Do you think we will have free health insurance in the USA?
By KicDash
@KicDash (89)
United States
January 19, 2010 4:44pm CST
One thing I know is that a lot of people can't afford to pay the bill when they go to the hospital. Some people think they don't need health insurance because they think they will never get sick. But soon or later you will get sick. Some people from the USA moved to Canada because they have free health insurance. That irritates me because a lot of people die because they are not treated well because they don't have money.
Well as you guys know about the earthquake in Haiti, Haitian will get free health insurance from the US. I actually don't mind this because they need it more, but if they can have free health insurance why can't we, who were born in the US get free health insurance?Some people think that if we get free health insurance we will be a communist country I don't know why but that's what I heard from the news...
Do you think we will have free health insurance? When?
Do you agree with me or not? Why?
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11 responses
@Dedgurlsingstheblus (233)
• United States
19 Jan 10
Do you mean will the United States ever adopt a single payer health care system, or that health care will be as free as the air (which is only free at the moment)?
@RAVENBLADE0842 (493)
• United States
19 Jan 10
No, It will never be free, because somebody has to pay for it. It will come at the cost of higher taxes for a number of people. They President can promise all he wants to that taxes will not increase for 95% of Americans. However eventually he will have to break that promise. Why, because of the huge costs involved in just getting the health care reforms up and running alone. That doesn't even consider future expeditures. The money has to come from somewhere, and it will come from our pockets.
@Dedgurlsingstheblus (233)
• United States
19 Jan 10
Who are you replying to? Because what you wrote has nothing to do with what I posted.
@harukachan212 (31)
• United States
20 Jan 10
As someone who does not have health insurance, nor do I have the means to pay it this is something that I would eventually like to see. I know, at least on my part, I would have no problem with paying extra taxes in order to be able to go to the doctor when I'm sick. I also have no problem with paying extra taxes so people who suffer from incurable diseases can also get the care they need to survive. If it did eventually happen, free health care, I truly think our life expectancy would climb and we wouldn't currently have a 77.1 year average lifespan.
@apgh09 (514)
• United States
20 Jan 10
no I really don't think that USA will ever have free health insurance, our system is too corrupted. In America money is what makes her powerful and until people stop the greed for money and power and instead focus on the importance of human life only then will there might be a very slight possibility that free health care may be considered but actually doing it now way. Anyway the health care industry is a multi-billion dollar buisness greedy Americans meaning politicians, medical professionals and anyone in between will never give that type of money up!!!!!
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
20 Jan 10
I have to correct you here. There is no such thing as free health care. The Health care in places like Canada, France and the Norwegian union are not free they are paid for by taxes. The people in these nations have socialist health care that helps to keep their taxes up in the 70 - 80% of there pay. Think about that before you say "FREE" health care.
@unique16 (1529)
• United States
20 Jan 10
Hello Kicdash,
Now wouldn't that be something all Unites Staate free health insurance paid by the pharmacutical companies since they make all the medicine we have to buy to stay alive. I agree Haiti needs it more and all the help they can get for free. We spent so much on these two wars and getting Iraq and Afghanstan up and running. I wish we had the same dedication to here and for our people and our children.
Thanks and have a Great day
Sincelrey unique16
• United States
20 Jan 10
We all need health care. We could walk outside and get hit by a car. It is a necessity. Reason many do not want a national health care plan is socialism which is a step towards communism. When the government is paying for a service they are only gonna pay for what they see fit. So when Mr Jones is 70yrs old and retired (no longer able to work and pay taxes) and he has say bladder cancer. The government will tell the doctors no you cant laser that tumor this way he spends less time in the hospital and heals faster, because we feel it may just grow back,remove the whole bladder instead (They already do this now, I've worked in the medical field for 8yrs now). Medicare and Medicaid which are government funded programs for retired disabled and low income people have already made huge cuts in care for these people for 2010. Now imagine how many more cuts they will make when they add billions of people onto one program???? Yep it will be like canada great care low cost but when they get to you. In the mean time we......
For those that can't afford their medical bills. There is medicaid (which retro acts all cost for 3 months prior to eligibility) there is also a charity program at just about ever hospital around that will pay for the care. All a person needs to do is contact a billing supervisor at the hospital. Many city hospitals even pro-rate services due to an individuals income. So there is help in cost if you look hard enough. For those of us that don't qualify for the programs we need to tighten our wallets then, and keep paying.
The health care the Haitians receive will be more of a first aid and preventative care. immunizations, education.It will be minimal but, As you said and I fully agree they need it. Especially in a time of need such as now for them. They will appreciate every ounce they get.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
20 Jan 10
There is no such thing as free health insurance. Someone has to pay for it, and that someone is you and I - tax payers. Where else would the money come from? I don't think it's fair for those who have few medical expenses to have to pay for those who have a lot, which is what "free" health insurance will be. Our taxes will pay for everyone, regardless of the choices we make. I have no intention of dying in a hospital or even going there and before you protest, I have a disease that will kill me in time. When the time comes, I intend to die at home. It won't cost me a thing... but it will cost me plenty to pay for everyone else's hospital stays, hours and days in intensive care, etc.
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
20 Jan 10
pft..nope.things always come at a price somehow in this country.
one way or another they will make us pay.i can't believe free health care will ever be feasable,the medical community is presently making way too much off people who are unfortunate enough to have a catastrophic illness.
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
20 Jan 10
not really sure what will happen with this issue. i have not been following the goings on very closely so it would be hard for me to give an informed opinion at this point. i know we need for something to change but not really sure i know what the solution is and i do not think our government knows either. i guess we will all have to wait and see what happens and how things unfold.
@Mge3dme (29)
• United States
19 Jan 10
It will never be "free" in the U.S. The U.S. government is in debt and cannot even afford the amount it is spending as it is. The state governments are not much different. So if the government doesn't pay for it then we the people would have to pay for it, whether it be added to our current taxes or however else.
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
19 Jan 10
Hi KicDash.
Well, if such a bill passes, it's only going to be "free" for, I think they said, 4 million. I think that's around 1% of the population.
I don't know where I will be 10 years from now. I'm on my wife's insurance, but she will retire from her job within 10years.
For me, I would rather just trust God. I know others would prefer to have insurance. But for me, I'd rather just leave it alone.
In regard to free, somebody is paying for it. So if a bill is ever signed, right now its free for 1 percent, but others will be paying for that by deductions from their check. At least that's the way I understand it.
Who pays for the free insurance in Canada? Surely they collect taxes for it.