If we were at war and everyone was drafted, would you be able to kill?

United Kingdom
January 16, 2010 5:39am CST
It seems that this century has known nothing but war and conflict and no doubt war will continue to be an issue in the future. God forbid, if we experienced another world war, how would you react to this? If everyone had to be drafted and enlisted in the forces what would your thoughts be if you were faced with one to one combat with an enemy soldier? Would you be able to kill? Would you be able to take a life? Murder! Killing! It's all horrible, it's all bad! However, during war would you be able to do this! I'm guessing that there would be no choice and you would have to, if would be you or them! Just curious!Andrew
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8 responses
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
13 Mar 10
Personally as a Christian, I feel that if worst came down to worst and there was another World War, then this would be the end. I know that Wars are predicted and it would be almost every man for themself, but at the same time I cannot imagine really having to be out there killing people unless I knew my life was endangered in some way as well. But for gentlemen especially out there, this is a Good thing to ponder about for sure.
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• United Kingdom
13 Mar 10
Yes, this would be a very tough decision to make when placed under those circumstances. Still, I'm glad that we are at peace, well apart from Afghanistan and Iraq and places like that. I guess it's good to reflect on these things and ask the big what if questions! Thanks for your thoughts. Andrew
• Estonia
19 Feb 10
I am kind of a patriot of my home country, so I think I would go into a fight for liberty. I am still quite young, so I am surely not prepared for killing a human being. Anyway, I think it would be easier to take somebodys life in the battle knowing that it's the only choice you have. Nowadays the battles are very different from what they used to be hundreds of years ago. Killing somebody isn't so personal anymore, you just shoot the people from the distance, you don't even get an eye contact with the person you are trying to kill. But exceptions also occur, so sometimes you would have to kill a man from close range, you'll see the person you're going to take life from and that's how it gets personal. I don't support killing, any type of violence, but it seems that it will still haunt the world for a long time.
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• United Kingdom
25 Feb 10
That's quite a good conclusion. I guess none of us really knows how we will react in a situation like that but given the choice I would have to take a life or suffer the consequences of losing my own. The way you describe it, this makes it sound very difficult and hard to do in those circumstances. I hope I never have to face a situation like that. Thanks for your thoughts on this. Andrew
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
19 Jan 10
I couldn't do it. I couldn't run away either...I have enough trouble trying to walk these days. Maybe they would find me a desk job? War is so pointless. When will people learn to just accept each others differences and stay on their own side of the fence...or else, sit down and work things out...not that that would be possible but people could agree to disagree. It's much more civilised.
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• United Kingdom
20 Jan 10
I like that approach! It would be nice if the world could live in peace, everyone would be so much happier I think! Still, if I was drafted I suppose I would have to do my duty for queen and country. Andrew
@sweetie1026 (1718)
• Philippines
18 Jan 10
Yes, if i had a choice it would be me or the enemy and i am sure that anyone would make the same choice. But i would rather that there will be no war at all. It is so scary to think of another world war happening. I think if ever there will be one, then maybe there will be no combat battle, because of the technology we have now.
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• United Kingdom
18 Jan 10
Another war would be absolute disaster! I wouldn't hesitate in calling it a potential end of world scenario! This is a tough choice that would have to be made by every individual! I don't think I would be able to cope although placed under those circumstances things might be very different. I wish this world could learn to live in peace! Will there every be peace in the world? Andrew
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
31 Jan 10
Hi Andrew, this is a very thought provoking question.Persoanally, I am not able to watch violence on screen . I hate any kind of violence, so much so that I have never ever hit or spanked my children even when I was very angry with them.I would give vent to my anger by screaming at them lol, so, I would find it very difficult to handle this situation.But we all have self defence instincts and when we are desperate we are capable of doing things we never imagined we could, so, I guess I'd try my best to take care of myself...All the best
• United Kingdom
31 Jan 10
Yes, this is a very difficult thing to think about I suppose. I would not want to become involved in any kind of war scenario. There's enough literature on the subject of war now to inform us that war is truly horrific. If I was placed in those circumstances though then I'm thinking that there would be the support of your soldier colleagues and this possibly would make things that much easier. Anyway, here's to peace rather than war! Andrew
@nautilus33 (1827)
16 Jan 10
HI! If my country is at war and I must go fight for it, I think I will be able to kill, because if I don't then I or even worse some other will be killed from the enemy! I think every one, who has no choice will do the same thing, just because that is our instinct of self-preservation. You can not fight against your nature, maybe we are reasonable creature, but from inside we are animals, we are hunters!
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• United Kingdom
17 Jan 10
Yes, I'm sure that we all still have an animal instinct deep inside ourselves. I don't know what war is like although I have read quite a few books on the second world war and there is nothing but pain, heartache, anxiety and everything that goes with that. I hope that we don't go through another world war as things would be very different I think! Andrew
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
16 Jan 10
Hi Andrew, I'm thinking that, as you say there would be no choice, but the very thought is hideous to me. I despise war and killing and would probable go to prison rather then face the draft. Mankind has been on the earth for millions of years and it seems we have learned nothing when it comes to how to deal with our fellow humans. I have seen religions agree with war and it sickens me to the core. Even within Christianity, God is often portrayed as a warrior or at least as agreeing with war and is the reason we have not moved beyond the caveman days in this way of thinking. Sorry for the rant. Blessings.
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• United Kingdom
17 Jan 10
That's ok! I don't think anyone really loves war, this really is the worst thing that can take place! However, I guess some drastic decisions would have to be made by each individual when placed in that situation. The world is ongoing and, as you say, nothing has been learnt in terms of peace and reconciliation! I tried to join the forces myself but was rejected due to my having asthma. Andrew
@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
16 Jan 10
Only if it entailed shooting Barack Obama, all the other politicians, half of the Senate and half of Congress! LOL! Purrs, Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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• United Kingdom
17 Jan 10
Well, those guys may prove useful were there to be another global war! However, I will take your word for it that the world would probably be a much better place without them! I hope that we don't go down the road of having another world war as it would be truly catastrophic! We are talking about nuclear weapons now and I'm sure that if someone decided to press the magic button then the human race would no longer continue to exist! Andrew