computer geeks fail at life

@xmlukax (231)
January 14, 2010 12:46pm CST
what do you think abaut all those computer game geeks that play wow or smthing else almost every hour of their life. i think that spending time in a virtual world is a waste of time and money. i have a few friends who geek everyday and they are inviting me to play wow with them. i realy dont know why do they seem so interested in playing virtual games. it is just dreaming and dreaming is waste of life. the only job you can get from geeking is computer game tester but i guess that job is already full :P so yea im not one of those computer geeks but if im on my computer i am sometimes on mylot but usualy i am making some pictures on photoshop
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10 responses
14 Jan 10
I wouldn't really call Bill Gates a failure or Steve Jobs the co-founder of Apple one aither and these are guys who geeked out on old computers yet made something out of doing it. Though I can see your view point and many people do spend an inordinate amount of time playing these games and other than escaping from reality get nothing out of them, such as a career. But there will always be the few who do use their time geeking to their benefit. Using myself as an example I was a teenager in the 80s and use to play about on those computers now considered museum pieces, playing those old games late into to the night. Where did it lead me, well I had a successful career in IT ending up as a website manager for several companies. That all came from my geeking in my teenage years.
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@lizardgod (443)
• United States
14 Jan 10
You can make a living doing nothing but playing computer games. I used to, it was a lot of work and took a lot of time but it was getting paid and making a living doing nothing but playing games and being good at it. As for just playing because, I know several people who do it. A buddy of mine and his wife play a lot and that is sort of their together time. They play together and work together at their charecters. They both enjoy the game and it gives them something in common to do. Also if you look at it on the entertainment value angle. DSL connection is like 40 bucks a month or so and the games subscription costs are like 15 bucks so 55 bucks a month for entertainment. That is less than a lot of other things that people do and I bet you don't get the amount of time out of other things as well.
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• United States
15 Jan 10
I think that plenty of times the people who play on wow or any other virtual game [especially when meeting people online] are socially akward. The only way they really know how to communicate with anyone is in a virtual world, which is not reality. I am not downing games or gamers because my boyfriend is a huge gamer, but there is a time and a place and moderation is key. When a game starts overrunning your life [if that is even a word] and people become pawns, it is time to put the contoller and headset down and back away from the computer.. As for being a waste of time and money. Yes and no. Yes, it IS a waste of money, you could be paying bills, feeding family, etc. But, what ISNT a waste of money these days? We all have our thing. Some smoke, some drink, others game.
• India
15 Jan 10
Some people play games a lot. If they want to make career in this industry than it's good because gaming industry is a booming industry. But many guys play video games just to run from their studies that is really bad. They end up a nothing. As u said u like doing photoshop, it is also a good career path. you can go in the field of animation.
• India
15 Jan 10
hi! yes it is wastage of time by playing games but it is up to their interest and it is their life we are no one to say them anything and they know better how to lead their life. I also play games sometimes when i am getting bored but not addicted like other who keep on playing all day and night and waste their previous time of life which they can spend in real life...they waste in front of their stupid games but some games are nice as well which teaches you about strategy and other tasks.
15 Jan 10
I think that if you play games for 10 hours a day 7 days a week then you are wasting your life. there are so many other things in this world other than games and TV, thanks
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
15 Jan 10
I don't think I'd go so far as to say they fail at life. Of course you'll have those that are just on the computer 24/7 and that I think is unhealthy but most people that I know just have computer games for entertainment. It's just a pasttime that they enjoy. It is no different than time spent playing cards or monopoly or some other such game. I don't know too many people who spend all their waking moments playing computer games.
@jambi462 (4576)
• United States
15 Jan 10
I'm sorry friend but you need to stop allowing the material world to suck you in. If you honestly think that dreams are a waste of money and time then you are being sucked in by this physical reality. Will any of the time you have spent or the money you have earned matter when you die? I seriously doubt it. Even though gamers live in a virtually reality at least they are happy. That should be our goal not how much money we can earn. Also how is making pictures on photoshop better then gaming or anything else better then gaming in the matter. I also suggest you reconsider your position on dreaming because I assure you it is not a waste of life. I don't want to live in a world without dreams.
• Estonia
14 Jan 10
I also play computer games sometimes, when I've got nothing better to do. I can't say I'm a geek, cause I don't spend unreasonable amounts of time playing these games. I think that people who live in a virtual world get somehow distant from the real life, they are used to communicating through Messenger and when it comes to talking in real situations, they aren't so good at expressing their feelings without those smiley's and stuff.
@Gladi472 (82)
• Romania
14 Jan 10
Playin' computer games doesn't make you a geek, it makes you a no-lifer or a waste of space... reading complex engeneering manuals every day ,now that makes you a geek.