Marriage for convenience
By anneshirley
@anneshirley (1516)
January 20, 2010 8:50pm CST
I am single and I intend to let it that way if only possible but things happen for a reason. Now, I am thinking about having marriage only for convenience. No emotional attachment...just having a platonic relationship to someone and living in the same house. Why? because of so much pressure around me and I am tired of people teasing me to another single guy out there as if they are so eager to marry me to the next single guy that will come their way! I know that I am really afraid to fall in love because I don't want to be hurt that's why I came up with this plan. I know I am not the only one who thinks this way...but then, I am still afraid. What should I do? Do you think this plan will work?
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20 responses
@eshaan (6188)
• India
21 Jan 10
Instead of marrying that way..u better be having that kind of relationship may become headache and instead of convenience you will feel that it has made your life more complicated....even the marriages which are meant for being together for life..and for being with love with each other...even such marriages are become hard to exist these better if u really fell in love and feel like being with someone forever....then only marry...don't bother what others say about your being single...maybe you wont like when someone starts interfering your day to day matters...but marriage should be living together with love..or else just be friends and be happy ...this is what i think.

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@anneshirley (1516)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
Thank you...I guess you're right. The hell they care for what I do! I'll do things my way and the way I like it but still, I know I'll be bothered by what they think.
@larish (2239)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
If you are confident that you will not be hurt if you marry for convenience and that having a platonic relationship is better then push through with your plan. Having the courage to do this decision is very important and I think you have this kind of personality. I do wish you well for this decision.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
22 Jan 10
My dear marriage should not be done just because you are pressured or for any other reasons except because you are in love with a man who is also in love with you and you both want to build a family. Pressures around? Oh don't ever mind them. Marriage for convenience? Well, you will have the biggest regret in your life once your trule live comes and you are no longer eligible to marry him because you get into marriage earlier to another person just for convenience. Just live your life without pressure. If some people are pressuring you then don't let them affect you. Just smile and make fun of the whole situation. Meanwhile pray for the right guy to come into your life and I'm sure one day he will knock at your door.

@anneshirley (1516)
• Philippines
22 Jan 10
Thanks for you concern. I don't know why but I really have this connection towards you as if you're also my sister although in the virtual world. I appreciate the things my respondents shared with me. I think marriage for convenience is such a bad idea after all. Anyway, I do pray that I will find the right guy at the soonest possible time and if I do, I pray that I have enough courage to give it a chance.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
23 Jan 10
Thanks dear for your kind feeling toward me. Yes I do also consider you and all the younger ladies here as my younger sisters or my maybe even daughters as. I would not want you to make wrong decisions in life because just one wrong decision would ruin your whole life.
Don't be pressured about getting married. If the right guy has not come then don't despair and look for not so good alternative. Just keep on praying, keep your faith. Learn to wait on the Lord. He always gives whatever is the best to people who trust and love Him.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
22 Jan 10
Sorry but too late for me to spot some typos so corrections please?
My dear marriage should not be done just because you are pressured or for any other reasons except because you are in love with a man who is also in love with you and you both want to build a family. Pressures around? Oh don't ever mind them. Marriage for convenience? Well, you will have the biggest regret in your life once your true love comes and you are no longer eligible to marry him because you get into marriage earlier to another person just for convenience. Just live your life without pressure. If some people are pressuring you then don't let them affect you. Just smile and make fun of the whole situation. Meanwhile pray for the right guy to come into your life and I'm sure one day he will knock at your door

@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
Why you are pressured to get married you are still young like me. We are in the same age even if some of my classmates and my acquiantaces already got married and have kids I don't want to pressured myself just because they teasing me. It is very hard to be in that relationship when you don't have a feelings for each other. You should think about it carefully and picture your life when you married a guy you don't love. You think your marriage going to work if your arrangement is like that.
@anneshirley (1516)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
All of my friends are married and have a family of their own now and I am the only one who is being left behind. Not that I will marry because I envy them but because I am sick and tired of defending myself. Before, I am positive that this plan will work but after reading your responses, I guess it isn't that easy after all. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
21 Jan 10
You really got me there. If you are afraid of getting hurt, the convenient marriage is not your solution. Say you do get married, with no strings attached. How long will it be that way? Eventually their will be feelings. Either from one or both sides. No matter what you do, you will get hurt at the end of the day. Rather wait, for your soulmate, i think that will be safer. Enjoy your life. Wethher with friends or a special friend. Do not rush into any marriage, that is not healthy at all. Have a nice day.
@anneshirley (1516)
• Philippines
22 Jan 10
Does this mean you believe in soul mates? I've never met someone telling me that their partner is their soul mate. Once I heard an explanation about soul mate and destined lover to be two different people.

@Ladyslipper (1327)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
Hi Anne!
I don't think this would be a wise idea since you will never know what will happen. You said the reason you don't want to be in a relationship is because you don't want to be hurt. What if having marriage for convenience will eventually hurt you? I am sure that if you are going to be married to someone even if there is no love involved you would choose someone you like right? What if you fell in love with that person? It will be a happy ending if he will also fall in love with you. However, if that will not be the case then you will end up hurting more. Another scenario will be what if you finally fell in love with someone? It will be hard for you since you're already married right?
@anneshirley (1516)
• Philippines
22 Jan 10
I've known so many people who married for no apparent reason at all. I refuse to believe they are in love because they don't look like they do and then I've known too many people who belong to broken marriages and it is the main reason why I find it hard to believe in love.
@Reyah23 (640)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
If you ask me on my own opinion on this matter, i think its depends...if the guy is a prince of a certain rich country, well i go for it with no second thought. Just kidding! The truth is i am a romantic person, and if ever i got into marriage i only tied the knot with the man i love.
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
21 Jan 10
have plan to be single? ... OMG ... for me it was a very stupid plan (sory) ...
the human was created by God in pairs, friend ... if you plan to stay single, that means you're trying to fight the law and the will of God ...
open your eyes and ears, look what happened to the people who keep be single in his old age .. rusty, sitting alone on a couch that was only accompanied by television
should think again ..
indeed, married does not guarantee a comfortable but by getting married, your life has been blessed by God ... and it must be admitted also, looking for soul mate, indeed, was not an easy activity .. but keep looking and keep praying to God, I'm sure you'll find your mate ...
next, if you think, some of the male around you were not fit to be your life partner, ... how if I am applying you?

@anneshirley (1516)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
Hahahaha! I think your last statement is funny! Does it mean you're still single and looking for a partner?
I do know that there are people who are meant to be alone and people who cannot live alone. As of now, I don't know where I belong but I am very afraid of rejection that's why I built this wall around me so that I can protect myself from not-so-nice people out there.

@unique16 (1529)
• United States
21 Jan 10
Hello Anneshirley,
It will happen. Just keep doing your activities and out there socializing. The guy will fined you and when you are speaking to people just keep a look out for guys checking you when you think you are not looking. Forget the other people who are teasing you. ONce you fined him it will all be worth it and then you tease your friends back and tell them watch a catch you found. If you married now for convience and your comes along the right one what will you do? Marriage is preciious or sharing thoughts and emotions and values and you want to last till you die. Yes, the wait is very very hard but keep active it will happen.
We are scared to fall in love and get our hearts broken but that is how we learn who we are on the inside and what we really truelly want in the marriage.
Thanks and have a great day and good luck
Sincerley Unique16
@meena_artisan (39)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
WOW... that's surprising, This is the first time I heard someone making marriage for convenience..well I know people who got married not because they want it to but because it was arranged, and it's terrible.. maybe your plan will work if you fell in love with the guy but if not and you found someone worth loving for, how are you gonna deal with that when you're tied up...?.. and don't you think it's kinda hurting to the guy when he wants to marry you because he loves you..? I'm sorry about the pressure and the like but I think it's kinda unfair.. ^^.. Anyway, those people bugging you?, let them wait till you get married willfully, ^^ For now, enjoy being single as you wanted and time will tell if you're gonna find that someone you're wanting to be with..^^.. good day..!
@anneshirley (1516)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
Yes, there are people who get married because of pregnancy and the likes but definitely I am not! I just don't know if I will be able to find the one for me. There was a time when I thought I was falling in love but it turned out, I just have an over active imagination and I am not in love with him. I don't have the prospective guy at the moment but I do plan to tell this to the other half if ever I pursue this plan.
@atebuds (187)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
By all means, go! But let me ask you first, does the guy you intend to marry know that you are only marrying him for convenience? Make sure that things are clear with the both of you. So you can avoid expectations which eventually might lead to misunderstandings and quarrel. Good luck!
@anneshirley (1516)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
I don't have that husband-to-be at the moment...and that is another problem for me. Where do you think can I find some guy who is also after for the marriage for convenience?
@RAVENBLADE0842 (493)
• United States
21 Jan 10
First off really I understand having pressure put on you to get married or be in a serious relationship. In my case I am the last in my bloodline. My father is one of only two children and the only boy, and I am one of only 2 chidren and the only boy, so my family can not wait to see me get married and have kids. However getting married out of convenience would be something I personally would never in a million years consider. When it boils down to it, you have to learn to be happy with you own life, and not concern yourself with family or peer pressure. Regardless of whether you ever get married if your happy with your own life then it shouldn't really matter what other people think. Even if those people are family, who just simply want you to be happy. Marriage is sacred and should never be entered into just merely out of convenience.
@anneshirley (1516)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
I do feel at times I want to settle down and have a family of my own but whenever I hear sad story about broken marriages....I am being discouraged easily.
@junrapmian (2169)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
Why? you're still very young to get married. And please do get married for the right reason. Remember, it is you who will live with him and not any of those people around who's been teasing you. Let them. Maybe, it's not yet the right time for you. Some say that love comes in the most unexpected time and place. Who knows?
You might bump into him one of these days. Love will come around, just wait. And please, when time comes that you fall in love, don't be afraid to get hurt, that's part of it, anyway, love conquers all, isn't it? Getting hurt will make you a better a person.
@anneshirley (1516)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
Yes, I am still young but I will not be young forever. There were times when I wish I would marry and live happily ever after like in fairy tales but as I grow up, I realize there is no such thing as happily ever after and for this reason, I don't want to fall in love.
@mariemanuel (86)
• India
21 Jan 10
One may marry for convenience but at no point should you fool yourself that two people can live together without forming an emotional attachment. I understand that you are scared of getting hurt. Everyone is scared of that and that is what you need to remember that the person you are marrying may very well be scared just like you. Love may hurt it also heals, gives you purpose, teaches you so very much and helps you to grow out of your fears if you let it.
@anneshirley (1516)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
Have you experienced being in love? Is it really that mysterious that it will make you crazy because you can go'll be happy for one moment then be sad on the next?
@34momma (13882)
• United States
21 Jan 10
the most important thing you need to do is to stop living in fear. what you think about most is what you will always get. if you are so afriad of getting hurt then you will get hurt. things happen, people love you one minute and hate you the next. that's life. so what you do is you pick yourself up and move on. i would not get married to anyone just because people think i should be married.
what you need to do is to really take the next year and figure out what you want and work on not being so afriad of being hurt. you will never have any kind of relationship unless you do that. i wish you the best
@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
21 Jan 10
Belated Happy New Year...anneshirley! Gosh, I truly feel that the idea that you are entertaining may bring you much more grief than a broken heart. A strange person whom I have NO connection to, in my home would make me very, very uncomfortable, and the pressures that you are relating to, I think would be more embarassing once it is found out, this is a marraige of convenience. Your choice, your life....but I would NEVER! Cheers!
@snowy22315 (186970)
• United States
21 Jan 10
I don't think you should settle for so little in your life. I am in a situation something like that now, and it is not really what I want. (or maybe really what he wants either) From my perspective, I think I want things to either change or get someone new, because this does not give all the experiences life has to offer. I think it might work for some people though.
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
21 Jan 10
Marrying for convenience is not such a good idea. Its not the best thing to have, because you will then not be able to experience all the happiness in life, with being with the right person. Don't let people pressure you into getting married, before you are even being married and at this point thats what it sounds like that you are doing it because of people making fun of you because you are still single. I think though that also you should maybe give some guys a chance. I know I went through the same thing before I got married. That I was afraid of falling in love because I have been hurt so many times and falling in love meant possibly getting hurt again. I believe there are some good guys out there, you just have to be patient. Please please don't marry for convenience, that is definitely not a good idea that a for sure.
@musikaLorA (115)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
there are lts to consider in entering a marriage...
whew..but i think it is not best for you to marry out of convenience for in the long run you will definitely not enjoy what relationship was all about..
we must not be afraid to get hurt for things do happen for a right reason and it will lead us to a better life and understanding..
life is a learning process and so is love and relationship, we tend to be afraid of getting hurt maybe because there are existing factors that we can't deny of, but let's just have courage to do new things and most importantly, have fun in life for life is the sweetest thing we have let us cherish every moment..