A New Diet For Me.

@thorgrym (675)
United States
January 14, 2010 8:25am CST
With the turn of the year, though I don't normally declare a New Year's resolution, this was a little different for me. I decided that, this year, I wanted to work towards being symptom-free. I determined a couple of things that I could do to try to help towards that goal. A friend of mine suggested that I look into The Maker's Diet as another way to help. I ordered the book to review the why's and the how's and for the last week, I have been following the guidelines for The Maker's Diet. One thing that is interesting with this diet is that it flies in the face of most of the relatively recent nutritional guidelines. For one thing, it is not a low-fat diet. It isn't even primarily a weight-loss diet (though many that follow it do lose weight). Has anyone here on myLot had any experience with The Maker's Diet? Did you like it or dislike it and why? Are you currently following any other diet like South Beach, Atkin's, Zone, etc.?
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2 responses
@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
14 Jan 10
I do not diet. I need to move more, and eat more consciously or mindlfully. I have heard a little about the Maker's Diet, but not a lot. Let us know how this works for you, and what you notice. Which symptoms are you trying to eradicate?
@thorgrym (675)
• United States
14 Jan 10
I Was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, though I am not sold on it. Either way, I have had several symptoms that could be indicative of MS among other disorders including vitamin B12 deficiency. Whatever the cause, I am trying to make changes that would not only be healthier but might also reduce or completely remove my symptoms. Personally, I hate the word diet because it has such negative connotations associated with it. However, a diet is simply what we normally feed ourselves. The standard American diet is woefully unhealthy as evidenced by the relatively poor health and high obesity rate in this country. As such, I am making a change away from the standard.
2 people like this
• United States
15 Jan 10
The proper term for nutrition is the word diet, a diet only refers to a term that deals with nutrition - and how this relates to daily nutrition. I personally use a juicer and fast on a regular basis to purge impurities from my body. I also use the "Back To Eden" herb book, and incorporate proper nutrition for good overall health.
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
15 Jan 10
I've been using my juicer lately too. I love it.
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
15 Jan 10
You know I didn't put two and two together until I read your discussion here. I think I have the book . . . time to blow off the dust in my library. My best success was the Prism diet (also Biblically based)but finances won't let me continue. I still do best when I take the sugar out of my diet.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
15 Jan 10
From the looks of this discussion, I should get my juicer out and use it as well.
@thorgrym (675)
• United States
15 Jan 10
I am loving it, so far, and it only looks to get better. I am excited about the focus on 'greener' food choices - local, fresh, etc. If you think you might want to start on it, let me know and we can bounce stories - what works, what doesn't - off of each other. I have never heard of the Prism diet. What about it makes it expensive? I know that grass-fed beef and poultry can be almost twice the cost of standard options, so that follows with the Maker's diet as well. Fortunately, there are several other foods that are more affordable than the stuff we usually buy.