Is it fair for some states to get special treatment for healthcare reform?

United States
January 15, 2010 2:29pm CST
As President Obama continues to push as hard as he can to get his healthcare bill passed, do you think it is fair that some states are getting special deals and/or payouts in exchange for a yes vote for Obama's ludicrous healthcare bill? Furthermore, do you feel that these backroom deals are constitutional? Are you angered by the the lack of transparency and bipartisinship that Obama campaigned vigourously on?
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4 responses
@masay7 (89)
• Gambia
16 Jan 10
You see the insurance bill is such a contentious issue that, as any point someone or some institutions will felt hard done by. So be they states or individuals it cant be so wuitable....
@laglen (19759)
• United States
16 Jan 10
I know this is not right. No matter what party is doing it. Whether Republican or Democrat, bribing for votes is illegal. Regarding the transparency, I think the biggest issue is that Obama promised this - not once, not twice but about eight times! I dont understand how people can wrap their minds around this hypocrisy. I am so sick of hearing - well do you really think no Republicans have ever done this? Holy crap! If I tried that in my job, the response would be - do you see that person here collecting a paycheck? Just because somebody else did it does not make it right. Who will finally step up and be above this juvenile behavior?
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
15 Jan 10
No it is not. But that is how the Democrats do business and have for a long time. The Republicans also do such things on occasion but to a lesser extent. This particular congress and administration are run amuck in these kinds of deals. Most of Obama's appointees, are would be appointees, were play for pay types or tax cheats or both which shows how much he approves of such things.
• United States
15 Jan 10
You better believe it is unfair and not right.Buying votes is illegal. It is also unfair the the Unions got to meet with the president and get themselves absolved of paying the new healthcare tax. Yep you heard me right.....union employees will not have to pay the 40% federal tax on their "premium" healthcare plans. Federal employees won't. State employee won't. Union employees won't. The rest of us will. How fair is that? You know why that is? Because the average joe who is not in a union can not afford to buy a lobbyist to pay off washington to get what they want. So therefore we get screwed. As for the lack of transparency......This president and Congress have done the same exact things they spent the whole campaign trail screaming against about the Bush Admin. There has not been anymore "transparacy". In fact they have done just about everything they can to try and cut the american public OUT of the process. Deciding on bills behind closed doors and then rushing to vote BEFORE most them much less the public have had a chance to read them and decide what they think about it. As for being bipartian.....good luck with that one. Neither side knows what word means. They just use it to get votes in an election year and then promptly forget about it once elected.