How do I discipline my child
By evans_33ke
@evans_33ke (125)
United States
January 17, 2010 5:28pm CST
Hallo everyone. I came from an African country sometime in December to settle in the United States of America. I have a two and a half years old son. At times he defies what he is told and does very weired things. Talking to him is like just joking around even when things r serious.
In my country if a child makes a mistake, you talk to him and tell him that it is wrong to do that and if he continues to make the same mistake, you take a cane or a whip and discipline the child. When you punk him, you do it so that if he recalls the strokes, he wont repeat the wrong thing anymore. Here in the USA, things are tough and it seems bringing up children is a very big challenge. I guess this is why kids who are brought up here sometimes lack proper discipline. How do I instill discipline on this two and a half years old boy without using the cane/whip?
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5 responses
@shell2784 (752)
• United States
17 Jan 10
I used to spank my child, but it does nothing. It scares her and hurts her and I never saw any real results with it.
I take away her things and/or privaleges. If she doesn't cooperate and get in the bath tub then she doesn't get a story before bed kind of thing. If she doesn't try her dinner, then she doesn't eat the rest of the night. If she doesn't stop pulling the dogs tail then she gets her toys taken out of her room and a time out.
I try not to scream as often as possible, as I found that didn't work either. I make sure I explain to Joslynn what rules she is breaking, etc and let her know that she's not getting this or that or has to go to her room because she did this and that.
Today was the first time in about 3 weeks I've had to "threaten" by taking away stuff or put her in a time out at all.
I'm really into watching Nanny 911 and Supernanny and although I don't try everything they mention - the biggest problem seems to be communication, and it doesn't matter how small they are.
I do still kidn of think its ridiculous that us great Americans, the home of the free, aren't free to give our child a spanking now and then. But - as I said, I found that as long as my 3 1/2 year old daughter and I talk it out, most disputes can be avoided.
I'm really proud of how well she works with me and her daddy!
@evans_33ke (125)
• United States
18 Jan 10
Thanks alot for your very good thoughts and insights. This boy is just stuborn and wont listen if you dont do as he wants. He will scream to the top of his voice just to get what he wants! But I will try the time out, though he is still very young and is very hard to do the time out. Maybe deny the basic toys and the likes. Thanks
@shell2784 (752)
• United States
18 Jan 10
Don't worry, you're not alone - my Joslynn is one of a kind! And she's so sneaky! At least she thinks she is.... she's still amazed that I catch her - so I just keep reminding her that when her mom (me.. hhehe) was little I used to try and get away with all kinds of stuff! And I was the best at it... so you're up for a challenge little girl! And she giggles and runs away.
I used to just give into her all the time because its more convenient. She didn't care where she were she would scream like someone's going to kill her!! It was ridiculous! And then everyone's looking so you can't scream at her or spank her b/c then you'd be worried that the wrong person saw adn the freaking cops are being called on her! ugh... darn nosy people.
But like its said below - consistancy is the main thing. If he's not allowed to have candy before dinner - that's got to be the rule everyday. If he needs to sit at the dinner table and eat his food, then thats the rule everyday - if you know what I mean.
Good luck!
@evans_33ke (125)
• United States
18 Jan 10
Once again, yhank you very much. I hope to bring good news after some few months of 'trial and error'.

@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
21 Jan 10
Hello there. I have two year old son. He will be three in May 2010. I also have a fourteen year old son. I wish my toddler son to grow up as polite and sensible as my older son. Therefore I parent him in a firm but fair way. I have boundaries and give my son praise for doing the right thing. If he does the wrong thing I say 'no'. I do not hit him because I don't wish to teach him violence. Using a cane or a whip would be cruel. All children make mistakes and a nanny might use a time out system for the child to think about what they did wrong. She gives to give the children reward charts and get them to speak well. Love, care and guidance are what a child needs. I am a primary school teacher and a parent of three happy children. Good luck.
@evans_33ke (125)
• United States
27 Jan 10
I guess your profession is also a plus for you in handling your own kids. What I do not understand is how to introduce this kid to the 'time out' thing. He does not concentrate in some things, like the 'time out', he would struggle all the time. Violence is also the worst thing to show a kid and let him grow up with it. Let try out a few tips that you and others have given me and see how it works. Thanks
@limosonia1 (1559)
• United States
18 Jan 10
You just have to stick to the punishment that you instill and show him that your serious. Don't give in because this is the time when they are trying to see how far they can push before we give in. It seems kind of strange because they are so young but they are just learning right from wrong. I have not spanked my children but have stuck to the punishments. They are displined and listen well. I am not saying that they are angels but they no thier limits and follow 90 percent of the rules which as parents is all we can ask for. Don't worry the what they call the terrible twos doesn't last forever and I'm sure you will be fine without the cane/whip you just have to figure out what works with you and your son.
@evans_33ke (125)
• United States
18 Jan 10
I am really struggling and I guess rules have got to be followed no matter what. His mum and I will see into it that we intill some discipline withouth the spunk. With time he will grow up and will have learnt the best way to go about things in a disciplined way. Thank you very much and have a nice time
@cmhjjh (98)
• United States
18 Jan 10
i have a 1 1/2 yr old daughter that is a spit fire if she doesn't get what she wants she will just scream and scream the biggest thing is not to give in and give it to them when they do this because then they will learn that if they scream enough they will get it.
My son is 4 and we have had struggles with him also but we have found that he doesn't like being by himself so if he is doing something wrong or not listening he is sent to his room for 4 minutes his age. The biggest thing we learned is example we will ask him to pick up his toys and he says no I will give him a warning and say "you need to pick up your toys or you will have to go to your room for 4 minutes" if he still doesn't he goes to his room for 4 minutes but we don't pick up the toys for him when he is in the time out. When he is done with them time out I will tell him again you need to pick up your toys we will do this as many times as nesseccary until the toys are picked up by him. If you do it for him he will learn if I don't do it they will send me to my room and they will do it for me which isn't what you want either. My kids also don't get anything unless they say please and we always make them say thank you etc.. it is a lot of work as follow through is what makes it effective. But it is worth it to have respectful children.
@evans_33ke (125)
• United States
27 Jan 10
A very insightful comment! Thanks a lot, I hope this works out for me too!
@aGirlGeek (6)
• United States
18 Jan 10
Spank him with your hand. Only when necessary and only hard enough to get his attention!
I only use this as a last measure when all others are exhausted. Repeat offenses or when he is putting himself (or others) in harm's way is when and only when one should be hit.
Aren't you glad you don't get caned when you mess up? Case rested.
@evans_33ke (125)
• United States
27 Jan 10
You see, this kid is very wise because he is aware of when guests are home or when we visit a place with many people. He will misbehave and do all sorts of things without listening to anyone who tries to deter him.