Who do you think goes to heaven?
By Hanan_x3
@Hanan_x3 (294)
United States
January 19, 2010 7:40pm CST
Thats something Ive been trying to figure out in forever. Who goes to heaven? Do you have to follow a certain religion to go to heaven? Dont our actions count? Whatever religion you are, do you go to heaven because your that religion? What if you werent of that religion, do you go to hell? Even though you are a good person?
I want to know what you all think... who do you think goes to heaven? (Please no arguing, insulting others, or posting offensive comments. This is an intellectual question. If you aren't open minded enough to answer it, dont.)
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25 responses
@maezee (41988)
• United States
20 Jan 10
Practically my whole life I've been told that because I don't follow a certain religion to the book - that I won't be "saved a spot in heaven" (I've literally heard this line DOZENS AND DOZENS OF TIMES!). I think this is crap and I don't let ANYONE put me down because I don't follow their religion. I'm respectful of people and their religions and religious beliefs..Up until the point where they start trying to put me down and make false accusations because I don't happen to pray to the same God as them. Or read the same bible. Or go to the same church. This is BS if you ask me. I know that I'm going to heaven; not even trying to be conceited. I think all good people are going to go to heaven; and this is coming from someone who tip-toes over the idea of heaven and whether or not it exists. Good people with good intentions, I do believe. I don't think it's restricted to just one religion, obviously. I've met wonderful people from all religions and non-religions. I don't think it has anything to do with your religion. I think it has more to do with what kind of person you are; and agnostic, Christian, Muslim, Hindi, whatever you are - I think as long as you're a "good person" with a wonderfully human heart; I think you'll be "saved a spot in heaven".
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@Harley009 (1416)
• India
30 Jan 10
Don't think everybody going to hell or heaven. What do you think Bahai faith says if one don't accept the guidance?
If one having name of a Muslim or Just getting a Muslim label won't take one to heaven. So don't think all people having Muslim label will goto Paradise(heaven). Nobody will tell you that you will be burned in hell.
It is very nice to say we accept all, budha, krishna, rama, zorastra, mohammad, Jesus etc. Do you think it works? It is contradicting itself. If you read Bible you will see one version of God, aim of life and many other aspects of life, in Vedas you will see something opposite to it, In Quran it says differently. So saying we believe in all those religious titles is only nice to hear, practically it is impossible or contradicting. That is why I believe in one, which is having the solid proof.
Our creator created us to know our creator. We are supposed to do what our creator want us to do, that is the relationship with God. If we accept those guidance and live as per the guidance God will reward us never ending life of Paradise, there are everything that we wish, rivers of milk and honey, palaces fruits that tastes and feel so great than what we feel here. There is no evil and bad words forever. Don't you like to go there?
If one deny our creator's guidance then God will punish him for it. But we can't say that one is going to hell or paradise.
Suppose blackberry release a Mobile phone, they will release the user manual for it, they provide instruction how to use it. If you drop it from the top it will damage, if you immerse in water it will spoil, do not switch on aircraft and fuel stations, Use these and these menu to do that, etc.
If you think in the same way regarding humans...
God created us and God revealed the manual for human beings as well. Manual has been revealing in different editions for different generations and based on their developments. The Last edition of the manual for human kind is the Holy Quran which was revealed through final Prophet Mohammad (pbuh). This is the manual for humankind that we supposed to follow.
May Almighty God guide us to the right path.
@Hanan_x3 (294)
• United States
20 Jan 10
Don't worry I got you. And I totally agree with you. I have been told that line as well (of course not the exact wording). I don't like people telling me that im gonna burn in hell forever because I chose not to believe something. I began searching about why religion says this and all. I did a whole search and I found the religion that accepts every prophet, including Buddha, Krishna, and Zoroaster. And this religion is perfect because it accept anyone. And I have never heard anywhere people saying that im gonna go to hell. I'm still researching on this religion, but right now it seems good for me.
Oh and by the way, I love how your so confident that your going to heaven. We need more awesome people like that! :D
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@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
20 Jan 10
Hello Hanan,
I believe in reincarnation. Ive regressed people in their past lives and from my experiences, Im quite sure it does happen. Wont go into it now in details.
I believe we come on earth to experience everything earthly. So we come back as a Catholic, Protestant, etc.....we need to learn about everything, be all we can be in many situations. We can be a male in one life and a female in another. We can be a husband or a wife, a daughter or a mother. The more experiences we go through the more we can understand the true meaning of life.
I dont think there is a hell. If you didnt do well in a life, well you can do better in the next and pay off your debts.
So if you're good and you treat others well....maybe you'll get to stay "up there" and not have to come back.
Its my opinion and I dont expect anyone to agree with me. You asked and I answered honestly.
@poingly (605)
• United States
21 Jan 10
Well, it's not a theory in the sense that it can be tested or proved. It was more of a nice idea I had. I technically still have it as an idea. I just don't think I would've ever said it was a "belief" I had, you know?
Though keep in mind, under this idea it wasn't about paying off debts, because the entire deeds of the world would also be your deeds.
@MagicalBubbles (5103)
• Canada
21 Jan 10
Thats about it.....you say you had this theory once.....so you dont anymore?

@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
20 Jan 10
Ok, lets just think about going to heaven. Imagine the wondrous tranquility in sitting on the right hand of God, Forever. The roads being all paved in Gold besides. Walking along on GOLD paved road to God's right hand would be Great! But would it soon become "Old Hat?" How long could we sit on God's right hand and keep our sanity? Could anyone handle that forever?
Seems as if Heaven (in all its Glory) would be the most boring place imaginable! Who can argue that? Imagine all that glory FOREVER? How sickening it would become! Oh! how we would grow to Hate it there, (sitting on God's right hand in an overstuffed recliner) lets face it! Lets call it exactly what it is - BORING as Hell!
Of Course, Neither Heaven nor Hell exists!
One is too good to be true, and the other is so stupid it stinks!
@machivado (528)
• Indonesia
20 Jan 10
Yeah..baby.. That's the way... Man.. it seems funny the way you put it, but you've got a point there...Although I believe that almost everything in the Bible don't tell everything as they are.
Just imagine this... How will you describe your own paradise? How would you describe your feelings, and in the very depths, your feelings that can see, a situation where you face your highest desire?
Well maybe people at that time sees gold as something as divinity and sort of.
It just that, how can you limit God? You're the one who is limited at seeing God as He is.
@Gordano (795)
• United States
20 Jan 10
Hello Hanan,
Let's agree first that it is Illogical and fully injustice to assume that a certain group of people or followers of any religion (the wicked among the righteous) will go to the Heaven while others (the wicked among the righteous) will go to the Hell, beside it is Illogical it applies injustice attribute to the Almighty creator while God is the Ultimate Justice.
and if we agree in this, Let me tell you How any one will Go to the Heaven according to Islamic Point of view.
The Holy Quran is Clear in this regard, and yes our actions count, no doubt in this.
[i][099:006] That day mankind will issue forth in scattered groups to be shown their deeds.
[099:007] And whoso doeth good an atom's weight will see it then,
[099:008] And whoso doeth ill an atom's weight will see it then.[/i]
another verse make it clear.
[i][002:062] Lo! Those who believe (in that which is revealed unto thee, Muhammad), and those who are Jews, and Christians, and Sabaeans - whoever believeth in Allah and the Last Day and doeth right - surely their reward is with their Lord, and there shall no fear come upon them neither shall they grieve.
note the underlined sentence inside the Verse, It shows what is required to go to the Heaven, What is required is:
Believe in God or submission to God (the literal meaning of the word Islam) and do Good deeds seeking the reward of your good deeds from God alone, and this is the Clear message of All the Abrahamic religions, when something difference is mentioned, something is corrupted.
some people will say to you that Human beings are not perfect, and I must admit that, but the Almighty God sent us Prophets with Guidance to make us perfect, the more we follow the more we will be perfect, we will not be perfect Just because someone told us the God come to sacrifice himself (or send his son) to make us perfect.
Best Regards
@sanjana_aslam (4187)
• Malaysia
21 Jan 10
so gardano .. a person of any other religion or belief that has done good deeds n full of kindness .. will not go to heaven ?? that is so sad
@ybong007 (6643)
• Philippines
20 Jan 10
This depends on the type of religion you're on. There are religions that teach that faith alone will save you. There are other's that says it's your actions. And there are those that will answer none because they don't believe in heaven in the first place. So it really depends on an individual's belief.
• India
5 Feb 10
hey friend i want to ask you something that from what religion you belongs to? please it is just for my knowledge. please try to reply soon, your freind khan.
• India
7 Feb 10
hello friend got your reply towards religion and i want to say you best of luck for searching your true religion. by the way if you dont mind can you please tell me if you get that religion you want and your family will oppose you , then what you will do? please reply if you dont mind, khan.
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
21 Jan 10
God created humankind, and God have given the guidance for mankind and revived periodically. The humankind is created to know the creator.
Humans have to accept what our creator want us to do, if we accept the guidance of our creator he/she will will be rewarded Paradise in the here after. Our creator knows about us than ourselves.
We need to identify the aim of our life, which has been clearly mentioned by Almighty God in his guidance. So where is the guidance of Almighty God? Many claim that they have the words of God, but can they prove it?
Quran is purely the word of God. I am not just saying this out of blind faith. You may explore yourself and know the Quran from cover to cover. Quran is the last edition of the manual to humankind.
"By time, Indeed mankind is in loss, Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience." [Quran 103.1-3]
Quran teaches that deeds and actions are important, Just bearing a label 'Muslim' won't take one to paradise.
I wish I and I try and do deeds and pray for attaining the paradise, God has to decide whether I have accepted his guidance and if it is enough I could go to paradise. Simply believing without doing anything won't take one to paradise.
A label won't take one to paradise, if one follow the guidance of true God purely, he will be admitted to paradise. Whoever do not accept the true guidance of God will be admitted to hell.
"Those with Faith, those who are Jews, and the Christians and Sabaeans, all who have Faith in Allah and the Last Day and act rightly, will have their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow." [Quran2:62]
Islam is not "a" religion. Islam is an Arabic word which means submit to God or peace. Whoever accept the will of God and guidance of God against his or her own lusts and follow the guidance of God is called a Muslim.
Adam, Abraham, Noah, Jesus, Moses, David, Jonah, Mohammad, etc (peace be up on them) accepted the guidance from God and they were proclaiming it; and they submitted to God (i.e. they were Muslims)
@awapak (1275)
• Pakistan
27 Jan 10
This is really a good discussion and the last divine book,the Holy Quran, provides complete reply and information about those lucky people who will go to heaven.They should be having following qualities:
First of all they should try to know what is their real aim of life?God Almighty tells us about our aim of life:
"I have not created the Jinn and men except for this that they should worship ME."
.......................................(The holy Quran 27:56-57,Surah Adh-Dhariyat)
So we have to worship him alone without making other associates or mediators.
"Shirk" or Polytheism is the biggest and only unforgivable sin as per the Holy Quran:
"shirk is the only sin that Allah does not forgive,and He forgives whomsoever He Pleases,sins other than this,for whosoever associates any other partner with Allah,does indeed forge a big lie and commit the most heinous sin."
.........................................(The Holy Quran,Surah Nisa,verse 48).....
This is another fact that almost all the previous religions and scriptures were corrupted or changed by the people who came after their Prophets so there was a need of a Book which should remain divinely protected till the Last day.Even Jesus(pbuh)will support this book on his second coming in Muslims and implement it in his FIRST IDEAL WORLD STATE to fill this earth with unprecedented peace,prosperity and Justise.So all the people who took birth during or after the final Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)can never go to heaven unless they accept his divine message and become Muslims.
Such people are required to spend their lives as per the divine teachings of the Holy Quran and Hadith.They should make good deeds in this life and avoid all sins to go to heaven.
These were some of the important things which we require to go to heaven.Polytheists can never enter this place b/c they have not recognized and worshiped one God Almighty in this life.......
@beatrizguiselle (1118)
• Spain
27 Jan 10
Hello, Hanan. I am a NON religious person and I don´t believe in such a thing as heaven. I believe there is good and there is bad in this world, but no demons or angels.
There are a vast variety of religions out there that will talk about behaving to go to heaven... Then some that you will reincarnate... Its well, religion was created by men, so you be the judge of that and you judge your own actions.
If you are a strong believer then I suggest you be nice to this world so you can see that bright light when the times comes.

@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
24 Jan 10
I think God is very picky about who he allows into heaven. In the Bible they are referred to being holy and chosen ones. They would be people who really care and show a lot of love for mankind. Because the reason they are picked to go to heaven is to form a government that will rule the earth and bring blessings to mankind and also eliminate from the earth wicked ones that cannot be reformed.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Jan 10
Everyone will know God's unconditional love that heals all hurt. If you picture heaven as eternal bliss and doing nothing except having it made, think again. This is not reality. There is nothing better than God's unconditional love, however, in time, kiddies must go back to school. Summer break never lasts forever. As far as hell, it doesn't exist except for the fact that some feel consequences from bad choices seem like hell. The choices are all ours. Everything you do in life comes back to you in time. This is not to punish but to teach. It shows you what your choices really are. Make good choices everyone!!
• India
1 Feb 10
hello again here is your answer that why only one can go in to heavan because . suppose that there is one teacher teaching to two students with same level. if one of student is listening to his teacher and doing what he wants and other is doine whatever he want. now after nine months there is a time of examination. now you tell who will qualify? obviously the one who is paying attention in his teaching. now lst compare this with god and tell me to whom god will allow to go in heavan obviously one who is doing what god wants. because the book of allah that is holy quran in which allah is saying that i had buy you and your money in the exchange of heaven. but there is many benifit which allow us to be satisfy with your money and all world accept this. i want to say you that our holy quran is from 1400years ago and it is at is. and you know that this geeta and bible are changing in every one year approximately. you know that then also it is not perfect and our holy quran is as it is from 1400 years ago. than also it is perfect. your friend khan.
• India
1 Feb 10
hi friend i want to say you about your question. i first say you that do you believe in god? i think you are obiviously believe in god as you have questioned us about who will go in hell and who in heaven? firstly, i will say you that i am the one who believes in islam the religion of real god(allah) i want to say you if there is any true religion that is religion of god that is it should have solution of everything. that is i think you know that god is perfect and if god want us to follow than god will have one perfect discipline with proof of existance and my freind and fortunately islam is one who having all this quality. i am not against you and this world but i want to say you that how this religions are perfect. here are some examples
1. in hindusw i want to say that this god can be in the form of animals.but you say, how? because why will god need to do so? he can do whatever he want, because he is almighty god which is greatest from all. and i want to say you that this peoples are sprinkling toilet of cow in food and saying that food will be pure now you say that is it right? because if this is right then it should also satisfies science and you know what this is satisfied by our islam.
2. i dont want to say very much about christans, i will show you one real fact that did you saw a movie "da vinci code" in this movie they are showing that their god's mother is call girl and having one child lived in world for generations. now you say how can god will do injustice with us if god have son than he should make everyone to be equal. i want to say you that our holy quran maded by allah in that allah is saying that no one is my brother, sister, mother, father and all other relatives. he is one from beginning till end. your friend khan.
@deenaly (162)
• Malaysia
30 Jan 10
Before answering the question, let's ponder about this story...
You have a favourite gas company you always go to whenever you want to fill in your gas. You like it because it gives you benefits for filling the gas at the station. You have a friend who is in the same league with you.
One day, the owner of the gas company wishes to reward those who fill in the gas with the company a chance for a trip to a very beautiful place. The only condition is to be the member of a certain sub company of the gas company. Your friend already signed in for membership, while you haven't, because you are not certain whether the owner is actually offering that chance. Furthermore, there are a lot of similar offers claimed to be offered by the owner.
Time has passed. Still no proof of the reward. You begin to believe that the reward is just a scam created by irresponsible people, and the sub company does not exist. It is also a scam.
A long time after your friend has signed, he gets the chance he's been waiting for, by keep filling in the gas at the company and earn rewards for each filing. You see that and feel regret because you didn't take the offer. You wish for the offer to be opened again, but sadly, it closed.
Now, let the gas company be the world we live in, the action of filling up your gas tank be good deeds you're making in your life, the owner of the company as God, the certain company membership be a religion and the trip reward is the trip to heaven.
If we look closely to my story, we can see that, in order for our deeds to be recognised by God, and to get the reward, we must be a member to one particular religion that is recognised by God. No matter how many good deeds we do, if we do not submit to the religion that believes in that God, we will never get the chance for the ultimate reward, going to heaven. A lot of religions offer similar rewards, but there is only one religion that would be actually accepted by God to be THE religion.
It's up to our belief whether we want to believe of that one religion God has chosen to be rewarded, or stay where we are now. The point is, without believing that God has chosen a religion that He promised to reward for, no matter how we do good deeds, we will never enter heaven because we didn't believe in that God, or His chosen religion.
And THE religion is for us to find it out ourselves...
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
20 Jan 10
Which heaven friend?
There are many forms of heaven to many different people. But if you are talking of the heaven created by the Holy One of Israel, God of Adam, Abraham, Issac, and Moses. Then it will be whoever walks in his ways, keeps his statutes and commandments and loves him with their whole heart and their whole soul.
Regardless of what denomination of which religion to which they belong.
Valhalla, on the other hand...and other heavens, I am not so sure.
@levis143 (70)
• Philippines
20 Jan 10
Do you want to know for sure that you enter heaven when you die? I tell you i am sure I enter heaven when I die. How am i so sure? I received Jesus Christ in my heart, in my life as my Lord and Savior. I believed in what the Bible says that Jesus Christ alone is the Savior of the world, and that includes you and me. Even now, if you pray and invite Christ in your heart as Lord and Savior you can be saved, for Jesus Christ is alive. And when Jesus lives in you, you are saved now. And you can know that for sure, because the Bible says "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains in him". (John3:36)
@rocket2020 (524)
• India
20 Jan 10
What if, if our forefather's forefather had changed his religion due to some political pressure or for some financial benefits, or certain believer of certain religion came to conquer certain region and then changed/rather made its people to believe on the conqueror religion forcefully........In such circumstance I think both should be sent to hell.
If we have changed our religion just for the sake of some benefits like getting married to a person with whom I am in love or get some job benefits then what......
Hence the religion which force other people to believe in their religion for the vested interest(like Heaven and so) and those who are fall in that trap,BOTH OF THEM ARE SINNER AND FORMER IS THE SINISTER ONE!!!
So there is no such religion which makes it possible!!! Even if one clams then I am afraid they are wrong,and very much narrow minded!!!
Its all our deeds that counts and the TRUE KNOWLEDGE of the past i.e. about our forefather's forefather religion.
So let us find out who we are first.......
@nitinshukla (278)
• United Kingdom
20 Jan 10
Well nobody can say for sure.Its an elusive subject that has been intriguing saints and sages for ages..:)...Nobody knows if there is anything called heaven or hell at all.And if there is,religions surely won't have a role to play in securing a place in either of these places as they are all human made.We have been taught as children that we'll have to answer for our actions when we go above or in the next life.Nobody knows if this claim has got any substance attached to it.Perhaps it was said to inculcate good values into people.We can't answer most of these queries as they are beyond our control at least at the moment.But we could do whats there in our hands like working hard,choosing the ethical path to all our goals and being kind and empathetic towards others.That's how we become a good human being..:)
@poingly (605)
• United States
20 Jan 10
I have often thought about this from a personal perspective as well. The only person you know exists is you. The only person I know exists is me. (I think therefore I am, etc.)
This sort of thought process allows for religions with an omniscient God to reward the good, because anyone there that challenges your faith is just a creation of God to test you; they don't really exist; they have no soul. In this context, in theory, you could know people "exist" when they agree with you and you love them. It's a very self-centric way to think about it. But it would prevent any logical contradiction of an omnipresent God who would create people knowing that they would go to hell.
@machivado (528)
• Indonesia
20 Jan 10
Well that's a deep question and everyone eager to know the answer. So first, before you ask, answer it yourself, what do you think. After all, what you think is true in the world you live. So there is no absolute right and wrong. But it's a shame if you can't tell what's good and bad for you.
If you can accept that then I guess my opinion will can get through your mind.
There is only one place to go after we die, and that's with God.
It's written that we are His children and even part of Him. So how come He, the Almighty Love, banish His own part to Hell, where we will be tortured forever? What's His point in doing that? To prove His might? He doesn't have to. He doesn't need anything.
But I believe that people will eventually reach the wisdom men can ever have, and I believe there will be regret. If there's hell, then that's the foundation.