update on status

United States
January 22, 2010 5:06pm CST
ok so i was in the hospital all day basically yesterday.. all i found out was i have small veins hard to get blood and am categorized as having a threatened miscarriage. gotta go back sunday.... for another sonogram and maybe moer blood work.. i had really bad bleeding yesterday and even passed some clots.. is it possible it was a subchirinoic hematoma? im barely bleeding now, just spotting really . the doctor didnt tell us anything about the baby, he did mention that he thinks im still pregnant.. we didnt see a pic of the sonogram or anything... might be too early to tell? but he also said not to get hopes up about the baby... but i keep reading peoples stories like mine and they have healthy babies from it.. help?
1 response
@trisha27 (3494)
• United States
22 Jan 10
I hope that everything is okay with your baby, don't get all worked up over it and just stay positive that everything is okay with your baby, and that you won't lose your baby. There have been many of women who have gone through a whole pregnancy like you have stated and they were bleeding either through part of the pregnancy or whole pregnancy and everything is fine with their baby.