. I will rectify it and make it smooth relationship and try to avoid misbehaving with anyone who has made me wrong
@esjosh (911)
• India
15 Jan 10
I will let her / him do what ever he / she is doing. Simultaneously I will pray to god that give me a chance, where in he/she have to come to me for some work. I will do his/her work. That may make him/her realize that what ever he/she was doing was wrong.
@masay7 (89)
• Gambia
15 Jan 10
This is crazy! I recommend you break all relations with this person. For me, a true friend knows 90% about me, ofcourse it cant be 100%. But, for a friend to talk behind your back. I think you can consider her to be a betrasyer
• Philippines
15 Jan 10
First of all,your name is familiar. Are you the one who have a own a website coming from Pinoy site. Please correct me if I am wrong. Secondly, I believe that your best friends is your worst enemy, because they know your weakness and they already know you, the things that can make you cry, that can make you hurt. It is more hurtful because when they had done something bad on you,because of the fact that you have been with them for years and you shared every even in life no matter how good or bad, and then it will happen that you will be like this, became enemy.It is hard to accept that the person whom you think will be sticking on you for life are those people that will be turning their backs on you. It happened to me before, and I was really hurt that if I can put a curse on her, I will do. But instead, I let bad karma goes on her. I already forgiven her and now I don't care what happened to her anymore. As you said, your friend is viewing your profile, maybe she miss you. She wants to know what is new in your life, because for her its been two years passed and maybe you already forget what happened and already forgiven her, but unfortunately you did not.
@mjmlagat (3170)
• Philippines
15 Jan 10
hello there! it's such a terrible thing to happen to think that the person is your bestfriend. anyway we really cannot control attitudes of people no matter how close we are with each other so what i'd do is to lay-low with the friendship and let her know later that you're aware of what she did. good luck!
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
15 Jan 10
For me as of now i don't have a friend like that I hate that kind of friend if my friend do that in me I erased that in my friend lest because I don't like to be friend.
• Philippines
15 Jan 10
Its really not easy to trust everything to one person so called bestfriend, but every person needs somebody whom u can tell everything so ur weights will be light. its not easy to forgive, but we should give those who wronged us a chance, but... of course, it doesnt mean u will be that open to them again. she maybe missing ur company too that's why she's visiting ur profile. try to talk to her again, and know what she wants from u.
@magtibaygom (4856)
• Philippines
15 Jan 10
I'll talk with that "bestfriend" to find out why he or she is doing that to me...
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
15 Jan 10
hi daphneclix! have you try to know why she do that to you? yes its really hard to give trust. especially that every person nowadays have their own intentions maybe good or not. we really dont know. as for your old or ex-friend, i believe all wounds can be healed in time. its been 2 years and i think you should moved on. you may forgive her but does not mean you will have to regain your friendship. its like letting go of the past so you can learn to trust again. do not be afraid to make friends again because i know you will find one or two or three who will you cherish for the rest of your life..
@samire (54)
• China
15 Jan 10
daphneclix,In fact,you should be a good talk with your friends,why,when she say youare not here,is it that her character or what happened between you,she are not satisfied with you,but she is sorry to say in front of your face.A dood talk with her once,in the end to see what is the reason.
@janale6 (51)
15 Jan 10
talk with her one on one. ask her why she had done it. and tell her why didnt you tell it to me straight instead others have to know. and make sure both of you are calm. dont let your emotions overcome the situation because it might ruin your friendship.
• Philippines
15 Jan 10
hello daphneclix, that's very sad to hear but not surprising. friends doesn't really show an assurance that a friend can be loyal to you at all time. one thing i believe that people can change, they are like this now and then change in the future, then betray you when they feel the friendship is no longer worth it or they just want to say something bad to you at other people.. i had the same experience but luckily a real friend told me about it.
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
15 Jan 10
If you have talked to her sooner you could have move on and avoided the pain that you are still experiencing through these years. It's true and confronting someone is easier said than done but what you find out is already hurtful enough. But it's never too late, if you really want to move on you can reach out to her and tell her everything that you want to tell her. You may never regain the same friendship that you had but unloading something that you kept within for two years is a relief. I'm sure your friend also feels the same but she's just too ashame to make the first move. Cheers!
• United States
15 Jan 10
If a friend of mine was talking behind my back I would have to avoid her and have nothing to do with her in any way ever again. You see when someone talks badly about you behind your back then they really arent your friend to begin with and well they have nothing better to do since they feel so badly about themselves they need that boost to make others feel bad as well about themselves. Or perhaps she had friends who did the sane to her.
@tangurama (204)
• Canada
15 Jan 10
If a best friend of mine was talking behind my back, I would confront them almost immediately. I'll most likely be furious at this point, but I'll try to control my anger and have a private discussion with him/her. I do believe that your best friend could become your greatest enemy because they know all your strengths and weaknesses, which they could use to empower you. I feel that you're friend regrets doing what she did and wants you to forgive her. She probably wasn't thinking when she made that mistake, but then again, if she was really your friend she shouldn't have done it in the first place. I hope this experience won't impact your life too much. You still have a long road ahead of you and I'm sure you'll know who your true friend is when he/she appears. T
• United States
15 Jan 10
It is hard for anyone to gain my trust that way. I am always very careful about it. they say your enemies know you best; so yes, your best friends CAN be your worst enemies. Dont let her know you miss her, you can be stronget than that, she should be missing you since you actually did your part in the friendship. Dont forget her, you can always cherish memories. She probably misses you and watns to know if you miss her. Probably no one else has been such a good friend to her as you have been. If she wants to be frinds again, and if you're ready to forgive her, do what you feel is best. But you gotta let her know thatthings cant be the same anymore once she did that to you. You are more valuable than that, and its HER who wants YOu.
• Puerto Rico
15 Jan 10
A friend that talks behind your back is not worthy of such title. It's a hard and very sad situation, because you are betrayed by someone that is very close to you. After something like that, it's kind of hard, not only to regain trust on that person, but to regain trust on people in general. All I can tell you is to forgive, but not forget. Forgive, so you can heal, and go on. But don't forget, so you can be more alert. That way, it won't happen to you again.