Drama at work
By katsmeow1213
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
United States
January 16, 2010 12:24pm CST
My husband has been having problems at work, to the point where he's actually contemplating quitting his job. He's been with this company for 5 years now, and actually loves the work he does, but some of his co-workers are just ruining it for him.
The Sales Manager is the main problem. She's a 20 year old with a severe attitude, and she treats everyone in the store like they're her doormats. She doesn't technically have any power over anyone in the store, but she seems to think she does. She orders the delivery boys around and tells them they have to answer to her. Since my husband has been in that store (1 year ago) she's made at least 5 delivery guys quit because they can't stand her attitude. She has actually told a few that she didn't like that she'd make them quit... and in the end it worked!
My husband is not a delivery guy... he is the Customer Accounts Manager, and acts as the GM whenever the GM is not there. Basically he and the Sales Manager are equals, same position but different departments (there are only 7 people in his store, the GM, 2 girls in sales, 2 guys in collections, and 2 delivery). But what she's doing is affecting him. She gives him the same attitude she gives the delivery boys, and he's getting fed up.
The worst part is the GM is protecting the Sales Manager. He keeps making excuses for her, or he'll tell my husband that he'll handle her, but then doesn't.
It all came to blows yesterday when one of the delivery guys got fed up and called their District Manager telling him exactly what's going on, and what the Sales Manager has said to him. After which the DM calls the GM, and my husband over hears the GM deny everything and actually turn it all around on the delivery guy, basically trying to get the delivery guy in trouble.
Although this is not his fight, my husband got involved anyways, and called the DM himself to explain that the delivery guy was telling the truth and the GM was lying to protect the Sales Manager.
He is just fed up with the fact that she gets away with whatever she wants, and the GM actually protects her. The GM has had people fired for trying to get her in trouble! (I'm wondering if maybe the GM is sleeping with her... although he's married and she's in a serious relationship). There was a delivery guy a few months ago who got fed up and called the DM as well about what the Sales Manager was doing, then the next day the GM fired him!
My husband doesn't know what to do now. He's sure the GM will retaliate on him for what he said to the District Manager (thankfully the GM does not have the power to fire my hubby). We're both certain that nothing will ever really be done about the Sales Manager, or the way the GM handles her. He wants to quit over this, but we all know that with the economy the way it is, it's not smart to quit a good job right now.
What are your thoughts on the situation?
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21 responses
@thedailyclick (3017)
16 Jan 10
Sadly that scenario is very common with bosses inflicting power over people in a manner which is unprofessional. As such, if your hubby quits he is just as likely to find the same situation in another place, that is if he gets another job considering the current economic climate.
Although it's not nice for him he is better of staying where he is as although work will no doubt be unpleasant at times he has more job security because the GM can't sack him and he knows what he is doing there. Also by bringing it to the attention of the DM the situation will, or at least should be watched more closely by those in overall power and so maybe this sales manager will be forced into another position at a different store if it continues.
What would be a compromise and a good one at that, is if your hubby really wants to leave then he should try to secure another job first rather than just quitting. Which I am sure will have crossed your minds already.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Jan 10
He is just starting to look at other opportunities... but he'd have to find something that paid just as well with just as many or fewer hours, which is really hard to find. I don't think he will quit, but if he gets mad enough one day he will. Yesterday was pretty close.
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@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
16 Jan 10
I don't know if you have read my discussion on "Personality Colors."
But, this lady sounds like a Red. Always wanting to be in charge, and it seems to me like she has something over the boss, whether she has slept with them, or saw him with someone else, or some other thing. That part of it doesn't really have anything to do with her being a red personality.
So why, is her being a Red personality important. It is very easy to "convince" a red to behave how you like, get to their ego, and get them to do things that they don't even like to do.
Compliment, Compliment, Challenge.
You are a really great SM, and you really improve the productivity of the business, but I bet you wouldn't be able to make everyone in the office smile at least once a day. Or something to that effect, show this to your husband, and see if can't think of a way try it out with this person.
On a side note, working in an office is very stressful, you have to conform to your bosses demands. But some people have found a way to bring home a pay check with out leaving their house.
Much Love and Appreciation.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Jan 10
My hubby and I are not the type of people who can compliment someone we dislike that much! He'd been just tolerating her, which I think made things worse, it showed her she could continue to act however she pleased. Now whenever she gives him an attitude he shoots it right back, and normally she'll leave him alone after that. The problem is this is changing his whole disposition and now he's giving me more attitude than he ever used to. He's forgetting to leave his work drama at the door.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Now that the DM is aware it may change things... time will tell.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
17 Jan 10
He needs to unit everyone at his job, and get them together to complain about her. If he gets everyone together to complain about her, the people who hired her will take notice, and they will fire her. She does not have the right to treat people like that, and she should be fired for it. No one at his place of work has to take that kind of treatment from her. Tell your husband to get everyone that he knows to complain about her. Several employees against one. Think about it.
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
17 Jan 10
If that is the case, then, I hate to say this, but your husband may want to quit. I say this because she has three people on her side and they are not going to get rid of her. If it is this bad for your husband, then he should go somewhere else if he can. By staying and putting up with it, he is saying that he tolerates her behavior, but by leaving he is saying that he does not.
That is the problem with us human beings sometimes is that we will put up with abuse for the pay or so we can still have a job and provide for our families, but we become bitter, unhappy and we start to take it out on others. Your husband is really going to hate his job if he sticks around.
These people are not going to fire this girl, that is clear, they will not fire her until it is too late. If she is 20 years old and she is acting like this, imagine how she will be when she is older? She is doing what she is doing because she can, and is, getting away with it all.
She has her friends and her people, and she will not make friends with anyone else. She isn't looking for anyone to like her. She is going to continue doing what she does and she will not change.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
18 Jan 10
The DM is going to be there tomorrow when the GM has a day off, so we'll see what happens. The DM is the only one with the power to fire the SM... but I don't think it's severe enough to fire her. Maybe just being told by the DM that what she's doing is wrong will be enough to make her stop. Hubby has decided he won't put up with her BS anymore, and he gives it right back to her. That might help too.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
17 Jan 10
There are only 7 people in the store. 2 of them are brand new, not even there a month. One of them is her assistant and also her best friend. One is the GM who's on her side. The other 2 are my hubby and the delivery guy, who've already complained about her. Basically they are outnumbered.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Hi Katsmeow,
The last line in your discussion sums it up. It really is not smart to quit a good job right now. It isn't even smart to quit a lousy job right now unless you have something better lined up. They are hard to come by.
If I were your hubby, I'd put on blinders and earplugs and go in and do my job the best that I can and remove myself entirely from all this drama. Maybe he could quietly tell all the people that quit due to this SM to call the DM and tell their story. Eventually the DM will see a pattern. It does actually sound as if the GM and the SM may have something going on. Either that or he has some sort of crush on her. I don't know but your hubby really has to bow out of this or he'll be the next one to walk out or get fired.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
17 Jan 10
That's really hard to do. It's a small store with only 7 employees, and only 1 office which they all share. He's never able to get away from her, and she snaps at everyone, including him.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Well, your husband has to make a concrete decision. The problem right now is, he's waffling around. He's kinda doing this, but kinda not, but kinda thinking about quitting, but kinda not. The stress and annoyance from the situation is building on him because he hasn't made a hard line stance.
So here is the bottom line. You have three choices:
Option 1.
Determine this isn't your problem, and you love your job. What happens between Queen Witch(QW) and the GM, isn't your deal, and to ignore it and her, and just do your job and enjoy it.
So when QW comes around with her attitude, you flat out ignore her. Just ignore her, and enjoy your day. You make a willful choice to not allow some dipwad person ruin your job, and ignore her. (this takes real courage and ability)
Option 2.
At the risk of retaliation, try and keep the job while going through the rough experience of escalating the problem to higher management. This means reporting her behavior on a regular basis, with the understanding that there could be repercussions that could possibly cost him his job.
This is the idea that "right" is worth fighting for. You stand up and take action, knowing you could face some consequences for it. The soldier in the battle marches off to war, knowing he's doing what is right and needs to be done, but also knowing he could take a shot for doing it.
Option 3.
You determine that life is too short, and putting up with this garbage is not worth it. You've got better things to do than deal with some QW scum bag who's ruining everyone's job. You've got experience, skills, abilities, and someone out there might even pay you more for what you are able to do.
So you put on a nice happy face, polish up your resume, and start applying for positions. You do NOT quit until you have another job. At your current company, you pretend like you couldn't be happier to hear Queen rant go off about some spec of dust in the corner, while at home, you are checking the help wanted, the MonsterJobs.com, and all the other companies in the area. Eventually, he will find something, and you just put up with QW until that day.
Now the key in all those is, there is no 'right' or 'wrong' answer. There is absolutely nothing wrong with option 1, and just saying forget her, I love my job. What happens is too bad for them. There in nothing wrong with, option three and saying "hey life is too short for this", and bailing out. And of course there is nothing wrong with grabbing your weapon, and marching into battle, to stand up for what is right.
There are just a few things you should know. Option 2 can be far more costly than you ever expect. You need to be prepared. Prepared not only to take the heat, but to even lose your job. Or even if that isn't the case, be prepared for long term consequences. Negative reviews. Loss of promotions. Having rumors spread about you. You'll have to over come those things.
Also on option 3, you need to put the best possible face forward at work, even to the people that are driving you crazy. Your ability to leave that job with the most people thinking well of you, can be crucial for later employment. Also, you'll need to tough it out as best you can until you find another job.
One of the key things recruiters say about job interviews, is they can instantly tell the difference between someone who is already employed but looking for a move up, and someone whose unemployed and desperate. Someone who does have a pay check coming in, comes across totally different than someone who is thinking about all the bills they have at home, on the way to the interview. "Desperate" is not a positive quality in recruitment.
Now once your husband makes up his mind, which of these three options he intends to go for, a ton of the pressure and stress will disappear. If you know you are on your way out, you can put up with crazy QW girl for just a while longer. If you know you are going to fight in a royal battle, you can deal with writing down everything she does to send it in. If you know that your job is worth it, and some whiny little 20 year old dip isn't going to ruin your day, you won't let her.
But if you are bouncing around, thinking oh maybe I should, well I really don't want to but, I just think that oh... I don't know. That will build up in your system until you explode. Then you'll end up doing something really stupid. Like quitting your job after cussing out the queen witch, and sending a 15 page memo to everyone in management about how much you hate her guts. Now you don't have a job, you haven't even started the process of looking, you ruined your reputation at the old company, and you alienated everyone who might have vouched for you. Plus, you gave the girl exactly what she wants. Management will think, well after what he did, we can't trust his word about how horrible QW is.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
17 Jan 10
That doesn't really describe my husband at all. He'd never do anything without thinking it through, and he's never in his life quit a job before having another lined up, he's just not that stupid. BTW- he has told off QW a few times... it does no good. She'll leave him alone for a little while, but a day or 2 later she's right back to being b*tchy.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
18 Jan 10
Well, if telling her off works for a few days, and he can do that without getting in trouble, then in my book problem solved. Every time she becomes QW, just tell her off. Do it consistently every single time she acts up, and go about your business.
I was assuming he didn't have that ability. Most places I work, if you tell someone off, you get into trouble for "acting unprofessional" even if the other was being a total jerk.
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@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
16 Jan 10
I am sorry if there is some younger girls in mylot. What i am going to say now, is not directed at you. First af all, your husband should make a point in letting the DM come to this store, without the GM knowing about it. He should be there to see what is happening. And that litle b*********. If i were your husband, i would keep a diary of when everyone either quit or get fired. I have to agree, i think that there is something going on between those two. Those young girls normally know what to use to get that sort of power and attention. If this doesn,t work, is there any way that he can ask for a transfer to another store. Believe me that litlle fox is not going to let go, they are the type who will keep at it, as long as they can, no matter what the consequnces.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Jan 10
He may look into a transfer in a few months, but the other stores are all further away. We can't do that right now because we only have 1 car and I need to drive him to work everyday.
@dolce_vita78 (8062)
• Philippines
16 Jan 10
Hello katsmeow1213!
What is going on in that organization is happening in other organizations as well. It is in fact happening in our organization too.
Since the GM does not have the power to fire your husband, there is really no reason to worry especially about staying in the organization. Unless, retaliation will come in a different form. If you know what I mean.
Does the DM have power to reprimand and fire the GM? If yes, then that is what should happen. Besides, the DM already knows what is going on in the organization.
But if your husband really likes to leave the organization, then he should first make sure he lands on something after.
Good luck and God Bless!
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
17 Jan 10
I'm not sure firing the GM is warranted in this situation. I would like to see the Sales Manager reprimanded. But this company treats a lot of employees with kid gloves until they do something serious to warrant being fired. My guess is this situation will not be addressed because nobody will think it's that serious.
@GreenMoo (11833)
17 Jan 10
It seems to me that if he quits, she wins.
How about putting something in writing to the District Manager, setting out his concerns. Or if he doesn´t want to take it that high, to the General Manager. Something in writing is far more difficult to ignore or twist and tends to be taken more seriously than a conversation.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
17 Jan 10
He has had numerous discussions with the GM, but of course it's being ignored because the GM is protecting the SM. The DM is coming to the store on Tuesday while the GM has the day off. He'll get a better idea of what's going on.
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@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
18 Jan 10
That's a crumby situation to be in and it always seems lose-lose with things like this. Maybe a change of scenery would be good for your husband - and you - but of course it has to be the right place, circumstance, wage etc. and that opportunity may not present itself for a while. So his choices are limited to gritting his teeth and dealing with it while looking for something new or trying to exact some change at his workplace regarding this little moo cow. I think it's great that he called the DM and set some things straight and it would be awesome if more people did that exact same thing. Maybe if he were to start hearing more of this kind of stuff he would start to put a little pressure on the GM and he would start to realize that she's more trouble than she's worth. Unless of course they ARE sleeping together, in which case there will be no getting through to him.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
19 Jan 10
There are only 7 people in his store. The GM and the CSR are both on the SM's side. 2 guys are too new to know much about it, or to be bothered by her, and the other 2 are my hubby and the delivery guy who called the DM. They're a bit outnumbered.
Right now my hubby is just working on making her miserable any way he can. His job is to collect, while hers is to sell. He's been collecting so much that it's bringing her numbers down. That's his new goal right now, make her look bad by doing his job too well. He was in a good mood this morning because she got yelled at because of her numbers.
The DM will be in their store tomorrow, hopefully that will help matters a little.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
21 Jan 10
Well I found out yesterday that the GM is stepping in on that too. When my husband returns a customer (collects the merchandise the customer isn't paying on) the GM will sometimes have him not enter it in the computer so it keeps the numbers even. The GM could lose his job for this, it's inventory fraud or something like that. Without actually coming out and saying it, hubby told the DM he should check out particular reports and sheets and things that would prove this inventory fraud.

@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
17 Jan 10
Well, first I do think that she is having it off with the boss. Secondly, your husband must stay put, be pleasant but firm around her. I would then advise that he keeps a diary at home and writes down anything she says or does that is not professional. It is important theat he maintains his cool at all times with the GM and anyone else - but write it down, This is so important as it is evidence if there dhould be a showdown or something with the DM. Good for yiur husband for standing up to this little witch!

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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
17 Jan 10
I'll tell him to start journaling everything about the GM and Sales Manager. Hopefully something will change soon now that the DM has been made aware.
@corrycrystal (1775)
• Malaysia
17 Jan 10
It seems that there's something going on between the GM and the SM because if not, why he keeps on defending her? It's so unfair and I think the first person who should be reported to the DM is the GM's misconduct of his authority. He's obviously being biased. Since your husband has told the DM about what the GM did, is there any action taken from the top management? The SM will always be in control because she knows that the GM will always protect and support her decisions. It's a bad situation for your husband indeed. So, I think it's best if your husband and all the workers could call on a meeting to voice out about this matter.
@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
20 Jan 10
I am sorry for what your husband is going through. To some extent my husband knows what you are going through. My husband works for a small radio station in town and things were going great at first. He was hired part-time for the first six months then when the boss who hired him was supposed to quit. The boss had quit without any notice and my husband had stepped up to the plate. He worked 12 hours a day and was not getting any overtime pay or a raise. This went for four months then the owner went behind my husband's back and hired someone else. My husband was furious. To make matters worse the guy who quit with no notice begged for his job back and the owner and his wife caved in and gave it back. The new guy that was hired left because he was going to be demoted and that would have meant firing my husband. Well, the guy who begged for his job back quit the second time, again no notice just up and left. My husband yet again filled in and then again a few months later the owner hired someone else. To make matters worse the owners younger son got married this past Saturday and the reception cost $45,000. The owner claims that the economy is bad and that there is no money in the budget for my husband to get a raise, but yet he can afford an expensive wedding.
My husband wants to quit as well, but can't. We need the money and I can not find work. If there is a way to make a full-time living online I would.
I wish your husband can quit because I can tell just by what you have wtitten that the stress is getting to the both of you and that in time it may affect his health.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
21 Jan 10
I don't think I'd be able to handle what your husband is going through. You should look into your state's labor laws, because it honestly does not sound legal to not pay him overtime. I understand the need to keep a job so you can keep a roof over your head and food on your table... but you have to think about the expense here, such as yours and his health and well being (mentally, physically, and emotionally). Something's gotta change for him.
@randylovesdar (4932)
• United States
21 Jan 10
It has not been easy. I am on the sub list and love it. Today I subbed for a third grade class and these kids were great. So eager to learn.
My husband would love to work anywhere else. His boss is an idiot. I am hoping that the job market will open up soon because it has been a struggle paying the bills and surviving. I am looking for ways to make money online to help make ends meet. I am looking for ways to make money by writing.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
17 Jan 10
I am so sorry your husband finds himself in this situation. In my experience women make the worsed managers but even worse than that are women who THINK they are managers. They try to make up for their insecurities by taking over EVERYTHING and riding rough-shod over EVERYBODY in the misguided belief that they are doing their job properly. If the General Manager IS sleeping with this woman I cannot see the relationship lasting very long and, believe me his Mrs WILL find out eventually if he is...then the sparks will fly! I reckon your hubby should lay low for a bit, not get involved with other disputes (even though it's tough not to) and ride out the storm. This 20 year old will soon be gone. Trust me! What your hubby must NOT do is resign. Then the floozy will have won, and we can't have that can we?

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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
17 Jan 10
This has already been going on for over a year, and it's not just affecting him just because he's getting in the middle... it's affecting him in other ways too. She'll give him her attitude first hand. It is worse on the delivery guys because she thinks she is their boss... and the one delivery guy is friends with my husband.
Time will tell I guess.
@detabb47 (1)
• United States
17 Jan 10
This is really a sticky situation. Your husband would be well advised to document every detail he can about anything he sees or hears, on the sly side. Also, is it possible for him to plant a mini recorder where the GM and this twit are alone together? Something is going on there, or it is at least brewing. If your husband can deal with 'her' with a blaze attitude, while he keeps his eyes and ears to the ground, he will come out ahead. If the situation turns ugly, and he is terminated, then he should go to the local Labor Board, tell them everything, and then sue the company for wrongful termination, and even sue the gal in question for contributing to the problem. She needs to go. Sounds like the GM has a little hot thing for her. This stuff happens everywhere, every day, but smart people can put it in the can where it belongs. Have him do some background checking on her. He could even suck up to her and gather information on the sly side that he can use to create his own profile on her. A little stuff from a former co worker where she came from can be a BIG help...............Good luck.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
15 Feb 10
Ummm..Yikes..sounds like drama queen city over at hubby's workplace and the one who starts it all is being protected to much and closely. He either knows the girls father or significant other very well and helps keep her job out of friendship or as you said he is getting a little side action going on..in which case they both should be fired because of it if it is he reason. I do hope the drama has calmed down since this post and the got something done about the ferocious dragon lady..and her knight in Armour..lol It is never a good idea to quit unless a job is already lined up in place. So has anything rolled back on hubby by the way I think that showed guts what he did and he was only doing right..which he should be rewarded for. The GM needs to stop protecting her and listen to the others complaints and do his job right..
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
17 Jan 10
Hi Katsmeow1213,
I think the most important thing for your husband to do now, is to calm down and take things into stride. Let nothing affect what he is suppose to do and prevent any fingers or excuses from pointing his way. Acceptance is mandatory here and instead of feeling like a defeatist, he should learn to adapt and work around the current situation.
The next thing to do would be, to see if there's a chance to be promoted at his place so that he could have some authority and fire some undesirable and unproductive staff members. I do not advocate a transfer or resignation here as this is just letting people get away with murder and putting yourselves into dire economic consequences.
I am sure there are ways bringing these people to justice, try looking deeper and further. Gather those staff who were being unjustly fired to report their side of the story to the higher management, since they do not have to go through rank and file to voice their greviances. They may also try and report their discriminated let offs to the labor office as well. Likewise, for the current working staff as well, to start clocking and fact gathering as a group.
Last but not least, how about getting him to bring a digital camcorder to work and Youtube these fiery episodes to his immediate superior to justify and substantiate all the compliants and reports? I think it is about time to do something more drastic and effective now, don't you think so?
Have a nice day.

@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
18 Jan 10
Personally, I feel that your husband is really giving this issue a little more thought than necessary. He needs to address the problem and be decisive with what he wants to do with this SM or his current situation.
Mopping around and procrastinating on what to do is just not the solution for him here. The least he could do now is to decide for himself, so that he does not bring work or frustrations at the office home. If there are really valid grounds calling for her sack, then by all means proceed to do the necessary for the DM to exercise his rights without getting into legalities and labor laws.
Have a nice day.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
17 Jan 10
He can only be promoted to GM from here. He's been a GM twice with this company and didn't like it. He likes his current position. He doesn't like having authority. Besides that, there's only 7 people in the store, and the one he's having trouble with is the SM, the GM cannot fire her, only the DM.
Again, having only 7 people in the store, there aren't enough of them to gather together. The ones that were unjustly fired... well there was another excuse for firing them. For instance, one was dating another employee. It was a known fact that they were dating. But the day after he complained about the SM, he was terminated due to having an affair with another employee... the girlfriend still works there though.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
20 Jan 10
It sounds to me like the Gm and the dm are sleeping together and that is really lousy. What I would do is to look for another job but do not leave this one until he finds a much better job without all that friction and infighting going on. it must be
really unpleasant for your husband to have to work there with that Gm being the way she is.hope your husband can find another job and quit this one. good luck and God bless.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
19 Jan 10
Sleeping with her - that's exactly what I was thinking. Either that or he's just really happy with the job she's doing.
If the GM is allowing her to get away with this kind of crap, and if he finds out what your husband said to the DM, there certainly is a chance that he will try and retaliate. But I wouldn't advise quitting a good job in this economy. If your husband is that fed up, I'd advise him to start looking for another job. It really is easier to find a job when you have a job.

@glords (2614)
• United States
18 Jan 10
I'm sorry to hear about your husbands circumstance. I think everyone has been in this position at least once in their lives. I would suggest however that he hold on to this job until he can find another one. It is rough looking for a job now days. I would start my job hunting... feel out the climate for jobs in the area before he moves any further toward quitting the job he has. Who knows in the meantime that lady might step on the wrong toes anyway.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
19 Jan 10
First off, I have to say that I tend to agree with you in the thought that the sales manager and the general manager are sleeping with each other. How else would she be able to develop the situations that she has been able to develop.
As far as quitting over drama in the workplace, I know that it is a very tempting idea. And I might be tempted to consider it. However, I would not walk out on one job without having another job secured.