To become a developed country, what are your part and responsibilities?

@aevans (255)
January 16, 2010 6:58am CST
To become a developed country, it is crucial that the government will need to have a well-planned strategy for the country development. However, the implementation of government plan will not be successful unless the citizens willing to support and work together to move forward. So, to become a developed country, what will be the part or responsibilities for a citizen?
4 responses
• China
16 Jan 10
Hello,aevans.To a developed country,techonolgy is essential.A developing country should rely on science and education to rejuvenate the nation.So as a citizen,focusing on technology is of great importance.
@aevans (255)
• Malaysia
16 Jan 10
Hello nothing2009! Guess you are new to mylot, welcome! We are in the new era of technology and information. The government in my country found that is important for the citizens to equip with different kind of knowledge. Thus, there is a government program that having student exchange or sending students and with scholarship support for them to study at foreign country. It will take years from them study out there and come back for contribution to the nation. But some of them decided to start their career and stay at other country and not willing to come really hard to running a long term project and make them successfully..still it is very important for us.
@nautilus33 (1827)
16 Jan 10
HI, aevans! Yes, it is necessary that the government has a well-planed strategy for the country development! it is necessary that it has done all the requisite measures for its development! They also must have enough resources to make it happen. I mean f one country has a well-planed strategy, but not enough money, then the government will not reach its aims!
@aevans (255)
• Malaysia
16 Jan 10 will be very important for a developing country too. I think most people didn't do a proper measurement or assessment before they start a development project. People will tend to choose something that will bring more benefit but not to mention is it affordable for them to do that? When thing going half way and there is budget constraint, they just stop the project half way like that. Before earning money, we already waste a lot of money for nothing. Guess the leader in a country need to have a well-planned strategy to getting money or resource first. Then only it can be use for its citizens..such as improving the living standard or some infrastructure development. Anyway, thanks for your response.
@danitykane (3183)
• Philippines
16 Jan 10
hi aevans, I really do believe that changes starts within us. Countries progress depends on its community or people. No matter how wonderful a government's plan is, if people don't help out in order to reach a certain goal everything will be put into waste. Helping out doesn't necessarily mean that you'll do a huge task, but simple things like abiding law, being a good and responsible citizen and patronizing your countries products and services will do. Apart from that, I think a good citizen must serve as a good example for others.
• India
25 Jan 10
to develop every nation the citizens of that country must be educated, cultured and peace loving..