can lovers be friends again???

January 20, 2010 5:06am CST
it is a wonderful feeling to be in love... it feels even more great when the person has been a very good friend of yours.... but what happens when things begin to sour .... you end up the relationship... and decide to be friends again.... is it possible to be normal friends again??? i felt quite awkward in this situation.... i could not crack all my infront of her... i always fell short of things to talk to her.... there are far more uncomfortable pauses in between the conversations that we have.... has it happened to you??? how did you overcome this awkwardness???
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27 responses
• United Kingdom
20 Jan 10
Well,it has happened to me and I know how it feels like.As far as I am concerned,its really difficult for lovers to become normal friends.Somewhere the chemistry that existed before comes back.Its like not being your normal self and controlling your behavior completely.You have to think twice before speaking anything and there is a tension in the air.Therefore,as much easy it is for friends to become lovers,the more difficult it is for the vice versa to take place...:)
• United States
20 Jan 10
See but there in-lies something to think about as well. If you are willing to be friends with someone that you were in a relationship with, then that also shows a certain compassion for that individual. Saying,"I respect your feelings and your wishes and even though I love you or I hate you, I still want to have that friendship we had before all of the commotion."
@rrb9hi (18)
• United States
20 Jan 10
I think it can happen, just not to the extent it was before. I'm still friends with an ex-boyfriend that I was with for 13 years. . we haven't talked in a very long time, but he's actually re-married now, so I think that changes things too. It really depends on the individuals and the circumstances of the breakup.
• United States
20 Jan 10
I agree with you on this. It really does depend on the circumstances of the breakup. If both people are in agreement with each other, it makes things a lot easier to become friends again after. But there are those harsh breakups where both sides are yelling and screaming and whatnot. But there is still a chance that with time, both people will be able to forgive one another and become friends once again...
@TriciaW (2441)
• United States
20 Jan 10
It takes time to rebuild that friendship. I have one man I was in a relationship with that much like your situation we were friends first then lovers. Our couple relationship ended and at first it was hard to be friends having thos moments of not knowing what to say to each other. Now I would say he is again my best friend. I talk to him almost on a daily basis and am friends with his current girl friend. At first she had a hard time understanding our relationship but now that she does all is well. Just try to relax and let things run it course. I am sure in time your friendship will rebuild to where it is good again. You may also find that your friendship is even better then before. Best of luck to you.
@pupupd (1515)
• India
20 Jan 10
wow, that is awesome. You are again friends with him without any problems and also friends with her current girlfriend. I don't understand if your relation is so good with him then why did you break with him at all ? Did you have a argument/disagreement/fight ? How many days it took you both to forget everything and just be friends again ? Since you have accepted the fact that your ex-boy friend has a new girl friend, you no longer love him. I don't understand why people break up at all. The love they shared in those wonderful days was never true?
@abhi_bangal (5517)
• Ahmednagar, India
21 Jan 10
Yes I was in love with my best friend. The circumstances were such that we fell in love. In fact, we were the best of friends. We were lovebirds on the Net. We found each other through chatting and our friendship increased gradually. She was a good-looking girl who stayed around 200 KMs from my place. We found each other quite pleasurable. We had not physically seen each other for a long time, but started dating each other. This grew steadily and we were soon in love and did not know when. We exchanged our hearts. I liked all these experiences. However, all this was like a bubble. Things went horribaly wrong and I had to leave her so she had to. The reason has no meaning now as I lost my love totally and forever. But only one thing is there which I have not been able to understand is what went wrong. The time was very diffucult after that and I did not know what to do. It has been around 5-7 years since we broke up and we have not seen each other even face to face. In my case, if you ask me, I will only say that no lovers can be good friends again. The thing that broke their relation will always remain in the corner of their mind and that corner is very very personal and it can hardly be corrected.
@babshish (1387)
• India
20 Jan 10
Yes why not, it totally depends on the mutul understanding between both of them. But yes something will be always missing in that relationship. Because the breakup thing will be always there somewhere at the back of the mind of both the persons. But still this is life and if both have good understanding and good feelings for each other they can be always good frineds. And infact I feel this is the way it should be, as there is no meaning in hating each other after breakup, and not seeing each others face or blah blah blah, you know what I want to say. But ideally I feel both of them can be friends, bot best friends but yes good friends.
@pupupd (1515)
• India
20 Jan 10
I know it is not at all good idea to hate your old partner but you can't immediately be comfortable too. It will take some time to forget those days and also the reason why they broke up. Does any couple try to patch up things again ? Or they just let it go ? I have seen a couple breaking up once and then coming back together again after few days. That shows their love was true and they can't live without each other. Even I can't go away from my love no matter whatever fights or arguments we have. We sometimes do decide to part our ways but the next moment we again give it a second thought and try to adjust and change ourselves. We make sure we don't fight again for similar reason.
• United States
20 Jan 10
I'm still attempting to rebuild a friendship with one of my exes. It has taken a lot of time. We've been separated for about 8 months now and we're just now started to talk on a civilized level. We lead two totally different lives now. That seems to always give us something to talk about. We wonder what the other one is doing with their lives. We talk about work, school, activities, things like that. In my opinion there's no sure fire way of overcoming the awkwardness, it just (at least for me) happens on its own. Good luck in rebuilding your friendship.
@pupupd (1515)
• India
20 Jan 10
Yes I can understand. It will take time but some day you will be able to over come it. Since you have been apart for 8 months now and you are back to talking terms with each other. Then once each of you find a partner for themselves then talking will become more comfortable. I guess the reason one might feel uncomfortable is, one might wonder whether my partner still loves me or no ? If he does then he might propose me again, but I don't love him/her anymore. So, should I talk to him/her? I am not saying this is the only reason, well this might be one of the reasons for feeling awkward while making friends with your ex.
@clocks123 (1225)
• United States
21 Jan 10
no. not in this life. i don't think so anyway.........
@karma118 (294)
• United States
21 Jan 10
This has obviously happened to me, more than once I may add. I'll go to the hardest one of all, my kids' father, and let me know if this helps you. We were seperated last February and divorced soon after. I had such a hatred for him but I knew I had to suck it up because of the kids. He moved 8 states away though, and when he calls the 'kids' he's really trying to beg me for forgiveness. It was so hard to accept his phone calls at first. Then I found healing in them. He hasn't changed a bit and he's still the man I was married to. I found comfort in knowing that it wasn't working then and it never will but we were friends first. I took that to heart and now I realize that he can be a good person. He is a human after all and in the same shoes as me. We left our comfort and slowly started talking again. I still don't like what he's doing with his life, and as a friend, I can tell him that, and he understands. Nothings missing with us. We weren't meant to be together and we both realize that now. It has turned into a loving/caring friendship. I worry about him as he does I. That's just how we're making it work. I hope that helps you. You don't have to be in a relationship with that person to still care about them. You just have to put yourself out of the loop of the relation. Go back. Try to remember when you were just friends, if you were, and go from there. Nothing ever really changes when you put yourself out of the relationship. You might even find yourself more caring and understanding of that person, and that's the way it's suppose to be. As friends. I hope that helps. Much luck to you in the future.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
20 Jan 10
...Hi jain_ashish, I think if two people have been in love with one another and they truly care, then something happens between them, where the relationship ends, they can be friend again, if the ending of the relationship was not too out of sorts. If the ending was not because of cheating, or lying or something which hurt the other person so badly, that they hold hostile feelings. Time can heal a lot of wounds, and the two people can regain their friendship they had before they became lovers, if they want to. A lot of people get along better as post lovers, than they did sometimes as lovers. Take your time, things will be more comfortable eventually, let the friendship after being lovers, grow in its own time. Don't press it. You will be fine. Give it time. Take care.
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
this never happened to me so far. i ahve only one relationship and i think its forever. well, this is difficult situation. i think you still need space and for me you do not have to force yourself to be friend with her again. it will just make both of you stress and like awkward as you are saying. give yourself time for you to adjust. give yourself space far from her of course, you can not move forward if she will always be there at your front. everything will be fine in time, just do not rush dear..
• Indonesia
21 Jan 10
uuhmm... i cant do it :) lol
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
20 Jan 10
Well no it would be too much for me to handle very awkward, but I do hope that you overcome the awkwardness of the situation.
@nissin46 (54)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
that should be the case. most lovers ends up throwing negative feedbacks on both side, because they started the relationship promising everything in the world.. and when they never reach both expectations, that's the start of a non-sense fight. better to start making friends, know each other very well, accept what's at stake on both and then try not to compromise but to sacrifice.. and everything will follow. trust, acceptance and openness is somewhat, should be the foundation before you deal with love.. love is sacrifice... if you can't sacrifice for one person... then there's no need enter in a realtionship that might lead to an awkward deals in the future.
@vinabee (85)
• China
21 Jan 10
the relationship for friend indeed is the most pure. no love,no admire,no devy, no jealosy, no sexy. but once you become the have all above these things.and at that time, you and your lover can not go back as before. so i reckon the ex-lovers can be friend, but the type of friend, is not the tranditional friend. it is the friend who is more complex.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
20 Jan 10
Hello, I used to be in that situation before. My ex-boyfriend and I broke up and then we still friend. But most of the time, he always talk sweet to me and always playing around with me. But we dont have anything more than friend. He tells almost everything about his new life with his girlfriend. I think it is just me and him or something... for someone else, I never be friend with them again and I dont know why. But only this one just happened
@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
20 Jan 10
Normal friends never if there was love; good friends must to share everything, share what they do every day, who they meet, who is new love...this is impossible, for somebody who was really in love. Love is just one, in my opinion, and how i can listen to him, when he want talk with me about woman? no, is impossible, better is to keep love in your soul and let him go, but never try to be his good friends just because you will imagine every step about your lost love.
@pupupd (1515)
• India
20 Jan 10
Yes, It is a great feeling to be in love. To be in love not only means sharing wonderful moments but also sacrificing certain interests for the sake of your partner. And where there is no sacrifice there is no relation. That's the reason people say, love brings pain. Pain because one has to adjust a lot for the partner and those who are unwilling to do it will suffer. As a result their relationship will suffer and there will be fights and finally break up. No this has not happened to me, and I hope it never happens to me in future as well. It gives more pain than just the fights we have in relationship. Yes my boy friend has been my best friend before being my boy friend. I think it is necessary for someone to first become friends and then think about relationship as then you know each other very well by then. According to me, not many people will be able to be friends with their ex-friend after break-up. They mostly become very emotional and of course time is the best healer. After some days may be they will be more confortable woth each other and talk formerly but being good friends will take even longer. Cheers!
• Philippines
20 Jan 10
It depends if the break up is not that good then we are not that friends and where not that strangers but our relationship is in the middle of stranger and a friend. But if the break up is not that bad then we became friends. I have 2 ex boyfriend and we are still friends. We are still like normal we talk, we laugh with one another, we even watch movie and etc.
• United States
20 Jan 10
Based off of personal experience. It is possible for lovers to be friends again. And something I actually saw in a movie really got me thinking. It's from 'The Mexican' believe it or not. But it matters not what movie it's from. Just the meaning of the saying. It goes, "When you truly love someone, but you fight and have troubles with each other and things keep going wrong and going back to right... When is it time to say, 'enough is enough' and throw in the towel?" The answer, is never. And that can be taken two ways. Either you always figure out some way to come to a common ground, or you stay friends. Staying friends, is not the easy way out however. I believe that two people that were lovers, but then became friends again, just shows that they are a different type of best friend. I just think that friends that got together and then broke apart again but stayed friends are best friends that had the opportunity to connect on a special level that not everyone gets to share.
• United States
20 Jan 10
I think that it all depends on how the relationship actually ends. If it is a mutual break or one person decides to end it. If it is mutual then you can probably just laugh it off and be closer friends than you ever were before. However, if one person is responsible for ending the relationship then it will probably never work being "normal"friends again. There will always be that dissapointment or grudge that will get in the way. Even if thing are going okay shortly after just being friends again, you always have to wonder when the hurt person will unleash all of the built up feelings against you, destroying whatever hopes there were of having a civil friendship. The best way to overcome any awkwardness is to lay it all on the table by telling the person everything that is making you awkward and vice-versa. This way you can work it out and know if you can have anything normal ever again.