Wayne W. Dyer and Application of his methods to parenting...
January 17, 2010 9:29am CST
It might be a universal fact that parents of the current generations- eg. mine compared to father's, grand fathers's etc.,- do take a greater interest in childrens needs by trying to educate themselves about current practices recommended by renowned Child Psychlogists like W.W.Dyer. When I read his books I was so impressed. One or two examples to quote is/are:
Do not treat your children as apprentice adults. Treat them as whole men and women and explain things to them as you would to an adult. This will make them responsible for their actions instead of imbibing "commands" pushed down their throats, which might leave in their minds a resicual hatred for the parent and or the idea.
Well, I followed this. I must confess at least turned out to be a reasonable guy, but he hasn't felt the same "responsibility" about education!?!
WWD says if what you do and what you say do not match the child will be initially confused, and in time may not pay any attention or give value to your advices. Thus in short you must serve as an example of the actions you would like to inculcate in your children. My wife and I are both great readers. Both of us value education in that even today we spend a considerable time "learning". We have also emphasized the same to our children, but {B]it has not had any effect[/B]. Both my daughter(11) and son(21)[Son is belatedly learning the need for hardwork to be put in education! Some solace, Thanks to God definitely not to Dyer]
In fact to bring back my daughter on track I am following the most classical methods of upbringing, giving the stupid ideas of psychologists a go by.
Did you/Do you have a similar experience?
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3 responses
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
17 Jan 10
Well,I have had a similar experience like your first one where I always treated my son with respect and treated him as an adult[right from when he was little child I used to reason with him and never command him]but as he is the only child he is the most precious thing in this world for both my husband and myself .
"If what you do and what you say do not match, the child will be initially confused, and in time may not pay any attention or give value to your advices. Thus in short you must serve as an example of the actions you would like to inculcate in your children."--We followd this too and were always consistent in what we said and did.By God's grace he is a great performer and is unique in his achievements.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
21 Jan 10
Oh well, at least somebody has come up with the truth that most suggestions by psychologists are stupid and impractical…
First and foremost, as a parent and as an adult, I cant really set an example for everything I want my son to do…his and my level of understanding and experience are just not comparable….so some thing will have to be abided by without questioning (to be understood later, like your son) some can be explained or discussed.
Also, as a parent I cant be a complete friend to him always…where I sense danger or disaster or a wrong move, I have to warn him (even to his obvious dislike).
However, what I distinctly and consciously don’t do is ever compare my child to other children…never mention other accomplished kids and what and how they do things and secondly, what I do (again consciously) is allow him to make mistakes and get to know people by his own experience…life is the best teacher and that is true. My mom at least never allowed me to make any mistakes, she would always take all decisions for me and impose her views on things…with the result that when I had to face the big bad world alone, I was totally lost for years.
So I really don’t know whether I’m right or wrong but my son’s 10 now so in another 10yrs (when he’d be about your son’s age) hopefully we’ll come to know LOL
• India
23 Jan 10
Often what happens is, we would tend to avoid those mistakes that we thought our parents made, and marred our lives(or so we think, ask them, they would have a totally different explanation to give) we would like to avoid. Like in your case sudipta, if your mom overcontrolled you so that you were not allowed to make mistakes, then you r reaction to it must've been something where you don't even want to instruct your son on possible mistakes. The fact could be somewhere you would have across a person in your own age group who was very confident in his ways. So, somehow deep down you would have thought that you would do it that way- allow the freedom to make mistakes and make a real learning experience out of life. At the same we do not know really if we had taken a good decision. Like when I read WWD I thought he seems reasonable, may that was what missing in my own upbinging, though I had had a lot of freedom, I must confess. My parents never pushed an idea too far. But when came to esteem building they were somehow wanting. They did move to but it was much later in life when character couldn't be shaped. This is the reason why I concentrated on the two things I would eschew and what I would emphasize. Whil;e character building wise this had helped, as well as developing less dependency, the attitude to education that we had had is just about missing in both my children. Now that my daughter is still very young I would like to explicitly emphasize unlike the inplicit explication by living through which I/We did but [B]that didn't work at all, in my son's case[/B].
Looks like almost all parents only experiment and get to wherever they can!!!
@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
18 Jan 10
hi gadhi ..
dont have a child to try this .. but i have 3 comments
1) - my dad was an "abusive husband" but a wonderful dad to the child ~ we were raised in environment where we were treated as a child and still a child even though we are all old donkeys ~ we did not know what happens behind those closed doors until we were teenagers and then my mother started to see things as they were - all 4 of us grew up not wanting to be like our mother (a weak woman) and our father (an abuser) ~ 2 of us married the person we found for ourselves and we are lucky so far - my sis gave up on marriage as she witnessed the whold situation
2)-education- it was given a lot of priority we were model children in our small town (among the indians) out of 4- 3 graduates and we owe to both my parents , they were so proud showing off our grades
3)- we were deprived of our childhood games, toys, dresses, festives, birthdays, gifts, hugs, kisses - because dad did not believe in wastage - and he supported all his 3 kids tru university without expecting any outside support (and my dad was only a low income driver) ~ during my younger days i was angry ~ now looking back, i never saw him in new pants or shirts as well, he lost his youth for us too
what i am trying to tell here is, a child learns more from her environment ~ books can be manipulative ~ yes we were forced to study, we follow commands and instructions ~ i still remember the day my sister pulled all the 3 of us out of the house when my dad started hitting my mother, she held us close, she was a child but had to be an adult ( she is only 9 years older than me)
2ndly we learned not to be like our parents from what we have seen them doing ~ their life was an example of how we do not want our life to be
am i out of topic here, sorry got too carried away
• India
18 Jan 10
Surprisingly Sanjana, I shared with my wife a practising Clinical Psychologist herself, about how I have whined on Dyer on mylot. Her first response was Dyer being an American, his advice need not entirely fit Indian ethos. I said I am not talking about anything culture specific here. And then surprisingly we went off our parents ahd not bothered to really bring us up as individuals instead all their concerns were, we should not be demanding children when we grow up esp., in matters of marriage(choice of sopuse), in matters of education( not be a burden on them)..in that she went on to complain that the basic premise of their bringing up
was: Children must not turn out to be problems for them in later days.So no special appreciations. They would like to put down even excellent work done by us so that we should not try to manipulate them into accepting what we decide in matters of spouse choice(More so for girls)and demand too much of financial support from them. In short she said our parents' perceptios were short-sighted and extrememly selfush. The putting down was done so that we do not go out of their control and be of no use to the family. This in turn stunted our growths as individuals is her contention. Now there is more than a grain of truth in this, if one really looks back. But somehow I am a man, further, these are not ny complaints against my parents though my parents' behavior was also exact. She was also brought in a family where lot of a bit too much, to be precise, freedom in growing. I too ddi have a lot of freedom and could feel friendly vibes with my father as well as mother. But they did not delve into psychological study of kids to do a good parenting. Yes I remember my father did study Dr.Benjamin Spock and perhaps applied some of the principles, but this[B]building of self-esteem of children was very much wanting[/B] in their parenting. Whereas we took extra care about this due to our atudies. The results are there as I have shared in the post above under Kala56.