Are you ready for Winter to be over?

@megamatt (14291)
United States
January 16, 2010 3:23pm CST
I personally am ready for this Winter to be over. While it has not been the worst winter, it has been a pretty bad one. With snow and ice causing dangerous conditions outside. Bitterly cold temperatures for the most part, causing outside travel of any kind to be most hazardous. I am ready for it to warm up, for Spring to arrive. So how about you? How has the Winter been for you and are you ready for it to be over? Looking forward to hearing your responses.
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21 responses
@tangurama (204)
• Canada
16 Jan 10
Yes because there were barely any snow and I had a lousy Christmas. I had high hopes for a white Christmas, but that didn't turn out too well. I didn't want like a huge amount of snow that caused traffic problems, but enough for people like me to have fun in.
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@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Well, that's awful that your Christmas did not go as planned. That's never a good sign for anyone. I do agree that a little bit of snow is not a problem. Its when it piles up to the degree where it is a chore to get outside, much less drive. Then there lies the problem. Thank you for your response, it is really appreciated.
• United States
16 Jan 10
I'm ready for winter to be over. I've dealt with snow for well over a month now and I'm definitely done with it. I'm glad that the temps have been high enough to melt all of the snow that we have. I'm ready for clean roads and a clean parking lot so I can actually get out of my lot without slipping and sliding all over the place. Our landlord does not clean our lot so it's up to us but it's too much to just shovel!
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Jan 10
i guess you could say we are all ready for the warmer days to come... i for one dont like the ice, slush, and the really cold weather we have been having.. our family tells us we live in the klondike because the snow just lays around so much in our area..., no we dont live in alaska.., the trees keep the sun from melting the snow and it just stays and stays
1 person likes this
• United States
16 Jan 10
Winter is pretty for the holidays after that I've had enough. Especially January, when it gets to be so bitter cold here. Plus, I'm really starting to get cabin fever with all the ideas I have for this years garden. Wich then inclines me to post my butt off on here so I can put some of my earnings aside for my garden & flower beds in may. But you know if we didn't have winter we wouldn't appreciate the warm weather & the changing of the seasons.
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@megamatt (14291)
• United States
16 Jan 10
Too true, the colder weather makes us appreciate what is on the other side. It makes getting outside and getting fresh air, without having to dress in several layers of clothing most enjoyable. Just thinking of the things we can do when the Winter fades away and Spring hits, it can be enjoyable. Still quite a bit of time to go sadly but the anticipation always seems to be long. Thank you for your response. It is very appreciated.
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@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
16 Jan 10
Heck no, I don't want spring and summer to get here! :D I hate the hot weather, I hate the sunlight, I hate everything about spring and summer, even the flowers. Yes, I'm odd, but I'm not going to pretend to be happy about two seasons I despise. Actually, I'll put it this way. If the spring and summer is cloudy for the majority of the time, I can bear it. If not, then forget it.
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@megamatt (14291)
• United States
16 Jan 10
Well to be fair, you are not the only one who thinks this way. There are a couple of people that I do know who think this way. They dread the warmer months and prefer Winter. I guess whatever you like. This world would be rather boring if everyone agreed. Thank you for your response. It is really appreciated.
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@Tallygirl09 (1380)
• United States
17 Jan 10
LOL..we have a long way to go! It's only mid January. I couldn't agree more tho we don't get the snow part much here in the South, the cold has been miserable. I had to cancel a trip up north to visit friends because the weather in the New England area was so bad. I lived in the Boston area for many years and shoveled more snow than I care to remember so I guess I'm luckier than some being in the South this time of year! Funny how fickle we are, when it's cold, we want it warm..then when it's hot,,we want the cooler weather! At least with the cold one can bundle up, build a fire or snuggle with the family and watch movies on the couch!
• United States
18 Jan 10
By early Feb I am always ready for Spring! We had such wild weather here today, it was about 70 degrees and torrential rain and major winds and thunder and lightening in spades!! We got well over an 1 inch of rain so not sure how much snow that would have been but it would have been alot! The house shook at one point when the storm was right over us and it had the cats cowering abit, poor dears! Our dog, just raised her head from my lap, yawned and went back to her nap. She's the most mellow of animals! She's never seen snow but I think she'd love it as a new play experience at least for awhile!
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 10
That's a good point. We'll never be pleased with the weather. I find myself guilty during the hotter parts of the summer of wanting it to cool not. Not to Winter temperatures mind you but still the point still stands. It is a long way to go but it does look a lot closer as January is winding down. Thank you for your response. It is very appreciated.
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
16 Jan 10
No, I want more snow! It's only january, so spring next month is highly unlikely anyway. Therefor I'd rather have minus degrees and snow than rain and slush and ice, and there's not a lot of snow so I wouldn't mind a bit more. The ice is the worse part when it gets warmer, everything becomes slippery and disgusting, cars are crashing all over the place and old ladies fall on the ice and break their hips.
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@megamatt (14291)
• United States
16 Jan 10
Well, yeah that could be a mess. In fact, we did actually have that mess for a while around here. Before the winter temperatures completely set in and everything turned to snow. It was a mess, as it rained for a bit before everything froze over. That transition between Winter and Spring can be just as ugly as the coldest months of Winter itself to an extent. Thank you for your response. It is truly appreciated.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
17 Jan 10
Hi there Megamatt Yes I am certainly ready for it to be over, this has been a really bad one, I just hope the freezing stays away now, I do not mind how it is at the moment but I do not want to go back to how it has been
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Yeah, right now its not too bad. It can go either way from where I am standing. A relief of the coldest, most bitter parts. Or going the other day. I'm hoping for some more comfortable temperatures but it may be a bit too soon. Still hoping for the best. Thank you for your response. It is appreciated.
@uicbear (1900)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Yes, yes, and Yes! Winter is just no fun for me. I don't enjoy the cold, the snow, the shorter days.... And, I will admit, this Winter has not been a bad one at all (of course it's only January). We really haven't has that much snow, and the temperatures haven't gotten as cold as they have gotten over previous years. But I would love to see Spring arrive early. Spring is my favorite season, with everything coming back to life.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Too true, I have survived worse winters. The days are short, dark, and murky. I feel like everything is just going through the motions to be honest with you. I can't wait for the brighter days. I'll be happy for the sun to just come out. It has been overcast for as long as I can remember. Rather depressing and its making me sleepy. Thank you for your response. It is really appreciated.
@shell2784 (752)
• United States
17 Jan 10
I do love the snow - but I haven't loved the bone chilling temperatures... like, my daughter wants to go outside and play in the snow - but when we're home on a weekend to do it, its 17 degrees out and the wind is ripping around like crazy! As I said, I do love the snow - but I love playing on the swingset and going to the park, running around the yard, playing basketball, playing in the kiddie pool, taking walks, riding the 4wheelers, mowing the lawn - I miss all those things :)
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Snow can be fun when there is a small or medium sized amount. In fact, snow alone is rarely the problem, its when those other factors of winter can be inputted in. However, the cold temperatures not so much. Everything blowing and it being very uncomfortable, that's the worst part of winter. The part that I can really do without. Thank you for your response. It is very appreciated.
@MrKennedy (1978)
17 Jan 10
Yes, because I cannot bear the cold climate at all Despite the whole of the UK being buried in a ton of snow, where I live it rarely ever snows, and if it does, it rarely ever sticks. It sucks seeing everybody on telly enjoying the snow, whilst I have to struggle against sheets of ice as I practically ice-skate to wherever I need to be
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Ice is far worse than snow. I used to hate going to school when I was younger when there was a lot of ice there. Because, they either did not clean it up or they did a poor job in doing so. Not exactly fun risking life and limb. Even with a good pair of boots on it was still rather slick. Thank you for your response. It is very appreciated.
@thewayis (646)
• Bulgaria
17 Jan 10
I haven't had enough of the winter yet. Here we have only a day of snowing and it wasn't even as cold as previous years. It is a bit frightening to see how fast the climat is changing, but I would really like to feel the real winter bbefore spring comes
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Lot's of varying climates. Some odd climate changes too depending on where people live. I know I have experienced it. There have been some oddly warm temperatures on occasion late in the year, but when it drops down, it really makes up for lost time. It has frosted into the later part of May, dangerously close to June. The climate is really twisted these days. Thank you for your response. It is much appreciated.
• India
17 Jan 10
I hate winter season. It always makes me idle and lazy fellow. I used to get up at 5am and do exercise to prevent formation of fat around my trunk. But this winter i dont will to get out my blanket till 8 am. I've really grown a bit fat. All my jeans are gone tight. So boring is this winter season.still 15-20 days will continue this chill season..!!!
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Yeah the winter months can make the most active person a little lazy. I must admit, I am less productive than normal in the winter time. I really think I could get a lot more done if it was not for the dismal weather. Still, its a necessary part of life and it happens every year. I should really be used to it by now. Thank you for your response. It is very appreciated.
@vickie_b (36)
• United States
17 Jan 10
I am more than ready for winter to be over. I do not like winter at all. This winter has been the worst since I can't remember when. The below average frigid temperatures and snow have been ridiculous. I want nice warm weather NOW!!
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Its really awful the winter experience has been so bad. I do remember worse around here. Still this is about top five worse winters and it is only because of that three week period where there was a heavy amount of snow and ice on the ground. Yeah, hopefully we can get an early break. Right now, its eased up but it could be the calm before an even bigger storm. Thank you for your response. It is really appreciated.
17 Jan 10
I am not ready for winter, this year sucks, it rained like cats and dogs, there no snow. The clouds are doing a bad job of making snow. Every time it gets water it pours it down on us like there's no tomorrow. The weather tries to give us false hope by setting the temperature down once and a while.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Lots of rain, yeah that's bad news. Raining for that long can be even more hazardous then a huge snow storm. Especially when it drops down and all that ice. That's what happened on Christmas around here, it rained all day and then it dropped down below freezing. We just barely made it home. Thank you for your response. It is appreciated.
@Java09 (3075)
• United States
16 Jan 10
I'm so anxious for summer to come back,then I can spend sometime outside.Even spring is very nice at least it's warm.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Yes, Spring is much looked forward to. Some warm weather but not too warm. It's just not possible to spend all that much time outside right now. Not at least without wearing several layers of clothing. I can't wait to go outside and walk once everything is cleared off. The warm weather is just much more comfortable to me and I spend some time outside. Thank you for your response. It is really appreciated.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
17 Jan 10
I am so ready for winter to be over. With all of the snow I have had to trudge through and cold temps, I 'm ready for a change.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Change is most welcomed after the past several weeks. Sadly, we still have a fair bit of Winter to go through. While the snow has let up around here, I would be a fool to think that I have seen the last of it. It always has one more good snow around here. Thank you for your response. It is very appreciated.
@unique16 (1529)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Hello, I am so ready for winter to be over, Not much snow been colder than other winters like in teens at night and high 20 during the day. I live in penna. Where do you live? I feel for those people in mIchigan with all the snow and very very cold temps. Baseball spring training only 3 weeks away and Nascar racing start Feb 6, 2010. This is always a good indicator that spring will not far along. Thannks and have a great night Sincerely unique16
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 10
In the Central part of Illinois and the temperatures have rose just a little bit, but that means little. They could plummet by the end of the wee. Not the worst winter here as I said, but still not the best. It is worse in other areas and it has been in other countries. I remember a winter, I want to say about ten years or so ago, where the floodgates of snow really opened. Blizzards, white outs, everything and ice everywhere. Not exactly all that fun. Still, Spring is closer, especially when we get out of January. Hopefully we'll get some weather that is a bit nicer soon. Thank you for your response, it is appreciated.
@LaDeBoheme (2004)
• United States
16 Jan 10
I was never ready for it to begin! Then again, I never am, but in it blows every damn year, ready or not.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Too true, when December comes upon us every year, I'm like, "oh boy, here we go again." There is only so much you can do to get ready I think. It just hits you, some years much, much worse than others. This year was at the higher end, not at the tip top, but it was a Winter that I can do without. Thank you for your response, it is appreciated.
@stand87 (664)
• Bulgaria
17 Jan 10
I hope the winter time will be over very soon. I don't like this cold months. The weather is depressing me and somehow nothing good happens to me during the winter. I love Spring and Summer. Everything's alive during these sunny seasons! And yes, I'm ready for the Winter's end :) It wasn't very cold winter after all.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Very depressing indeed, the cold dismal weather does take the energy out of you. Everything seems more vibrant. I also feel more productive during those seasons as well, able to get more done. Now I'm just kind of blandly going through the paces. Thank you for your response. It is very appreciated.
@Thunderll (102)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Winter hasn't been too dangerous this year, but I'm always ready for it to be over. I hate cold weather. I like snow, and was pleasantly pleased with the first white Christmas that I have been around for, but the bitter cold gets to me. It probably doesn't help that I have moved into a house with no insulation and a horrible heating system. I have woken up many nights just because it's so darn cold, despite the blankets and our little electric heater. I guess I can't complain because of the price, though. I'm certainly looking forward to a warmer spring and summer!
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 10
Yes, that can be bad. The spring and summer is a welcome change to the bitter cold as always. It will be here before we know it. Of course, they may not be soon enough for some people. Including me personally, if truth be told. Thank you for your response, it is appreciated.