I Personally know that this has helped Cancer patients

@cynthiann (18602)
January 18, 2010 12:45pm CST
There is a fruit tree on the Island known as Soursop and I personally know that making a drink from the leaves and a piece of the bark has helped many cancer patients. I do not say cured because I do not know how long a person has to be wihtout cancer to say that they are cured. I am a tree that I am planting and will drink the tea daily as a preventative measure. You take three leaves and a piece of bark and brew it with water and drink. And no, it does not taste good but could be put in a juice to disguise it's flavour. The correct botanical name is not Soursop I do not know if it is all cancer cells it destroys without chemotherapy or just some types of cancer. I am giving you a link NOT A REFERRAL so that you can make up your own minds. I've been thinking of posting this for some months but am taking the risk that you may think that I am foolish. Perhaps I am but I do know four persons that are now cancer free without the use of chemotherapy. http://tag.my/2009/02/20/natural-cancer-killer-10000-times-stronger-than-chemo-soursop Maybe you could get it at health stores or online. I do not know. Tell me, would you try it?
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15 responses
• United States
19 Jan 10
Wow that is crazy! I hope all that info on the fruit is true... that can and will help so many people! I will be sure to remember this. I live in the usa and have never heard of this fruit... you would like it would be on tv!
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
19 Jan 10
I'm pretty sure I would try it. Since I'm in the states, I never have seen a tree like this around here. I haven't been in a health food store in a long time so I don't know if they would have anything like this or not. I know everybody is tired of hearing this but my money is very tight so I don't frequent the health food stores very much. I wonder if a fruit like this would prevent cancer. It looks good to me. Kathy.
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@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
18 Jan 10
There is NO island called Soursop. Please get your facts right! The fruit is sometimes called Soursop due to its acrid taste and mushy texture. Its botanical name is Annona muricata (and there are several other varieties of Annona which are related). It is also of the same family as paw-paw. The email (from which you may have got this information) is a complete hoax. In fact, there is evidence that certain elements of the soursop can contribute to Parkinson's disease. Typically, the email will say: "[b]The Sour Sop or the fruit from the graviola tree is a miraculous natural cancer cell killer 10,000 times stronger than Chemo. Why are we not aware of this? Its because some big corporation want to make back their money spent on years of research by trying to make a synthetic version of it for sale.[/b]" This is standard practice in hoax mails. First of all, how can it possibly be proved that it is "10,000 times stronger than Chemo"! Second, it invokes the 'big corporation' mystery which everyone likes to believe. In fact, there is NO proof, NO scientific studies, NO evidence whatsoever. Like all of this kind of email (see Acai Berry and a number of other similar expensive and only locally available products), it is short on real, documented evidence and long on vague claims. There is actually not one whit of truth in it. The answer is, examine all such claims like this very carefully. If they say "Recent researches have shown ...", ask WHAT recent researches and where can you find the results. Were they large enough studies and were they independent studies (not biased reports from some tin-pot chemical lab which was paid a few hundred dollars to concoct a glowing report from nothing)?
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@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
18 Jan 10
The way that you phrased your first sentence would suggest to anyone not knowing that you come from Jamaica (and that the colloquial term for Jamaica is 'the Island') that you are referring to an island called 'Soursop'. That is certainly the way I read it and I am sure that many others would too. I apologise for misunderstanding you. There are many references to the traditions in the Caribbean relating to the leaves and bark of Soursop. They mostly refer to it as a febrifuge and a mild relaxant, often used to calm children and put them to sleep. All the references to it as a 'miracle cancer cure' are very definitely of the most nauseous kind of hoax, as I mentioned. You may well know people who have recovered from cancer and who attribute their cure to the use of this herb but there is, I can assure you, no accredited scientific evidence that it contains anything that is useful in this respect (especially that it is "10,000 more effective than chemo", which I know that you nowhere claimed). There are, however, some reliable indications that regular use of soursop can cause nerve damage leading to symptoms similar to Parkinson's Disease.
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@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
18 Jan 10
Tropical fruits linked to parkinsonism: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1200/is_5_156/ai_55543209/ .
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
18 Jan 10
Please re read the discussion. I did not say there was an Island called soursop! Please reread. I live in Jamaica where where this tree is grown and have eaten the fruit for years - it is the leaves and stem that have benefits. I know four people that no longer have any symptoms of cancer. [b]I find this attack on my honesty and integrity disgraceful.[/b]
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
19 Jan 10
I would try it if I had cancer........when my mother was sick with cancer we wanted her to go to Mexico for treatment...but she wouldn't go....we thought it was worth the trip she however didn't....but if you are sick with it anything is worth a try!
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
19 Jan 10
I'm seriously P.O. with one response- I am posting something on this later as proof.I do not like inference that I am not tellng the truth. where did digitaliscomefrom- the periwinkle etc etc. sorry Jill. Am truly upset
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@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
19 Jan 10
There are a lot of natural cures that the medical community doesn't know about (or doesn't want you to know about). I don't think you're foolish and yep, I'd absolutely try it!
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@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
19 Jan 10
I wouldn't be at all surprised! heck I wouldn't be surprised if they were behind that Snopes entry too!
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
19 Jan 10
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@maiohmai (82)
• Philippines
18 Jan 10
There are a lot of those soursop here in the Philippines. They are actually named here as GUYABANO. I have read somewhere that this fruit has 10,000x more capability of destroying cancer cells compared to chemotherapy. I'm not sure either if this is a fact but the fruit is really healthy to eat and i love it!. Most people are not aware of this because according to the info that i have read, people who are conducting this research wants to make money by making a synthetic version to cover up their expenses on their years long studies...
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
18 Jan 10
Oh so it is the big Pharmaceutical Companies that donot want it?
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@owlwings (43914)
• Cambridge, England
18 Jan 10
Yes, you will find that many people say that they "have read somewhere". Like the Acai Berry scam and many others, this information is passed around with no real evidence and people just take the vague statements on board and pass them on as 'facts'. Yes, the name of the tree is Guyabano in the Philippines.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
16 Jan 11
I firmly believe that we affect our wellness and illness by what we eat and drink. I eat certain herbas and spices for their effect on pain. I would probably try it if I had cancer. I will look at your linnk because I enjoy learning about new plants and botanicals.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
16 Jan 11
I can't believe that we are not friends as I wanted to pm you. Am sending a request right now
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
16 Jan 11
I think that I messed up. Can you ask me to be your friend please
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Jan 10
hi cynthiann nope it sounds rather gross and tastes bad, as I do not have cancer why burden myself with a compound that I know nothing about really. I do not think you are foolish at all I just have a thing for odd cures that have not been proven by the medical people. I spent too much on St Johnswort as it was touted as being good for helping you sleep. Nothing, nada, it did not work at all.
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@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
19 Jan 10
hi cynthiann, thanks for the discussion,these type of discussion will give some benefit to the entire world,so many people are having cancer,the message will be forwarded to the friends,relatives,doctors and to the public also,so that most of the people will be benifit hat off to your discussion,have a nice day
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@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
29 Dec 10
My dear friend Cynthie, I just came across this discussion today,I don't know how could I miss it for so long. Two of my Uncles from my mother's side have lost the battle against cancer. Two years back one of my closest friend's mom was suddenly diagnosed with Oral cancer. She knew me since I was a child. My friend was devastated and I cannot bear to see him in such pain. I have come to know a true blessing of a freind here at mylot who had cancer too. I hope and pray that there has to be a medicine, a way out from this dreadful disease. Thank you so much for sharing this little piece of information. Maybe we should be able to combat the unwanted multiplying cells growing uncontrollably.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
20 Jan 10
Cyntiann, I am so sorry that people mistook the way that you worded this. I think it is wrong to jump all over someone on account of the way that they've phrased something. That out of the way, I would try it. Just like you I would be willing to drink the tea as a preventative measure and I would be more than willing to use it as a treatment method were I to develop cancer. I think there are more natural remedies for ailments in this world than there are true medical treatments.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
20 Jan 10
Thank you sweetie.
• Pamplona, Spain
30 Mar 10
Hiya cynthiann, Think I would try that too if I was pushed enough rather than chemotherapy itself. Of course I would be wary of it as well. But yes I would try it. Seems very interesting method, have never heard of it before but that does´nt mean anything. I would give it a go yes.
@jkcokley (265)
• United States
30 Jan 10
Cynthiann: While I'm not a doctor nor studied medicane. I beleive anything that may or can help individuals with cancer is a right thing to post. While it my be something that has no value to some, it may have value for others. Possibly some of our mylot friends with cancer out there may try this brew and be kind enough to share if it has helped them or to take it to there doctors and have it tested to see what if any benefit it truly has.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
19 Jan 10
That is very amazing. I have never heard of such fruit tree. Is that the scientific name of the tree? Who knows? I might have it in our own backyard. LOL How reliable is it?
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@tjades (3591)
• Jamaica
17 Mar 10
Ok so now I get to the discussion which caused you such a bother. That poster must realise by now that the error was in his interpretation all the way. There is no island called soursop. You were also quite clear that you make no claims. I absolutely hate pharmaceutical medicines and always make a beeline for natural remedies. This is the island of great herbs afterall. We can not deny that it is best to have knowledge of the advantages and disavantages of anything we take into our body. I have a herbal book which gives information on the medicinal and harmful properties of many common foods and herbs. That along with internet searches are my guide. I think my doctor knows I do not trust pharmaceutical medicines but he's great. I guess you have calmed down by this and will soon be back to full speed mylotting.