do you frequently check back for replies to your responses??

@shav9292 (928)
January 15, 2010 11:48am CST
i do and i expect the discussion owners to post replies to responses they get...mostly i get dissapointed because many dont really care.i dont blame them because even i dont reply to all the posts.but just an expectation,what about you??
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10 responses
• United States
15 Jan 10
If I am really wrapped up in a discussion, I will frequently check back to see if the started has replied back to me. Sometimes I check because of boredom. There are times, though when I do not check. As for replying to a discussion. It can be VERY difficult to reply to each and every person. I have had 5 discussions going at a time and they were all hot topics catching 3 and 4 [or more] pages of responses each. I want to give replies to people who really took time to comment my posts and seem to have something valuable to share not a "hey nice post, happy mylotting" and when you have so many posts and constantely new ones coming up, it is almost impossible to keep up if you are replying and not just saying "thanks for responding." But I try, I like people to like my posts and want to engage in conversation :)
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@shav9292 (928)
• India
15 Jan 10
yeah i agree with you,we have to give priority to people who really wanna say something. yes keeping up with huge number of posts is nearly impossible.the only reply would be thanks for the way thanks for responding!!!
• United States
15 Jan 10
indeed. Sometimes, when people do not contribute much to the conversation such as a "great discussion I feel the same way" I either do not bother and comment or shoot them a "thanks!" lol. I feel like if I am spending time thoughtfully to comment their response back, I would like to have something to say to them. It is hard talking to a blank wall. :P
• United States
16 Jan 10
when i have time i try to reply to everyone.. when i was on here alot i was able to but since i dont get on as much it takes awhile to get back to them or if like on a recent one where i got over 100 replies it was impossible for me to reply to everyone but i do at least rate people so they get credit for replying
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@shav9292 (928)
• India
17 Jan 10
yes the least we can do to appreciate them is by rating...but i cant imagine rating a hundred responses lol...way out of my league thou. take care !!!!
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
15 Jan 10
After posting discussions our obligations doesn't come to a full stop. Replies to all responses should follow. I have made it a habit to reply to all my responders. It is only fair that we reply to them as they took their time responding to our discussions.
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@shav9292 (928)
• India
15 Jan 10
thats what iam talking about!!!thats the true mylot spirit :D it feels good to see replies to your responses just like having responses to discussions. hardcore mylotter...rock on!!!!!!! :)
15 Jan 10
I regularly check back on discussions I have started although not all responses necessarily require responding too. As for other people's discussions I often revisit some of them which I have contributed to especially if an ongoing discussion or debate is forming which interests me.
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@shav9292 (928)
• India
15 Jan 10 must always reply to people who really get involved.not neccessary for other responses.thanks for reply!!!
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
15 Jan 10
On occasion I make check out something to see if my reply has been responded to. Most of the times, when I post on a discussion, I normally go to the next one and really do not give it that much thought. It does not matter to me whether or not people respond to my replies. Chances are, I am not going to check back, except on a very rare occasion.
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@arystine (1273)
• Philippines
19 Jan 10
Yes, I check if there are replies to my responses. I like to know what they think about my response. I am most especially flattered if someone marks me as best response. :-)
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
18 Jan 10
I will make sure i check back to my started post to respond back to those whom had replied to me.. haha =D I can afford to do it, because i dun start much discussions, and in the past, i only have got a handful of responses.. lol =D But now, i do have a regular respondent who is very much active in most of my old posts, and thus without fail, i will be back whenever i'm in mylot.. hehe
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
15 Jan 10
I really don't have to check as I have my notifiers on, so I get them in my email, and I always have my email open so I read them then. Even when I start my own discussion, then I also get emails on those as well. It really does help to have notifiers on as sometimes I get so busy doing other things that I wouldn't have time to check the responses or comments. The ones don't reply are only hurting themselves as they only get paid for what they do, and not what others do. Good luck to you and happy mylotting.
• United States
16 Jan 10
I try to reply to every response that I get. It is the nice thing to do. Even if it is only about 3 lines long on my response to them. I just figure that way I can make them know, that I care about the fact that I got a response, It also makes the responder feel like I care. What really ticks me off though is the members that ask for your opinion, you give it and months later you don't even know if they read it or not because there was no reply back.
• China
16 Jan 10
Hi,shav9292.I expect the reply too.Eveytime I response a discussion, and I give my views on the topic.I expect the owner post the reply so that I can know he had read my words.From the reply I feel that what I said has a little value.Because I spend a lot time on searching the topic I interested in.
@shav9292 (928)
• India
16 Jan 10
this is exactly what im talking about...couldnt have sid better myself. a best response to you!!!! have a nice day!!!
• China
17 Jan 10
Thank you very much,shav9292.I always feel that my words are fails to express the meaning before and my English is so poor. You gave me a great deal of confidence.
@shav9292 (928)
• India
17 Jan 10
no problem,besides you deserve it totally,have a nice day !!!!!!!! :)