Can you sense when someone is having a bad day even when they are not around you

@ronnyb (6113)
January 19, 2010 12:09pm CST
Something that I consider incredible happened to me last night while talking to a friend of mine and so I had to share it .I was there in conversation with her and she asked "How was your day " and to which I replied somewhat stressfull and then she said "I could sense it ".At first I thought "wow" we have that deep connection but then she explained that my asnwers were unusually crisp and that was how she knew (awww a slight let down lol...I could have done with the more mysthical answer ).Even though I was wowed at first her answer made sense and it has led me to think we might be more connected in the bouncing ball than we think (here I go again with that mysthic holoballoo lol). So my question to you is can you sense when someone you are close with is having a bad day even if they are far from you and what are the tell tale signs.They say twins can sense when teh other is not doing well or is that just mysthicism
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14 responses
• United States
19 Jan 10
Yes, i can sense nearly every time when something is going on w/my sons just by talking to them on the phone. They are the same way by me. I also have friends that i can tell when they are having a bad day. U better watch out that girl may have your number, lol.
• United States
20 Jan 10
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
20 Jan 10
Lol Antique you are so bad ,that she may have .Tahnk you for your response you have added another element in this mystical connection between two people by exposing the bond between a mother and sons.
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• United States
19 Jan 10
Yes I can tell when one of my live friends is having a bad day Before they say anything.I would say what's wrong Before they said hi to me. Online ,it is diffrerent.they have to Tell me.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
20 Jan 10
I used to think that detection on line was impossible but my friend prove me wrong
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• United States
21 Jan 10
Sje is more in-tune than I.
• United States
19 Jan 10
Yes, I can, especially if they are close friends or my daughters. I can almost tell immediately that something is wrong, even though they can be laughing or just chatting away. Their movements are different, their expressions are different, and the talk is more edgy. I do think twins can sense this in each other even when they are not together.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
20 Jan 10
Thank you for your experience ,it was invaluable in helping me to understand this phenomena
• India
4 Feb 10
Hello my friend ronnyb Ji, In simple language it is known as telepathy. If on eis very close, one will understand about other as well. At times, from, mood one can find out, facial expressions play important roll for such indicaion, so big confrences are even conducted throgh tele=confrencing. In my case, I always get some sort of instution regarding my children and I waste to time to talk to them on phone. May God bless You and have a great time.
@wenjule (107)
• Jamaica
20 Jan 10
Hey Ronny great discussion. When you have been talking to or friends with an individual for a while you can tell whether or not they are in a bad mood. The thing is people have a certain way of responding to certain things and if you are observant enough you will pick up on any change in behaviour no matter how slight it might be. In the case of your friend maybe you use to answer her in a particular way and you changed that without realising. Maybe your responses were more curt and not as welcoming as she is used to. Even though you may not have been deliberate in your actions she may be sensitive enough to pick up on it.
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
21 Jan 10
Yes she was lol and I still find that amazing ,I wonder and hope that I iwll be as sensitive when her time comes
@thewayis (646)
• Bulgaria
20 Jan 10
If I am talking on the phone or web camera, I could tell if the other person had a bad day, but if you are talking about knowing that somebody close to me have a bad day without even hearing from him/her - no this never happened to me
@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
24 Jan 10
Thank you for responding ,I wasnt talking about a web cam just from reading texts
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
22 Jan 10
I have a very close friend and always know when something is wrong just by her chat. We get together often for lunch but don't spend time talking to each other on the phone since I'm not a phone person. Her answers are very brief and most often one word answers when she's upset. I can also tell by the way our kids word emails if something isn't right. I can tell when chat just isn't the norm. I don't push anyone to tell me if something is wrong because if they want me to know, they will tell me.
@TriciaW (2441)
• United States
20 Jan 10
I have that connection with my sister. It is actually rather difficult at times. Not that long ago I had an extremely bad headache come on suddenly. I couldn't figure it out. I then later felt panic for no real reason. I got a call from her daughter saying her mom was in the hospital because her head felt like it was going to explode. I called my sister to check on her and she was taking meds for the headache and sure enough mine went away soon after. Then later that day I got sick to my stomache, in great pain and felt like I was having a panic attack. I called my sister back and told her she needed to take more meds and calm down. She laughed cause the doctor was in her room telling her the exact same thing but she hadn't wanted to take the meds cause she was scared. I told her she had to take them and it would be alright. I aslo told her I had things to do that day and I couldn't keep feeling the pain and panic. She did as I told her to do and we both felt much better*L* This happens with me a lot with her. Another time I remember well I suddenly burst into tears for no reason at all. I knew it was odd so I called her cell right away. I found out that her son had just had their baby but the baby was in distress. That was a long day of tears from both of us but thankfully baby was fine. So can it happen? You bet. Though it isn't always the greatest thing. I am thankful though I am that close to my sister*S*
@gemini_rose (16264)
21 Jan 10
I can sense when my hubby is in a not so good mood! I can tell as soon as he walks in a room what sort of mood he is in, its like if he is in a bad mood my back instantly gets up ready for it haha!
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
2 Feb 10
I think one can tell if one knows someone else well enough...if you know how they normally are...or how they handle stress then its fairly easy to tell.
@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
20 Jan 10
I do not know what it is. I can sence how people feel most of the time. Im a people studier. I can tell when a strange is not feeling ok. Its in their mannerism. Body language as well as language. I think im this way because my son is a non talker so ive now had 33 years of experience in reading him. The program they have on tv where that guy can tell when someone is lieing is like me in real life. I can sence things. When im with a friend and soon im not going to see them for a long time...i can sence that too...tornadoes...i can sence those too. Pregnancies i can sence sometimes. If someone is going to be arrested i can sence that too...i dont know why. Once at a job i passed a co-worker and the word heartattack came into my head...???...he survived a heartattack that same weekend. Sometimes ina crowd of strangers a name or a illness comes into my mind. Its not a choice that this happens with me just happens...a gift from Jah i guess.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
22 Jan 10
I do believe that if you have a close connection with another person you can certainly sense how that individual may be feeling. My best friend and I have shared such a bond for many years. I’ve had other people who are not as close to me make comments about my mood and they’ve been totally wrong! I think that certain closeness can only be shared with some people and not with others no matter how much they think they know about us!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
21 Jan 10
I can't sense if a person is having a bad day if I am not able to talk to them at all. However, even when I am talking to someone on the telephone I am able to sense if they are having a good day or a bad day based on the cadences of their voice. For example, when someone is having a good day they are full of animation even in just speaking, but if they are having a bad day, more than likely their manner of speech will be flat.
@kaylachan (76294)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
19 Jan 10
It is true that twins have that bond of knowing what is going on with one another when appart. This is because they share a genetic makeup, which creates this type of bond. It varies from twin to twin, but it has been proven in the early stages of life, considering a majority are never carried to tearm. As for me personally, I don't think that's ever happened to me. Usually the person has to be in a certian range of me for me to detect anything. But, then again, I have a friend of mine, that can seem to tell, and will usually send me a text or call.