
@takkea (393)
United States
January 17, 2010 9:23pm CST
Avatar is one of the best movies that I have seen for a while. It really had me into it and all emotional. The way the movie was put together is amazing. I would like to hear other people's take on this. Do you think that Avatar would make a good sequel? Is a movie that you would enjoy watching over and over? What could they have done to make it better?
2 responses
• India
18 Jan 10
ya the movie is awesome and the special effects used are very good.It is a good movie to be watched in 3D.But I don't think a sequel should be made,as this type of movies are better of the sequel as its sequel will not work out according to me.I have already watched it twice and am downloading it from the internet.It is itself a good movie there is nothing to be done to make it a better movie.
@takkea (393)
• United States
18 Jan 10
I want to know how things turn out between them. For some reason I think that the sky people will be coming back.
@atefft (31)
• United States
18 Jan 10
I really enjoyed avatar, i had the pleasure of watching it in 3d. I have heard that there have been counts where people are tagging the movie as racist?!?! But anyway I think that movie was great. I especially liked the speical effects and how the technology was so futuristic, but not too much. I think it would be great if they made a sequel but until they get this racist thing solved i dont think there will be one. Hope this helps and happy mylotting