If children are made to work early, what are the advantages?

children working, minor worker - Some children work at an earlier ages develop a sense of responsibility and independence.
January 18, 2010 9:34am CST
Many children are pressure to work earlier even though their parents disagree and yet they insist. While some store owner abuse them without giving them the right salary and yet the government require business establishment that a minor need to be approve by their agency before allowing to work. Children who work earlier develop a sense of responsibility and independence which help them to become a better adults and as a future leader in the future. But their are also downsides along when children work earlier they miss a lot of fun which children of their own same age are experiencing and they tend to have a unhappy childhood which in later life develop a lot of insecurities on how they dealt with life and how they treat other people. As far as your own experiences are concern, did you experience working at an earlier age or if you are a parent, do you allow your children to work at an earlier age? How about you, Do you think if children work earlier it is an advantages or a disadvantages? Kindly shares your thoughts. thanks. 1-18-10
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23 responses
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
20 Jan 10
IT's definitely an advantage for a child to start working early, but only in the right environment.. They wont suffer, but in fact, they will learn alot more.. They wont lose out on frenz, but instead, they will make more frenz, and be more daring.. haha =D They will mature earlier, even though they might mix with the wrong company etc.. Still, it's their life experience, which makes it memorable ^_^ IF not, what most kids will have, is just a normal childhood, of fooling around, and it's nothing new.. haha =D
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• Philippines
20 Jan 10
Yeah, as long as the work is not too hard or too harsh where their younger body could not tolerate it and they do not have too spend long hours on their job. As earlier exposure taught them responsibilities, become independence and self reliance.
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@flower21 (765)
• Philippines
18 Jan 10
they become mature and takes the work as something valuable. when they grow old they see work as something a need not just a want. but an asset for a person to survive need a lot of money. one could get through work.
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• Philippines
26 Feb 10
hi flower, yeah, when they are expose at a younger age it is true while introducing them to lighter load of work which they could handle like a training but not the heavy types since their body and mind is not yet fitted to do heavy work. thanks
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
18 Jan 10
I started working at 15 loved the money I got DIdnt hurt me any as I loved to work out in the puplic. My kids started early to they never thought they missed out on anything as they could do alot of things after work. SOmetime sI think kids working can keep them out of trouble.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Feb 10
SO true
• Philippines
27 Feb 10
hi lakota, getting to work at a young age is a good thing s one learn the values of hard work, becomes independent and know to spend money in the right way.
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• Philippines
18 Jan 10
children expose to work earlier becomes independent and self reliance most of the times. they best understand life and the reasons why it is necessary to spend money fro own survival.
• Philippines
26 Feb 10
hi janea, Yeah, that very true they love to work at an earlier ages more better when they become adults they become reliable and very independent on the job most of the times.
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@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
18 Jan 10
If children work at a young age then it's called child labor, which is prohibited in countires. :-) Childhood is a very precious period in one's life, and it passes quickly, so it should be savored. Childhood should be more about playing and being curious about most things, and this is where they start to learn about the value of friendship, winning, and defeat. It may be true that they'll learn to be independent and responsible at a young age, but I think there's a perfect time for that, and that is not during childhood.
• Philippines
18 Jan 10
hi mjcookie, Yeah, that right but if their are permission from parents and the children is able to procure permit from the department of labor it becomes legal. Though, the only harassment happen when children are force to work at a tender age that even if the children refuse an adult force them to work a heavy job like carrying heavy loads and other labor exploitation. however if children are properly motivated at having part time work it boost their confidence and make them a valuable asset of the society being a great helper to the family finance. thanks
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@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
19 Jan 10
Part-time work would be fine, and they should be treated well. About those kids carrying heavy loads like sacks of rice or cement, that's a perfect example of child labor. I think their bodies are too young for that kind of job.
• Philippines
19 Jan 10
hi mjcookie, nice avatar you have! yeah, part time work would do well as long as the child receives fair shares of earning accordance with her/his job. Those are illegal child labor which is against the law and should not be conceited. have a nice day!
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• Canada
19 Jan 10
Hello Neelianoscet, I started working when I was 18 yrs old. I had a childhood and have no regrets. I dont have children but I dont think Id let them work at a young age. Id want them to be kids and enjoy being kids since they'll be working for the rest of their lives. They say if you dont do kids stuff when you're young.....you do them later in life when you're too old to act like a kid. But, it all depends on each individual. Some kids might want to work and nothing the parents say will change their minds. So why not let them. But, I wouldnt let ANY kid work if they were being abused or under payed. Thats simply not right.
• Philippines
27 Feb 10
hi magical bubbles, It is good to make it clear to the ideas of working at a young age for children who are interested and they should not be force to do so but one things they should like it and not just for a matter of adventures or for fun but about earning money on their own way without depending on anybody it would taught them the values of hardwork which should guide them to become a productive person when they reach the legal age to get a formal job where they could help themselves and the finances of the family as well.
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@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
19 Jan 10
Uhm, maybe that is true. I'd love to take MJ as an example. He had a rough childhood because of his dad, so when he grew up he acted like a kid (in a good way). He said that he would always be Peter Pan. His thoughts about that reflect in his song "Childhood".:)
@jezzmay (1845)
• United States
18 Jan 10
I think it depends on the child, some may be able to handle it better than others. I believe it would help children to at least have a part time job. The parent should make sure the child is being treated right and be involved in the work experience and encourage the child. Have a great day.
• Philippines
19 Jan 10
hi jezzmay, Yeah, depending on the early awakening and when children learn the importance of working they were becoming mature even at a tender age when their age of reasoning already understand the concepts of life and the knowledge to feed itself is a need for survival. It also taught them at an earlier to save their hard earn money teaches lot of frugality and develop them a sense of pride for their own effort. thanks
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@shell2784 (752)
• United States
18 Jan 10
It depends on how early you're talking!! I got my first job at 14 when i was old enough to get a working permit. I was so excited to go get a job and be able to get a pay each week! My first job I didn't like so much, working in the kitchen at a retirement home - but I left there and went to waitressing and I LOVED it! I'm glad that I started working as early as I did. I really did bounce around jobs quite a bit thru school - but I also knew that none of them were careers... but it gave me a good feel for things I was willing... and not so willing to do when the time came to buckle down and get a "real job" so to speak. But all in all I'm very happy that I chose the working path - did it suck having to work most weekends? well sure! Was it hard to balance homework and work? Of course! Did it teach me that sometimes sacrifices need to be made in order to take care of your own? ABSOLUTLY!
• Philippines
26 Feb 10
hi shell, Better for you as you love to work an an earlier ages since you have the chance to experience having your own income it may be little but you get an internal satisfaction which is even better as it taught you to become independent and value working that not all the time one need to depend on a parents. As when one grow older your experience working at an earlier age gives you positive thoughts which inspired you to become a productive worker. thanks
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@amyson (3498)
• Philippines
18 Jan 10
Children becomes responsible individual and develop a strong work ethics . when he become adults it would no longer too hard for her to face the actual work as she is already learn the value of work at an early age.
• Philippines
26 Feb 10
hi amyson, Yeah that true that is the advantages as they learn to know the reason behind the concept of working as necessary for survival since the earning is being purchase to support self need. thanks
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• Philippines
7 Mar 10
Yes of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. For me , i will not allow my daughter to work at her young age, but if she wants to attend a summer job for students, i think i will let her. This will teach her the value of hard work and how to interact with other people, her co-workers. This will train her to follow rules and to become responsible. For disadvantages, i think there is only a few, she might enjoy working and would not want to go to school anymore. But it should be made clear to them that finishing a course is the most important thing and working is more enjoyable when one is really prepared for the tasks.
• United Kingdom
18 Jan 10
I don't think any minor anywhere across the world works out of choice.It is more because of the fact that they do not have anybody else to feed them and they work for survival.As far as I am concerned,no minor should ever work,instead they should be sent to schools and educated.This is their age to play and learn and not to face the hardships of life.When they are made to work at such a young age,there's not much that they learn apart from learning to survive somehow.That even animals know,so it can't be called an achievement.There's nothing wrong in starting to work once you become an adult and I believe that is really the perfect time to start.
• Philippines
26 Feb 10
hi nitinshukla, That is so true but in poorest places and family they have no choice but to allow their children to work at an earlier ages and help the family especially if they have so many sibling who need to be feed. The differences between children raise in a wealthy and affluent family they could enjoy their youth to the fullest while an average child is intelligent whom other have any ideas what reasons people do work because as they could see from their parents just gives them money they need without worrying what work mean. Then, as they grow old and meet different people which mean they realize that working not only for adults but also to children at an easy way to let them know that to work requires a lot of dedication and commitment.
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• Philippines
18 Jan 10
they become smart and hardworking and children expose at an earlier age becomes responsible and an asset of the society. becoming mature at an earlier age could be good not only for herself but also to the people around her.
• Philippines
26 Feb 10
hi fan, Yeah they are the disadvantages and also disadvantages but so long as children work just for learning it is still allowable but when they are pressure to work for something they do not like it becomes illegal.
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@AmandaMBF (284)
• Brazil
18 Jan 10
I think if children are made to work early, with a control time, having time to play and study, they'll be more responsable and will learn many things like work in group, respect hierarchy, and take care of their tasks and obligations. So I think there wasn't a problem children made to work early. But i think they could to work just three our four ours a day and just five days a week. And if the work disrupt the school or the leisure time they have to stop to work.
• Philippines
19 Jan 10
hi amandabf, Actually, children expose to work at an earlier age grow more smarter at a tender age they already know the value of working and hence they would also know to save their earning and spend less on unwanted things. Yeah, when children work beyond their limit so far exceeding their capabilities so it is necessary to pull them out since it is no longer a training ground when their pleasure at work becomes bitter. thanks
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• India
18 Jan 10
it is having both advantage and disadvantage this is why you are working. If the child is working to attain the knowledge and skill then it is very useful for future but in case child is working for livelihood then this extremely bad he is showery under paid and over worked.
• Philippines
26 Feb 10
hi vjpathania, Yeah, that very true children do not need to be force to work at an earlier ages but thy could be taught on how certain things happen and not to be force to work just to feed the family.
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• Philippines
22 Jan 10
The advantage is they learned from every decision they make. they become more responsible and independent as you said. They learned to handle money. they learned to work hard and they learned to know the value of their performance. I started working at the age of 21. My thinking those days was very young. I was happy when i received my salary and I spend it right away,i forgot to give something for my parents to help them at home. BUt I am gone through with it, I learned my lesson well. Now I am responsible and very useful to everyone. But I don't planned to be employee for ever, I want to be my own boss.
@drakesuyat (1063)
• Philippines
19 Jan 10
due to poverty, one cant really avoid doing such a thing at an early age when studies and play should be experienced primarily. there were some who really missed it but others became responsible enough and even challenged themselves to prosper in their life. some politicians we have now experienced this. even those business icons today started working at a very young age. happy mylotting
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Jan 10
I will allow them to when they are 16 if they want to and as long as it doesn't interfere with their schoolwork. But I won't push them to work. At least not until they have graduated from school.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
19 Jan 10
The Us does not allow children under age 16 to work except in a business owned by their parents or small self employed jobs like mowing lawns, washing cars, and raking leaves. They must still attend school. The individual states differ on at what age a child may quit school and under what conditions. Both of my children began to work part time at age 16 while continuing their high school studies. Our son worked in construction after school and during school holidays. Our daughter worked in a fast food restaurant. They learned how to save for what they wanted.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
22 Jan 10
After High School graduation I was employed, I was able then to pursue my college education. I worked during the day and studied at night. I was able to realized you need a job in order to achieve something. I learned to be independent knowing my parents would not afford to send me to college. Should I did not work early. I won't finish my education. So advantages, you feel responsible, independent and gain self confidence.
• Philippines
27 Feb 10
there are advantages and disadvantages in working at an early age. As from my own experience it taught me decision making at an early age, as well as to be assertive. it taught me the value of money as opposed to just spending money and not working for it. I started working in our store at the age of 10. I was the saleslady, the cashier and often times I was the purchaser of the goods being sold in our store. I learned how to interact with people older than me and as well it honed my skills in negotiating and selling. the disadvantage was that I did not play like the other children in the neighborhood. But other than that it was all good because the experience equipped me with skills that I now use as an adult who is earning a living.