Past, Present and Future- Can you share your views on these 3 periods?

January 17, 2010 5:00am CST
Well, here are my views to get started: Past: There is no use in brooding over the past-whatever you had lost is lost and will never come back. Does it mean we should never think of the past? We can think of our mistakes in the past and try to correct them in future. You can also think of past to chew your happy memories. Present: Past is over. Future is uncertain. So enjoy the present fully. How? Work hard and entertain yourself be happy when you are not working.You can also be happy while working if you enjoy your work. Future; It is uncertain, does it mean we should not bother about future? No, we need to plan for the future, though it is quite uncertain. Plan your life both in career and personal matters and act accordingly.. Now, your views please….
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19 responses
@vandana7 (101605)
• India
17 Jan 10
Easier said than done vijayanths. :) Who doesn't know that there is no point in crying over spilt milk? Who doesn't get lessons from past mistakes? And who doesn't know that future is uncertain? But nevertheless, we keep ourselves entangled in these three. I think not only my past, but even those of my parents has affected my life. I do so very badly want to walk away from all this. But if I do, I have to walk out of the life of the only person who loves me or I presume loves me. This makes my future rather uncertain. But my logic is, future is uncertain anyway, even if I go to extraordinary lengths to make it certain. What I have why should I lose, after all, the relationship may not last long. If at a later date I want to return, I might not have this loved one anymore in the world. So I hang on. And as long as I hang on, the past, which was not my doing, hovers around me, making me very sad at times. I am tired of all these debates and fears. So I look at simpler things in life. Anything that causes stress, avoid, because it can trigger all those self pity emotions which is what I want to avoid in the first place. That is why laughter is a commodity I value very very much.
• India
17 Jan 10
Hi, dear friend vandana your discussion really is very touching. I wish your parents were able to do more for you. But it did not happen. It is past anyway-so better try to remove that unwanted memories. I agree that it is hard to forget them.Yet you must after all they are your dear ones-they would have been helpless might be. How can you doubt your dad's love, vandana? This is not at all you. Every one is having lots of problems in life and that definitely includes me too. Your problems are different than mine and from others. But we all are having lots of problems but we need to move on.Life is short, too short and we don't know how short is ours, so we need to live every minute. So be cheerful and happy always. Yes, laughter is the best commodity to live happily. You have many friends who care for you along with me, so let us laugh together until we live, hahahaha.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
17 Jan 10
I often hear people say we live in a stressful times today. A quick look at the past, however, reveals that we are richer, healthier, and happier now than at any time in the world history, ever. Yet we all long for the good old days. And we all complain about the present and fear the future. Until more people are enlightened, and realize that now is the point of power and the moment of greatest joy, you can increase your happiness by playing to what people already believe.
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@vandana7 (101605)
• India
17 Jan 10
Hey vijayanths, cool it. :) If I was not able to look at the situation from above, I would be wallowing in self pity. The decision to stay back was essentially mine. So I should be prepared to face the consequences. :) I am ok with it. :) So in effect, I have embraced the past, letting go of future, knowing fully well that past holds nothing for me. :) And thanks for reiterating that you are my friend. :) Dont push your luck. LOL. I might end up asking you some favor, and all your friendship will vanish in thin air. LOL.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
17 Jan 10
The past is history, the present is a gift to cherish let the future take care of itself.
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• India
17 Jan 10
Yes, zandi , let us rejoice the present to the fullest.
@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
17 Jan 10
I think of my past in good ways and bad ways. I was a good daughter-in-law, wife, mother and sister. This is good part of it. I should have been courageous. This would have changed some of my past problems. This is bad thought about past. Present I am running it well. Future, I had planned to the best of my abilities. The rest is in the hands of God.
• India
19 Jan 10
I do not deserve this thambi, You are as it is, very intelligent and thought provoking in your discussions. God bless you.
• India
18 Jan 10
I bet I can't express better than this Buchi, your discussion is informative, thought provoking and interesting.And they are short and sweet just on to the point always.(I try to be like this too)
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@eshaan (6188)
• India
17 Jan 10
you are quite right...actually the views are already stated by i think there is no scope to elaborate it, but this is very theoretical vijayanths...don't you think so...we all know that we should have this attitude, but still there are many restrictions due to human nature...and then there are many accidents in your life too...i never thought ..such things happen in my life all of a sudden and they just throw your plan papers in dustbin ...and then make you act likewise the situations....but yes..we can learn from past and act properly in present...future still is not in control
@eshaan (6188)
• India
17 Jan 10
Thanks a lot vijayanths..i know your wishes are with me...and i also know that..i have to become strong to make my future filled with happiness....thanx for reminding me my strength
• India
17 Jan 10
Yes eshaan I am always there for you. You are like Hanuman eshaan. You are not aware of your own strength. I therefore had to make you realize it now. Am I Jambhavan?
• India
17 Jan 10
Yes Eshaan it is not easy to practice all these things in real life though most of us know them well.Still, it is always better to remind such good things in life. You are a very intelligent lady. I am sure you would be in good control in future. I bet you will have a great future filled with joy. My wishes for you and your loving family.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
17 Jan 10
Hi Vijayanths! You make some valid points and you raise some very interesting questions! You have given these matters a lot of thought. It has been said that those who refuse to learn from the past are condemned to repeat it. But we must know how to study the past. We should look into the past as one looks into the darkness with the help of a flashlight. The flashlight would help us to spot the pitfalls and show us how to avoid the mistakes in the present which would give us a better future. We humans possess a remarkable ability. We possess the capacity to learn from past experiences and to allow these lessons to influence our plans for the future. If we forget or even worse neglect to learn from the past we will repeat the mistakes to our loss and harm. It is of no value to allow things we did in the past to paralyze us with remorse and regret. Rather, we should study what we did, see where we went wrong, and now use the information to set sail to a brighter future. Someone compared the past to a rose garden. It has its beauty and its thorns. So it can inspire and it can prick. So caution is necessary. While we should enjoy the present, we should not forget that what we do will affect our future and the future is not as uncertain as some may think. It will show up sooner or later. Those who plant correctly will reap abundantly and I’m not talking only about material things. I’m talking about spiritual things that are even more important. We store some treasures in heaven as there no one can touch them. What we deposit there will come back with interest that is certain. I we learn from the past and take corrective measures in the present, then we can assure ourselves an unimaginable wonderful future that will have no regrets.
• India
18 Jan 10
hi, 1hopefulman, thank you for your detailed and thought provoking discussion. I enjoyed that rose and thorn example very much. We used to say "If you think of the thorn you can't get a rose". Struggles will be there in life, we can be careful but can't afford to be idle with a fear for the problems..
• India
18 Jan 10
1hopefulman, nice words you have quoted and glad to note you are very religious. yes I know it is morning there and thanks for your wishes.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
18 Jan 10
Good morning (it's morning here) Vijayanths! I quote: "We used to say "If you think of the thorn you can't get a rose". Struggles will be there in life, we can be careful but can't afford to be idle with a fear for the problems.." Well put my friend! Caution is necessary but if something is worthwhile then we must endure a few thorn stabs. It makes me think of Jesus and the thorn stabs he received. But a man of courage and action does not allow anything to stop him from accomplishing what is of everlasting value. I hope today will be good to you!
@jho2010 (155)
• Philippines
17 Jan 10
Past: remember yesterday- treasured all the happy memories - forget all the heartaches and pains -learned from your mistakes Future: Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself Do not make a promise for you'll never know what will happen in the future Present: Live TODAY, as if there's no tomorrow!
• India
17 Jan 10
well said, jho we need to live today as if there is no tomorrow.
@jho2010 (155)
• Philippines
18 Jan 10
yes! live today, as if there's no tomorrow! what i mean here is only a life lived for others is life we spend our TODAYS will define our TOMORROWS! But do not take life too seriously, you will never get out of it alive...
• Philippines
18 Jan 10
Past, past as embodied in the world are those that happen before. WE can't erase it or change it, it already happen. We can remember what happen but this is for our example for our present. Past is the reason why we are in the present and the reason also why our attitude is like that in the present. Present , whatever you have to face and decided will be part of the past, so be sure to decide right, to do right and do things without regrets. make sure before deciding to do one thing, you already made a right choice over it. Future, we still have a long way to go to plan for our future, so make sure you plan it right at present.
• India
18 Jan 10
Yes, grecy we can't erase the unfortunate happenings in our lives. Let us hope a bright future is in store for us.
@squaretile (3778)
• Singapore
18 Jan 10
Hi Vijay, Your post immediately brought this quote to mind "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present." It's from Kung Fu Panda, if you watched the movie. So this quote reminds me to make the most of today, because it is a gift and I can choose what I want to make out of today. It is mine to waste or to be fruitful in, so I hope I always choose the latter!
• India
18 Jan 10
Oh, I did not see the movie but the words are truly very interesting and powerful.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
18 Jan 10
hi Vijayanths,Great post! ok so my past is my past. I made tons of mistakes and I live and learn from regrets and would not change a thing. To do so would mean I'd miss out on a lot of other things that made it worth it all. The have to live it moment by moment. What you think could all change in an instant. That's all it takes. Your whole world can be turned upside down so just live it as it is in that moment. The future...well I think about it as in saving up to pay the rent or the electric bill. When my daughter's birthdays roll around, I do think ahead a bit. I don't dwell on way down the line because I have all I can do to pay attention to what I have to right now. For all I know I won't be here down the line. don't mean to sound careless but I have never lived for the far future so it would be pointless for me to start now. it may sound careless but I really don't plan way in advance on my future because that has never worked for me.that sort of planning for me works best in small increments.
• India
18 Jan 10
hi, sid, that is a great response too. Nice to note you have no regrets about your past mistakes but learned from them.
• Pakistan
17 Jan 10
Past is history, Future is unknown, a mystery and uncertain. Present is a gift for us to shape our life to come. That is why it is called Present.
• India
18 Jan 10
Khadimhussainsubhpot, that is a great thought, well present is indeed a present to us.
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
17 Jan 10
PAST: Do not dwell on bad memories from the past, but you can learn lessons from them. I don't suggest completely forgetting the past, because there are a lot of beautiful memories worth reminiscing. PRESENT: Live and enjoy it, for this, too, shall pass. Right now we only have the present. FUTURE: Don't fear the future because God is already there. :)
• India
17 Jan 10
hi, mj cookie, what you said about future is very good. I liked it very much.
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
17 Jan 10
Thank you. That thought gives me hope and consolation. :-)
• India
18 Jan 10
I live in present which is always. I have lost control from past. I can do good things in present to be good in future. I will think about my past when I am old and not much to do in hand. Will memorize good and bad days. Will tell my faults to others so that they do not commit same faults. As off now I am living the moments and will continue to do so. Enjoy your moment/minute/hour/day and so on.
• India
18 Jan 10
yes, AjaySinghBaghel trying to enjoy the present moment is wise and thanks for responding.
• India
17 Jan 10
in my past i don't read ,study and used to go daily to the schools.because i don't have any responsibility and,i do whatever i can,but in the present i have been many responsibilities and i ahve maturity that i should fulfill my responsibility..but now i am realizing it.. but i have planned my future what i have to do.i had been planned my future what i would be and i hope that only if the almighty god deserves ..i am having full faith on him..
• India
17 Jan 10
Yes, God will guide you to get what you want fedoralinux and my best wishes for you.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
18 Jan 10
I'm so happy that you have not left God out of the picture. James 4:13-15 (New International Version) 13Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." 14Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. 15Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that." The truthfulness of these words we can see in the catastrophe that devastated Haiti. When the university building collapsed many students were killed. In one minute all their plans came to an end. Our life and our future is uncertain. It would not be wise to forget God and put him in the background. Better to store treasures in heaven where nothing can touch them. Then we are truly assured of a blessed future whether in this life or the next.
@shalome (178)
• India
17 Jan 10
Vijayanth, One day at a time -- this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering.
• India
17 Jan 10
well said shalome. In fact I have posted a blog on "enjoy life, right now' on my website a few months ago.
@shalome (178)
• India
17 Jan 10
Vijayanth, Thanks lot.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
17 Jan 10
You have said it all.But still!---- Past--as you had mentioned beautiful memories always keep us cheerful . THey also fill us with nostalgia at times. Sad memories do tend to bring occasional yearning for the 'might have been's, but there is no point thinking about this and it is better to only accept these things in a philosophical mood that it was God's will. Past Experiences-- have taught us many lessons and we should make a conscious effort to remember these lessons and never repeat past mistakes.We can share these mistakes with our offspring and the lessons we have learnt so that they will not repeat the same mistakes in their lives. Present--is real and we must never miss the simple joys of life.We must always try to find happiness in the simplest of things and whatever we have at present .If the present situation is good we should think it would always be good [by God's grace] and if we face some problem or the other we must still feel that it is not worse and the problem would by God's grace soon get sorted out. Future-- this is not in our hands and so we should not think about this and brood.Just feel that "God has taken care of me so far ; He would defintely do the same in future too."THis does not mean thta we should not plan for the future because it is not possible and would also show thta we are irresponsible .
• India
17 Jan 10
Yes Kala as usual you have given a beautiful discussion. I enjoy the present by reading it...
17 Jan 10
In my opinion the only real time we have is the present. The past has already happened and when it happened it was in the present. The future is unreal also as the only time it will be reality is when it arrives in the present. That doesn't mean a person can not or should not plan for things that have not yet happened, just that things need to be worked through until they are completed in the here and now. Life is for living and dwelling on the past or in the future will ultimately lead to life passing before ones eyes.
• India
17 Jan 10
Present is the important period as you rightly pointed out yorkshirewriter.
@Cheiyen (317)
• Philippines
17 Jan 10
past, present and future... i thought it's about the tenses of verbs the first time i laid my eyes on the title of this discussion. LOL kidding aside, these three periods are essential in life. i believe that they are connected because personally, i learn from the past. i learn many lessons and i've kept and still keeping memories of it. i just can't help it because i'm good at remembering events. present is the most important in life for because it prepares us for the future. the future is yet to come so we can do many things to prepare for it. yes, it is uncertain so we shouldn't lose the chance to do the best we can in our present life. not all people are good in planning but planning will help us prepare for our future and try our best to work for it to realize these plans. life won't be better simply by planning alone. planning without any action is meaningless. life's not perfect but it doesn't mean that we can't be happy. we all deserve to be happy in the past, present and the future. cheers to life! to a good life!
• India
18 Jan 10
hi, Cheiyen you said "we all deserve to be happy in the past, present and the future"- that is the perfect tense?
@MrKennedy (1978)
17 Jan 10
The Past: Learn from it, reminisce on it, yet never dwell on it or try to live in it. Remember that it has happened and just enjoy the memories you have of it, but just don't attempt to recreate it. The Present: The here and the now. Live in it, enjoy it, cherish it and just make sure not to waste it, because once it's gone, you will never get it back. The Future: It will come around eventually, so don't waste time pondering about it and making rigorous plans. However, be excited for it and the posssibilities that it will no doubt bring.
• India
18 Jan 10
Hi, Kennedy I am now excited to welcome my future after reading your response, nice one,
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
17 Jan 10
The past is lessons that are learned. Everything that has happened in the past, as some meaning for day. While it is not healthy to be stuck in the past, there can be some value of paying attention of the past. It is also memories that we look back on. Whether it be fondly or not, well that really depends on a number of things. The present is what we should concern ourselves with today. We should keep our minds focused on the task at hand. Look behind us to avoid making the same mistakes while having a plan of some sort for the future. The present is what we should concern ourselves with. What happened yesterday is out of our hands, even if we can learn something about it. What happens tomorrow will be something that we tackle. The future is something that we can only begin to guess. With careful planning it can be a great future. Guessing what the future brings can be rather tricky. It is hard to predict the future. It could be great joy or great sorrow. We must live life day by day for the most part, while looking ahead and hoping for the best possible future we can.
• India
18 Jan 10
I like your these lines megamatt "It is hard to predict the future. It could be great joy or great sorrow. We must live life day by day for the most part, while looking ahead and hoping for the best possible future we can".