When You Want To Read, Where Do You Like To Be?

January 20, 2010 8:41pm CST
My apartment is a tiny basement apartment, and the wiring is old, so we tend to use lower wattage lightbulbs. We don't have many lights, and we don't have many windows (2 underground windows LOL). It's easier for me to read at the coffee shop up the street. I spend 2 hours a day up there reading. As for what I do at home, my computer screen is lit up of course, so my dark apartment is the ideal place to use the computer. LOL Where do you like to read?
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45 responses
• United States
21 Jan 10
Hello danish, I like to grab my throw blanket and curl up into the middle of our sectional couch..it is just so comfortable like my kids always say "Snug as a bug in a rug". Now in the summer time I like be out in the back yard either on a blanket or sitting in the swing...it is so relaxing out there especially in the evening times when you can hear nothing but the birds and the crickets.
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
21 Jan 10
A swing would be a nice place to read, or to sit and talk and have a coffee.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
21 Jan 10
I can read anywhere but, I'm most comfortable when I lay down on my sofa and read. I can't read in public it's very distracting for me and honestly I get so into what I'm reading the building could fall down and I probably wouldn't realize it LOL
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
5 Feb 10
Hi danishcanadian!^^ Why don't you add lights to your apartment? Like some lamps or something? You described it like it's so dark there.^^;; When I read I don't have to worry about the light because it's very bright in my room during the day. My room is in the second floor of our house and there's a lot of windows and when the sun is shining bright, the room is bright too. ^^ So it's good to read in my room no matter how small the letters are in the book. At night, I only have one light though so it's not very bright but I can still read even if my mother is so against it.^^;; I use a low-wattage lightbulb because it was the only available when the previous one got busted. LOL But I like it because I don't like very bright lights at night and early in the morning. When I wake up in the morning, my eyes tend to hurt when the light is so bright. So if you read in that coffee shop, you have to buy something so they can let you read there, right?^^
@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
21 Jan 10
I read at my desk, I read at my job, I have been known to go to a park in the car and read there. I will read just about any place, but I love to read while I'm eating - I know, that's supposed to be bad, but if I'm alone, why not?
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@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
21 Jan 10
My reading time has been cut so much with the time that I spend on the computer, that I am finding that I read the most in the bathroom. BUT even that hasn't been so much since I have taken to working on crossword puzzles sitting in there! I love to read and I am sure that I have 100 books waiting for me and am always buying more. I got a gift card to a book store for Christmas and a book, plus I started writing to a writer not long ago and ordered 3 of 4 of his books, which are on their way..........the 4th is in reprint!
• Australia
28 Mar 10
For me, i like to be somewhere comfy whether it's the couch or laying in bed - I don't get much time to read especially with a 2 year old but when I get the chance these days, it's normally in bed.
@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
22 Jan 10
In Summer I love to sit in our back yard and read. The birdies are there to keep my company. It smells good too . . . jasmine especially. When I can't go outside I like to read in my room away from everyone, but outside is my favorite spot. A basement apartment sounds kind of cozy and romantic.
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
22 Jan 10
Hi, danishcanadian :) I like to read outside in fresh air. If I'm going to treat myself to some special reading time I will always find a place outside somewhere. But I like to read at coffee shops like you. There is something about the bustle of a coffee shop that causes me to get deeper into what I'm reading. And then it is always funny for me to note the noise or comment that someone has made which snaps me out of my concentration. I'm actually quite entertained by that very moment and actually write them down sometimes for a laugh later. It's a bizarre habit I formed years ago when I used to study in the student union at college.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
23 Jan 10
where I read in my house - reading area with fireplace on the left, not showing in the photo
I live in a basement suite and in this picture, is the area that I usually sit when I am reading. You can't see it, but there is a fireplace on the left hand side of the picture. I like to sit there with the reading lamp on, and the fireplace on, and read. I also sometimes like to sit there and do crossword puzzles as well or knit while listening to music. I also like to read in bed sometimes. If I am having trouble sleeping I will turn on my bedside lamp and read for awhile and that usually helps me to fall back to sleep. I used to like to read in the bathtub also but I don't have one in the place I live now, only a shower, so I can't do that anymore. I used to lay in the tub with bubbles and read for hours on end. I would have to let some of the water out and put more warm water back in as it got too cold.
@marketing07 (6266)
• South Korea
23 Jan 10
hi..i usually read at the kitchen coz the light is very good..
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
27 Jan 10
Hiya - how are things up there in the frozen north? I usually read lying down either on the bed or on the sofa. That's the most comfortable for me. Sometimes I read on the sofa upstairs and listen to music too!
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
23 Jan 10
I like to read in the living room or in mine and my wife's room. I haven't read in a long time though, which I know I need to get back to doing again. Sometimes I'll read whilst spending the night at a family member's house.
@mobhomeir (7558)
• Philippines
30 Jan 10
Hi..on our place I think it is suitable for anything you would do except having football or basketball games ..yeah..whether you feel like reading or having your PC session it's just fine..sometimes it would just be so annoying in the morning while I would be doing something on my computer unknowingly the heat of the early morning sun hit me but it would only be a couple of minutes til the sun rise up and the heat would be gone..that's our place...thanks.. Mobhomeir here...
@singuri (571)
• India
23 Jan 10
I go to library If I want to read something.I n my room I don't like to read.I don't like the atmosphere in my room.I go out to read.Let it be lawns,park or some other place.I spend not more than an hour to read.Only one thing I read in my room is the newspaper.
@katisaurus (1038)
• Canada
22 Jan 10
I tend to read just sitting on my couch.. We only have one lamp in our living room so I sit there. This way I'm awake and alert when I read. Cause sometimes it makes me sleepy to read just because I'm relaxed. But I like to have a lootttttt of light. I'd read in a room full of lamps if I could. Why not get a lamp? lol
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
22 Jan 10
I love to read during the weekends or I might go to Barnes and Nobles and enjoy a white chocolate mocha while I'm reading one of my favorite books.
• Malaysia
22 Jan 10
I prefer reading while lying down on my bed and sipping a cold glass of coke or vodka lol ahh the life xD
22 Jan 10
Personally, I prefer reading in my bedroom becauseit is very quiet and I can concentrate well with what I am reading. Sometimes I also love reading at the park when the weather is fine, at least whenever I get bored I can just simply look around and watch people passing and going and then back again to what I am reading.
@varron (453)
• Philippines
22 Jan 10
The time of reading needs peace and comfort. Places which have these characteristics are often times the best places to read well. In reading we should avoid visual,audio as well as all the environmental barriers. A place that is peaceful and calm, and with this we can enjoy what we are reading and absorbs what we read. Proper ventilation is also needed, a place that is also properly ventilated, with a good weather that is not too warm and not too cold. Sometimes the weather could also triggers our comfort in reading and with that we get unease with the climate we are in to. Another thing is the physical conditions that we have. Sometimes physical or personal barriers could make us unease and often times provide disturbance in the time of reading.
@ANIME123 (2466)
• United States
22 Jan 10
When I read a book I like to go to my room because it is nice and quiet and nobody will be loud in there. Still I would never go to public areas because it gets too noisy.