Are your cats good friends or tolerate each other?

United States
January 21, 2010 3:54pm CST
I just got back from taking my 2 girl cats to the vet for their annual shots. She asked if they were litter mates since they were cuddled together in the carrier so sweetly. I told her no. Cleo is our oldest and we got her about 6 months before we got Delilah. And they sure look nothing alike! They took to each other immediately like long lost friends! They play chase, share toys, eat out of each other's bowls, wash each other and always nap together and sleep with us. They each are so different in looks and temperments but they are really like best girl friends! We got Cleo after Bonky died and Bakkar needed a friend and they kinda liked each other and got along but not like my 2 girls. Then my beloved Bakkar went to heaven far earlier than he should have and it was just Cleo for awhile. Then we both got super busy at work and realized she really needed a friend so we got our little Delilah. She was the runt of the litter and oh so very tiny and cute. Now she's the larger one of the two! So do your cats get along so well or do they simply tolerate each other?
4 responses
• Canada
23 Jan 10
Hi, we have three kitties, Buster 11 yrs old, Sassy 6 yrs old , and Lou Lou almost 2 yrs old. Lou Lou rules the roost !! She,s the smallest about 5 lbs, but she IS THE BOSS. She won,t let Sassy our 18 lb cat, upstairs. Lou Lou is a brat!! Most of the time shes sweet,but when shes bad, shes very very bad !! Just like the nursery rhyme. On the other hand Buster the male is so docile, he is the best natured one of the bunch. We got Lou Lou because we had another kitty, Silly , who had to be put down at a year and a half. The poor thing had a mega-colon , she was suffering so much, and the vet said if she was his he would have her put down, because it was cruel to let her suffer. It just broke my heart, I still have her ashes in a urn. She was the sweetist little thing ! By the way Lou Lou was 12 oz when we got her, she was so small they said she had to get bigger before she could get her shots !
• United States
24 Jan 10
LOL, sounds like a wonderful mix of personalities! Cleo is our pack leader/brat and she's only just over 6 pounds. She doesn't seem to know that our dog Mocha who is a bouncy trouncy Jack Russell could take her down! Mocha is almost 30 pounds of healthy active dog but we got her as a pup so she accepts that Cleo, the smallest cat is the Queen. And I went thru a terrible situation 3 years ago, with my best cat friend, Bakkar, he had cancer and it was so bad that just like you, the vet advised putting him down. He was only about 7 years old but it was the right thing to do. I have his ashes and a little paw print picture on the filing cabinet in my office so he is always close to me. He used to come to work with me, he never liked to be away from his Mama and acted more like a dog than a cat most of the time! Wow, 12 ounces, how very tiny, so happy to hear that she grew to her full potential in such a wonderful home! Thanks for sharing!! I do so love my beasts, they are my furry children. Be Well!
@kaylachan (76294)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
21 Jan 10
The two cats I have now seem to get along just fine. They aren't best friends, but they do get along and will share the same living space. Our female chinnia is a bit skitish though if the older , male, Precious tries to eat out of the dry food bowl. Due to a jaw problem I try not to let Precious into the dry food because I don't like dragging it out of the water. But, other then that, they get along just fine, and there is not that much tension in our place.
• United States
21 Jan 10
Yes. my cats do the same thing with the water bowl but all the cats I've ever owned have ended up with floaters. I change their water at least once a day so it's not much of an issue. It sounds like your male runs the household and Chinnia respects that which is good. Does Precious only eat wet food? If so that's too bad because that can lead to other dental problems. I'm glad to hear that your 2 cats get along well even if not best friends! Thanks for sharing!! Be Well!
@kaylachan (76294)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
22 Jan 10
Sometimes when I can afford to I buy him vita chews. Its not hard like dry food, but its a good way to help keep the cat's teeth clean. And, yes Precious only eats wet food, like I said, unless it's soft he can't eat it. The vitachews I buy are like sponage-like so they clean his teeth and help keep him strong.
@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Well, I have so many... Sassy doesn't much like the other cats, but she tolerates "The Wonder Twins" because they are pretty calm and quiet. Timus likes almost all the other cats, but he's a bit of a "mixer" and will start stuff so that a few of the cats don't like him. Booboo is the same way and he and Timus have had some mix ups so they don't get along. Gabby generally doesn't like the other cats, but she will be found sleeping with some - tho I think its mostly she's asleep and the others come and sleep by her. Scamp doesn't really like or dislike the others, but he'll put up with them because he wants to be with me - and so do the other cats. Ping and Pong, the "Wonder Twins" are brothers and very close, the "3 E's" are also sibs and cuddle, but Elmer and Emily seem closer than Elizabeth. And Blossom and Flower, also sisters, are seldom together - go figure. Flower loves her Booboo tho! Rygel, the white eared cat in my avatar, raised Oliver, the kitten in my avatar and they are still pretty close, tho you can see the difference in age there. (actually about 10 months difference)
• United States
22 Jan 10
I wouldn't exactly categorize Gidget and Lola as best friends, but they tolerate each other very well and chase each other playfully just about every day. They definitely need their alone time though, and each has learned when not to cross the line.
• United States
22 Jan 10
They definitely sound like friends if they like to play chase! And we all need some alone time so why shouldn't our furry friends! My cats each have their favorite spots for sunning and those they don't share, it's their own little territory. There is pushing if one crosses too close to the other, but they never resort to growling which is good. Cleo is the pack leader and she does assert herself from time to time. Thanks for sharing, love the girly names too!! Be Well!