Man gets naughty at forty...

@raisur (423)
January 20, 2010 10:25pm CST
You must have heard this saying "man gets naughty at forty"... is it really so? I wonder when i'm nearing that what about women? what's the age they get naughty at?
4 responses
@wizteen (502)
• India
21 Jan 10
umm... i guess that saying is just to make it sound i mean, i am not anywhere around 40 but i can be naughty at and i dunno about women... may be 16? lol
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@raisur (423)
• Bangladesh
22 Jan 10
Thanks wizteen for your response... i find you are still at your teens... then, why at times? at yours, you are supposed to be naughty throughout... no bindings, less of responsibilities... lol...
@wizteen (502)
• India
22 Jan 10
lol. you are right. but we dont always find people to ge naughty with. lol ;)
@Fulltank (2882)
• Philippines
21 Jan 10
The saying goes that "Life begins at forty" may apply to your saying "man gets naughty at forty" (though I haven't it before). But I never really believe it as I see lots of people still struggling with their lives in their forties or even in older years. And I don't think 40 is the good age to be naughty as many of us already been there before in our early teenager years.
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@raisur (423)
• Bangladesh
22 Jan 10
hi fulltank... thanks for your inputs... yeah, it probably is just a saying and may not be generally true... may be for some it works/worked at an age around forty, the saying might have come from that... maybe, at around forty, generally there's a change in a man or probably men go through a transition in life (related to economic/health/family etc)... i just wanted to know how much myLot friends think it is true...
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
21 Jan 10
raisur nope but I have heard of midlife crisis another excuse for a man to cheat, I have no idea when men or women supposedly get naughty as they can do that at any age. why on earth would anyone want to do that if they are happily married? It makes no sense at 'all. If they are players they should never get married as they only hurt people who fall for the basta#ds. I have no sympathy for these kind of goings on.
@raisur (423)
• Bangladesh
22 Jan 10
thanks hatley for coming up once again with a response enriched with your experience... yeah, i agree with you hundred percent, why would someone get naughty if he is happily married... and of course, one who is naughty, he is that way throughout, if not for any reason he gets a realization at any time... and if someone has to fall prey to lust, it can surely be at any age... thanks again hatley... happy myLotting...
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
21 Jan 10
At the age of 30-40 years, generally a man economically established. Because that, he was then trying to get or have something that the youth had once enjoyed. In short, he wants to look stylish. Generally also, at this age he has children and wife and have a family to live long enough, so can the feeling bored, tired of his wife and children. Finally, he needs a new atmosphere, including a new girlfriend.
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@raisur (423)
• Bangladesh
22 Jan 10
hi advokatku... thanks for your response... yeah, might be something like that... so, you think, man really gets naughty at forty (30-40)... fair enough... thanks again for your response... happy myLotting...