More terrorist alerts
By PeacefulWmn9
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
United States
January 22, 2010 5:44pm CST

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13 responses
@esjosh (911)
• India
23 Jan 10
Hello dear, nice to see you after couple of days. You have touched such sensitive and important topic.
See as real war kind of action the government and other Anti terrorist squads have already hugs jobs, and they are any how manages to reach the goal some times.
But as an alert citizen, we can also contribute,,,
1. Be watch full, and should not touch or open some parcel or the thing that seems doubt full. Or we have suspect to have some explosive in it.
2. Keep casual eyes in the activities happening around us, in our neighbor, it may be possible that they are planning and preparing their destructive mission in our neighbor. We must Immediately inform the local Anti terrorist help line about any unusual activity in our neighbor.
3. Just live normally and healthily, never get panic as their main intention is to spread terror in our mind, so always try to be normal, and never react that they are getting success in their intention of spreading terror.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Esjosh...I will look for that discussion specifically. :)
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Hello to you :)
You've given some excellent tips that we can all embrace. While alertness on part of all people may not be able to stop every effort a terrorist group makes, it will surely catch many. That will mean a greater saving of lives.
And yes, it is best if we all do not sequester ourselves in isolation for fear of them. That is a lifestyle one would not like either.
Thank you for such good advice for all.
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@Orea15 (281)
• United States
23 Jan 10
My husband and I have said since the beginning that it is impossible to prevent it. We can try to make it harder, but a determined foe can and will find a way around any safeguards we come up with. Unfortunate, but true. I think many of the actions taken have been more to appease the public, to appearl ike they are doing something, than to provide any real safety.
Remember the smug talking heads after the first, unsuccessful attack on the World Trade Center? How they dissed the attackers and didn't take them as a serious threat? I looked at my husband right then and there and said something like, "Way to go. Talk like they are too stupid to do it right. They'll be back, and next time they'll succeed. We just made sure of that. It will be a point of honor for them now."
It's never wise to underestimate your opponent.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Hello Orea
You and your husband are right. They are indeed a formidable foe, and extremely intelligent and devoted to their cause, enough so that for them, to die trying to kill seeming enemies is a desire, an honor.
And I think that terrorism is not stoppable. As you said, we can try one thing after another to make it more difficult or to "wipe them out," but they will only become smarter...and yes, more determined.
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@Orea15 (281)
• United States
23 Jan 10
I was thinking about the body pat-downs and that it would still be possible, with advance planning and enough resources, to surgically implant a device of some kind that could A) be an explosive in itself or B) be a bladder of some kind to hold contraband fluids, accessible by a port and syringe, like the Lap Band, or by more drastic means.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Yes, these people seem to find new and better ways to hide the explosive materials all the time. Going to extremes would not be a surprise, as they know they'll die, and willingly so, if they do succeed.

• United States
23 Jan 10
GOOD MORNING KAREN, haven't seen u on here in a few days, hope everything is o.k. w/u. As for the terrorists i don't believe they can be stopped. Brainwashed people are a danger & they must be brainwashed to commot such awful things. It is very scary to think that people could be talked into to doing such awful things.hope u have a great weekend.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Hi Jo...things are okay, dear :) I just decided to pursue some things other than online work for a couple of days lol.
You're right, they cannot be stopped. It saddens me that throughout history so many have been killed in the name of religion. Such a poor reason, but it's as old as time.
Do take care and have a lovely "rest of the weekend."
@savypat (20216)
• United States
23 Jan 10
In England they have put up with these types of threats for many years, first from the Irish and now Al quaida in Spain different terrorist but same threats. We may just have to learn to be more aware and accept that this is not going away soon. After all to them we are the arch enemy and they wish to save the world from us.
It all depends on your point of view.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
23 Jan 10
My point of view is that no religion should espouse the killing of nations. But yes, terrorism in one form or another has been around since the beginning of the world, and it will always be part of life. They are too adament about their cause to be stopped completely.
@vjypathania (312)
• India
23 Jan 10
There is nothing sad for these alert this show how are intelligence agency are working now days and making us aware about these in advance.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
23 Jan 10
No, getting the alerts out in time is good...which the US has been remiss about doing as of late. The sad thing is the determination and seemingly unstoppable terrorists bent on killing as many innocent people as possible...all supposedly in the name of religion?
Very sad.
@Thiala (101)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Unfortunately I don't think that we will be able to stop terrorism . The reason why is because we can upgrade our security but I think determined people will always find away around security . I do wish it was stop able though because I think man kind is going to bring about it's own extinction either through global warming , war , or terrorism . Plus I also think it's unfortunate that human beings would turn against each other like that instead of helping each other and making this world we live in a better place for us and future generations .
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Hi Thiala
I have to agree with you. Sad but true, we cannot stop terrorism. And yes, mankind's biggest threat is mankind. We do not have enough unity to prevent our own ultimate extinction at some point in the future...and sadly, at our own hands.
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@Orea15 (281)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Yes, I dream of an enlightened world where we all act honorably and lovingly and accept those who are different from us, and even cherish our differences instead of attacking them.
I'm seeing too much of the "I'm in the right so it doesn't matter what I do" mentality.
And, the "God's on our side" mentality. As someone once wisely said, wouldn't it be better to make sure you were really on God's side?
And that makes me wonder why so many people think God needs them to fight for Him/Her, if God is all powerful? Do they really think God would want one of His/Her creations harming another?
I try to live a life of Love, Peace, and Harmony in hopes of making my little corner of the world a pleasanter one. I wish we all would. Sigh.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Oreo, many people "redo" God's tenets to suit their personal agendas, rather than following those tenets for the good of all mankind. What you do is what I do. There is an old song: Brighten the Corner Where You Are
When any single one of us does that, we've helped make the whole world a better place.
Peace and blessings be yours,
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Jan 10
Hi Karen
I don't think they will ever stop it as it has been going on as long as I can remember
I was an Army Daughter and also an Army Wife, it is terrifying
My Children grew up knowing not to go near the car till I checked it, not to pick up anything that they did not know it was
I do not think they will ever stop, if anything they have got worse, it started with only attacking the Soldiers now they do not care who they get and it is very sad, the People who do this can not be normal they really can't if they are able to do this sort of thing
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
25 Jan 10
I have to agree with that, Gabs. They are to cunning and too determined to rid the earth of anyone they deem "unworthy" to exist here. I wonder what lives in the hearts and minds of people who are capable of those murderous acts?
I know they think they're doing their "gods" work, but's crazy.
@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
23 Jan 10
Terrorism is prevalent and a worldwide issue, today.
As such it will need the efforts of everyone starting from the authorities to the common layman. I felt that as far as awareness is concern, I can say for a high percentage of certainty there's no one living today who is unaware. The only issue will be just what are they doing about it.
All efforts and counter measures will just be nothing if there is just one slight tinge or quarter that will turn the other way round and become sentimentalists to such deviant networks. People that will see that terrorism is necessary and they will participate wholeheartedly with the movement and organization by enrolling, recruiting, propaganding, financing and even pacify governments and religious groups to their side.
I feel that everyone needs to see eye to eye on this issue and that terrorism is one big lie about humanity and preservation. And for this to happen, we should never undermine and discount the importance of education here. Where it will hopefully educate the very minorities that they are not minorities or outcasts of the modern society and most of all the value of life. It is also hoped that extremism be eradicated in this process and hence reduce such networks from thriving.
From the previous attacks, it is also indicative that authorities have been complacent and negligent with their duties and implementation of counter measures when it was necessary and mattered most. I just cannot see how 911 would have taken place if the authorities had taken the warnings seriously in the first place.
And the recent underpants bomber, if his name was being treated with grounds to ban him from boarding the plane in the first place. Fortuantely, a vigilante was alert and courageous enough on that fateful day, I just cannot imagine what it would be like otherwise.
We need a common understanding and a concerted effort here.
Have a nice day.

@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
23 Jan 10
If I may add here, I am hoping that the minority who are practicing extremism and sentimentalists could also be educated to have a different perspective.
It is really sad that the US (sorry to point the finger here) have not really learned their lessons starting from Pearl Harbor and I just hope that they will change for the better, that there will not be any further unnecessary loss of lives.
Have a nice day.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Many US citizens, myself included, are truly disillusioned with the govt. and politics, in general. And we are supposed to be a govt. of the people!
My hope is as yours!
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Hello Skysuccess
You make some thought-provoking observations here. It is good for one to think! And yes, educating every sector to be alert to certain behaviors and cautious about certain things going on around them is a good idea. It does take unity and effort on part of every one of us to avoid or thwart as many of these attacks as possible.
The sadness is that in two incidences, back to back now, the US govt. has been asleep at the proverbial wheel, with no valid excuses for such slack.
The up side is that the average citizen is often the unsung hero...those brave enough to act quickly to save many lives. That is courageous! These are the people and the selfless acts that gives one hope.
Thank you for your insights...very valuable.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
28 Jan 10
I read an editorial about how Israel handles airport security. All bags are searched before people are allowed into the airport. I think there were also searches and/or body scans. The article pointed out that we in the US were looking for the wrong things, ie metal, when most explosives these day are plastics.
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@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
24 Jan 10
hi karen madam,
i am against to terrorism,US must take strict and severe action with the terrorists,not excuses to terrorists,if we control terrorists the entire world will be peaceful,terrorists are spoiling the nations and people around the world,do not worry you will be safe and US will be safe,have a nice day
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
24 Jan 10
You are right...the world would be a much more peaceful place for everyone if terrorism did not exist. Like you, whenever and however possible, I think strong measures must be taken to prevent as many attacks as possible.
I hope you have a good day. :)
@maygodblessu44 (7336)
• India
7 Feb 10
Hello my friend PeacefulWmn9 Ji,
So nice of you for your worried discussion on global problems. Why not one expects 'ORDER OF THE DAY'. It is now there as everyday's affair. It is as per routine, anything which becomes routine is very difficult to remove it. It is not only in US OR Britain, it is all over. I would only say that had drastic action initiated initially against terrorism, this would not have prolonged. Thereis is intellligent network, at teh same time 'COUNTER-INTELLIGENCY NET-WORK' is not effective. Terrorist are equipped with most moden weapory system, whereas agecies responsible to wipe them out have limited resoures and will toeliminatye them.
et's not worry. I leave it to Almuighty, it is HIS creation, He is responsible. If HE wants to continue, how one can fish in troubled waters.
May God bless You and have a great time.
@vandana7 (101607)
• India
23 Jan 10
Hi peacefulwmn - I just had a thought this morning. We've had some strikes of late, quite a few, so much so that the sympathizers of the cause are losing interest in the strike and going about their business, inspite of such call to close all shops and establishment. I think terrorists too are overdoing it. Soon people will start accepting it as part of their day to day lives, and accept the risks associated with it. Then, their cause will lose the steam may be. In any event, put yourself in terrorist's shoes, and think whether or not you would warn? They seem to be doing like some child's play! I think people will realize that this is no group with any cause, and they would be undermining their own cause.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Hello Dana
As business establishments cannot remain perpetually closed, yes, people are encouraged to go about their daily business, or we'd all be held almost as prisoners in our own homes and cities. One would hope the terrorists might lose some of their determination if such a thing as the "fear factor" were removed from some of the delight they get in it.
I do believe their goal is to kill, though, and they happily die in the process, which makes them hard to deter for long, no matter what. This kind of thing is a daily occurance in some cities and countries.
They do seem determined to re-double their efforts as time goes by. I have no clue what will ultimately become of it...but I doubt there is a way to totally stop it, no matter what means of caution we use.
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@kaylachan (76377)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
23 Jan 10
They are everywhere and they are going to do what they want when they want. While our attempts to stop them seems reasonable, we should be more concerned about more important things. I mean the country is facing a bigger crisis, and not being able to trust people isn't helping.
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@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Hello Kaylachan
I do agree. Whatever attempts we make will stop some, but no human being can stop them all...or even find them all. But then, if one looks far back in time, war in some form has always existed, killing in some form is here to stay.
That is the nature of too many human beings to erradicate all...or even most...of it.
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