What is the story behind your user name?
By lizardgod
@lizardgod (443)
United States
January 17, 2010 10:14pm CST
Have you ever wondered how people come up with their user names. I think that we rarely take the time to actually get to know the people we are talking with here. I think this would be a good exercise to get to know a little bit about each other if we understand the stories behind user names.
lizardgod has a pretty good story (better than some of the other user names I have used).
This one is years old, from back when I was just staring junior high. I was a fan of Godzilla and used the name Kinglizard for a while. Well I went to one site, can't even remember which one after all these years, and the name was taken( should have figured it would be used) so rather than adding some numbers to the end I decided to make up one similar but more unique. I was talking with a buddy of mine and I suggesting godlizard, he said it didn't flow very well and it wouldn't be shortened for slang because most people would not want to call me "god" so we thought about it and flipped it making it lizardgod, lizard for short, or even liza (which I don't really like because it seems more feminine). Later I added 13579 to the end of some of the user names to guarantee the uniqueness on sites. The numbers are easy to remember because they are each odd number in order going up. I choose the odd numbers to be "odd" :)
What about you guys, where did you get your user names from?
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42 responses
@britt_200 (1226)
• United States
18 Jan 10
mines pretty simple. i feel very uncreative...lol mines just my nickname...because my full name is brittni so britt is just a nickname. its just my nickname, and the numbers i have no idea. thats it.
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@lizardgod (443)
• United States
18 Jan 10
Hmm, coming up with a nicknamed based only on the info I have...which is your name is britni and your profile says you are from Denver. I really suck at this too so I have like a triple handicap. Something to do with mountains, broncos, uhhh, well now that I get to thinking about it almost anything I can remember from being in Denver is a few cities name, cold (but not bone chilling for some reason) having less air to breathe and mountains. Ummm yeah I got like nothing, sorry there hun.
@lizardgod (443)
• United States
18 Jan 10
Hehe, well sometimes simple is better. Its to bad that britt is just such as common nickname behind the brittni cause then there would be a story behind the nickname. Maybe you have another nickname in real life that you would like to share a story about how you got it :)
Creative alternative :)
By the way if you guys haven't figured it out by now I am very curious by nature. I almost wish we could have sub user names that we could change, I would make my Curious Questions Galore :) At least till I came up with something better.
@britt_200 (1226)
• United States
18 Jan 10
lol i really dont have any true cool nicknames...its just everyone that meets me calls me britt...thats the only one i have..and it is very common and it sucks. i have no other nicknames...maybe you guys should give me a new mylot nickname! :) any suggestions?

@maezee (41988)
• United States
18 Jan 10
Ha. You have quite an interesting story about your name. It's interesting to hear about all the different ways we come across our usernames; how unique each and every one of our stories are!
Although to be honest with you..Mine isn't all that unique. Maezee is my middle name! My first name is Alyssa, but to give me a little bit of anonymity, I chose to make "maezee" my username for that purpose. *shrugs*.
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@lizardgod (443)
• United States
18 Jan 10
Interesting, is that your normal tag? Also I gotta know, how do you pronounce it? I am thinking it is pronounced either like "maze.ee" or "may..zee" which are both very close and I could be very very wrong. I like the middle name though unique but not so weird or crazy that no one could spell it(although I bet you have some problems with that.)
The stories are usually very cool, and it helps everybody kind of bond. Thats why I posted it, thought it might be something anybody could talk about and we might learn some cool things.
@lizardgod (443)
• United States
18 Jan 10
I like it. Actually I like it a lot. I don't like Macy and trust me I used to work in life insurance in a low income area (we call it the delta to be friendly but it is essentially the combined ghetto of the southern US) I have seen some really really messed up names. Also they were nice enough to make it your middle name so that you pretty much only have to tell people what it is if you want to. Still I like the name.

@lizardgod (443)
• United States
18 Jan 10
If you don't mind me asking what is your name? Mainly asking cause I am curious if IB is the initials of a single name or your first&middle or full name. I am really curious, just in case anybody reading all of these hasn't figured it out yet lol.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
18 Jan 10
I always enjoy reading the great stories that people have about their user names. For me, I don't have any wonderful stories about how I came up with mine, I'm just not all that creative. I took my given first name, my middle initial and the first three letters of my last name to make up mine. I never liked using numbers at the end of a user name so I tried to come up with something that I didn't think anyone else in the world was using. So far it has served me well as well because I am able to use the same user name everywhere and I've never had to add numbers to the end of it.
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@lizardgod (443)
• United States
18 Jan 10
I have said it before and I will say it again, simple and easy to remember equals good. Hey and if you can always use it without the numbers even better.
@lizardgod (443)
• United States
18 Jan 10
Hey thanks, glad you liked it. I like the way you came up with yours, I am pretty sure that no combination of my names would make anything near as pretty as your user name.
Thanks for responding.
@MimiRemo (418)
• Philippines
18 Jan 10
It's nice to hear what's behind everybody's user names. Mine is obviously not as interesting. It's just my nickname, and shortened family name. I would have wanted it to be creative though, but I just use this to all sites I joined requiring a username so it's easy to remember. Hehe!
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@lizardgod (443)
• United States
18 Jan 10
So I am guessing Mimi is the nickname? If you want to feel more creative and let us know a little more, how did you get the nickname. Essentially a nickname is just a user name in real life lol. By the way I like the user name, almost sounds like a word in another language.
@spikelives (430)
• United States
19 Jan 10
well mine is spikelives4ever because I love Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Spike is one of my fav preson on the show
@lizardgod (443)
• United States
19 Jan 10
The original British vampire bad@$$. Gotta give it to ya, nice choice.
Thanks for responding.
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@Rainegurl (2156)
• Philippines
18 Jan 10
I have used Rainegurl for several years now. It's supposed to be Rainegirl for rain-girl, or a girl who love the rain. But when creating my email accounts, rainegirl is already taken so i made girl into gurl. Same pronunciation, right?
I have always liked rainy days. Living in a tropical country, the heat always irritates me. There are times when I do not like to go out because it's too hot outside. I like the weather best when it's cold and raining or at least drizzling. Also, I was once a rocker
and I really like that song by Garbage entitled I'm Only Happy When It Rains Lol. I used to think that the song talks about me.

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@lizardgod (443)
• United States
18 Jan 10
I love that song. I am a huge huge fan of almost any rock band that has a female singer, so many of them are hypnotizing to me. That song is on one of the Guitar Hero's I think. Maybe number 5. Good band. Ok enough of the rant. I am just proud of you for trying "girl" first lol. What country do you live in that it is so hot. I like rainy days except in the winter cause then you just get ice. :(
Anyhow thanks for playing along with today's relieve the boredom game :) lol
@lizardgod (443)
• United States
18 Jan 10
Nice, I like Tool. I am not a big fan, you know enough to search out the music on a regular basis but pretty much everything I have heard by them I really like.
Really like the 3 Tool songs on Guitar Hero World Tour. Can't remember all the names, one of them is Vicarious, but can't remember the others.
Thanks for letting us know jambi462
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@Java09 (3075)
• United States
18 Jan 10
I chose mine because when I signed up ,I had trouble thinking.Then I remembered javascript,I remembered that from when I tried to download something online the javascript appears.So I made it my user name.Java also means coffee and I'm a coffee drinker.
@lizardgod (443)
• United States
18 Jan 10
Can't beat spur of the moment user names. I am guessing the 09 came from the year it was created?
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@lizardgod (443)
• United States
18 Jan 10
Hmm. well that certainly is unique. At least the story is different from the normal stories. Thanks for responding.
@esjosh (911)
• India
18 Jan 10
Fantastical Topic dear. I read all the replies over it. They almost have interesting user names and story behind it.
My user name is combo of initial letters of my friends names.
We had rocking group in our college time. We all are not in continuous touch but I am trying to do something that keep us contentiously connected.
@lizardgod (443)
• United States
18 Jan 10
That is a neat way to come up with a user name. If I did that for me I would have a user name of EAD....not a very good name I am afraid lol.
Thanks for responding and glad you like the topic.

@i_am_moosie (62)
18 Jan 10
What a great topic! I love the idea of finding out a bit more about the people on here that we talk to al lthe time! And everyone seems so creative!
I chose Moosie years ago at uni when I first started using chatrooms. I wanted something that didn't hint at my real name... and oddly I have a bit of a soft spot for moose (the animals). But that had gone, so Moosie, it was.
My friends really tease me because here (in the UK) if a girl is a moose it means she's really ugly!!! LOL! Don't know if that is the same elsewhere?
It became i_am_moosie because, again, moosie was taken and I didn't really fancy loads of numbers after it, so that was a good alternative!
@lizardgod (443)
• United States
18 Jan 10
wow so your name in your area actually mean. "I am really ugly" again...wow.
That is definatly interesting and as far as I know here in the states moosie is not a term for ugly women.
Thanks for sharing and glad you liked the topic.
@i_am_moosie (62)
18 Jan 10
In that case I should move to the states!!!!
It wasn't deliberate... I just didn't quite think things through when I chose the name.
Now lots of my friends from that stage in my life call me Moosie all the time - I think they associate it with me rather than being ugly... Unless they associate me with being ugly!
@lizardgod (443)
• United States
18 Jan 10
Your real name is binky? That is defiantly not a name I hear all the time. Where are you from? Also how do you get bnx from binky? Man I am way to curious.
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
18 Jan 10
My name is without the story. I an Pola from Chicago, so my name is a combination of my name and my location. Most people call me here Pola (just right way) and some call me Polo(I am not mad...rather funny

@lizardgod (443)
• United States
19 Jan 10
That is nice. I have been to chicago a few time, man I love that city, I actually wish I could move there. I spent hours downtown and at the museums. What is the origins of the name Pola?
@lizardgod (443)
• United States
19 Jan 10
See people don't understand though, there is always a story behind a user name. The story here is maybe not how you came up with the name but for you it is why you chose to just use your real name?
@good2go2001 (915)
• United States
18 Jan 10
My son is a US Marine and hes always saying good2go when hes talking, in meaning it is his understanding that the person he is speaking to understands what he means and he understand what they are saying. It is a means of understanding one another. I use it to represent my faith in life that I understand everything happens for a reason even if i dont like it, Im good2go threw anything life throws at me!
@lizardgod (443)
• United States
19 Jan 10
That is awesome. I am not personally a marine but I have the utmost respect for them and several of my friends are/were marines and I have actually picked up saying that myself.
Thanks for responding.
@lazerm (478)
• United States
18 Jan 10
lazerm stands for lazer matrix. its the individual I wish I could be in real life. sort of an assassin,TERMINATOR, and sith lord all rolled into one.a very ruthless, coldblooded and dangerous being indeed.mylot, myspace, windows live, or youtube-it doesn't matter. when a person sees my terminator avatar, they better watch out!
@lizardgod (443)
• United States
18 Jan 10
Is lazer matrix an existing character or one that you created?
@lizardgod (443)
• United States
19 Jan 10
I am definately familiar with Castiel, good choice, but why Castiel?
@djlovespm (6)
• United States
18 Jan 10
my name just basically says that i love my boyfriend. we have been going out for 2 years and thats the story. although im sure no one really cares.
@lizardgod (443)
• United States
19 Jan 10
You can think that if ya want but I asked because I am curious, and I am sure I can not possible be the only one.
Thanks for responding.