TV Watching May Shorten Your Life

January 22, 2010 10:49pm CST
Hello everyone here Ji, How do you all raect to following research work.|01-15-2010| [b]"TV Watching May Shorten Your Life Jan. 11 (HealthDay News) -- Every hour spent watching TV each day may increase your risk of an early death from cardiovascular disease by as much as 18 percent, Australian researchers say. What's on the television is not the problem; it's the time spent sitting while watching. "This research provides another clear link between too much sitting and death from disease," said lead researcher David Dunstan, head of the Physical Activity Laboratory at the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute in Victoria. "The findings have serious implications for Americans and Australians when you consider that aside from sleeping, watching television is the behavior that occupies activity of four hours viewing a day," he added. The good news is research has shown that moving the muscles frequently throughout the day is one of the most effective ways of managing weight and protecting against disease, Dunstan added. "We tend to underestimate the value of incidental, non-sweaty activity throughout the day when we are either not sleeping or exercising -- the more you move, the greater the benefits for health," he noted. Dunstan pointed out that while obesity can add to these problems, even normal-weight people can have increases in blood sugar and cholesterol if they sit too much. The report was released online Jan. 11 in advance of publication in an upcoming print issue of Circulation. For the study, Dunstan's team collected data on the lifestyles of 8,800 healthy men and women aged 25 years and older. In addition to lifestyle habits, the researchers tested participants' cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Over more than six years of follow-up, 284 people died. Among these deaths, 87 were due to cardiovascular disease and 125 from cancer. The participants were grouped into three TV-watching categories: those who watched less than two hours a day; those who watched two to four hours a day; and those who watched more than four hours a day. The researchers found that every hour of daily TV watching increased the risk of dying from any cause by 11 percent. For cardiovascular diseases the increased risk was 18 percent, and for cancer it was 9 percent. Compared with those who watched less than two hours per day, those who watched TV for more than four hours each day had an 80 percent increased risk of dying early from cardiovascular disease and a 46 percent increased risk of dying from any cause. The association between TV watching and death remained even when the researchers took into account risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, unhealthy diet, excessive weight and exercise. Although the study was done in Australia, the findings are applicable to Americans, Dunstan said. Average daily television watching is about three hours in Australia and the United Kingdom, and up to eight hours in the United States, where many people are either overweight or obese, he noted. "What we are now starting to understand is that the risks associated with sedentary behavior are not necessarily offset by doing more exercise," Dunstan said. "In other words, irrespective of how much exercise you do, if you sit watching television for four hours on a daily basis you still have a substantially increased risk of early death from all causes and a much greater risk of cardiovascular disease," he said. Experts agreed that to stay healthy you need to keep on the move. Dr. Gregg C. Fonarow, a professor of cardiology at the University of California, Los Angeles, said that "regular exercise has been consistently demonstrated to result in improved cardiovascular health and lower risk of heart attacks, stroke, diabetes and premature death." He added that "reducing time spent inactive may be of benefit in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and should be considered as part of a comprehensive approach to improve cardiovascular health." David Bassett Jr., a professor of health and exercise science at the University of Tennessee, said that "when one looks at time trends in physical activity over the past century, it is clear that people are doing more structured, purposeful exercise than before." However, what has changed is that people are doing less walking, household chores and manual labor than in the past, he said. "We are also spending more time in sedentary activities like television watching, computer use and desk jobs," Bassett explained. "This study adds to a growing body of evidence that the amount of time spent in sedentary activity, as distinct from the amount of time spent in purposeful exercise, can affect your health," he said. SOURCES: David Dunstan, Ph.D., professor and head, Physical Activity Laboratory, Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Victoria, Australia; David Bassett Jr., Ph.D., professor, health and exercise science, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Gregg C. Fonarow, M.D., professor, cardiology, University of California, Los Angeles; Jan. 11, 2010, Circulation, online"[/b] May God bless You and have a great time.
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9 responses
• Malaysia
23 Jan 10
hi there goes my only source of entertainment cheers
1 person likes this
• India
23 Jan 10
Hello my friend sanjana_aslam Ji, So nice of you for your positive and favourable response. I am sure, if you have understood, you will automatically cut-short hrs of watching T May God bless You and have a great time.[em]thumbup[/em
• Malaysia
23 Jan 10
i guess i should ... then i could start going for jogging or even yoga classes ...
1 person likes this
• India
24 Jan 10
Hello my friend sanjana_aslam Ji, So nice of you for your positive and favourable response. It is not adviseable to part away permanently, but have control. You are already a working woman and sitting in your office. May God bless You and have a great time.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
25 Jan 10
Hello my friend. Such good information. I've always suspected that people who spend many hours a day watching TV snack too much as they do so and get far less exercise than those of us who do not watch much at all. I've never been one to watch much of it, and now I am glad! God bless you. Karen
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• India
27 Jan 10
Hello my friend PeacefulWmn9 Ji, So nice of you for your positive response. It is like boon in disguise. There is a saying my side, 'EXCES OF EVERYTHING IS BAD'. So we have to control ourchildren under discipline to watch TV, else they are prone to many dreaded diseases at later part of their life. May God bless You and have a great time.
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Jan 10
A saying here is similar: all things in moderation. We always monitored how much and what the children watched on TV...homework, dinner, and family time first, always. God bless you, Karen
@34momma (13882)
• United States
24 Jan 10
i guess i am so going to die cause i love me some tv! they are always saying this is going to kill you and that is gonna kill ya. i so do what you love and enjoy yourself.
• India
24 Jan 10
Hello my friend 34momma Ji, So nice of you for your positive and favourable response. Please givea positive thinking. Lifehas to end one day for all. May God bless You and have a great time.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
24 Jan 10
Well there seems to be a connection in so far as watching tv often and heart disease. Considering that if we just sit there most of the time, we no longer move much and this eventually will lead to heart diseases. I guess we should always consider exercise and move our body for better health. In general, I do agree that watching tv to much will lead to a deterioration in health.
• India
24 Jan 10
Hello my friend jpso138 Ji, So nice of you for your positive and favourable response. May God bless You and have a great time.
@krajibg (11923)
• Guwahati, India
23 Jan 10
Hello MGBY Je, This is a huge information on the negative aspect of watching TV. Now on I would control my son's watching TV hours. Thank you very much for \the info.
1 person likes this
• India
24 Jan 10
Hello my friend krajibg Ji, So nice of you for your positive and favourable response. I think, parents should limit first and this will help ultimately to children in any family. Ask them to make out a schedule, where one hr for a big/small family will be sufficuient, including news channel and on entertaining serial. May God bless You and have a great time.
• China
23 Jan 10
Of course,If you watch the channel you like ,you maybe forget the it is shorter your life
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• India
24 Jan 10
Hello my friend fairytale123 Ji, So nice of you for your positive and favourable response. May God bless You and have a great time.
• China
25 Jan 10
Thank you very much,the same to you
@shellback (864)
• Philippines
23 Jan 10
Before the invention of computer, television came as the window to the world, we can say that television help us to relax, some people use it as a stress reliever because they feel calmness, they turn their problems on the other side or other events and forget the problem at all, The main reason here is dont ever get addicted on television because it promote sickness and laziness.
• India
23 Jan 10
Hello my friend shellback Ji, So nice of you for your positive and favourable response. Excess of everything is bad, let's watch TV witin limited time and never get addicted as suggested by you. It develops many more diseases. May God bless You and have a great time.[em]thumbup[/em
@Godmother (476)
• Indonesia
23 Jan 10
I think the research has a point there. Last year I subscribed to a cable TV provider with hundreds of channels and good movies. Well, every time I come home from work or in the weekends, all I do is sit down glued to the TV, especially when I'm following a certain serial. Not only is that not healthy, but it makes you fat, and you don't get to do the chores of the day. This year I moved to a new house, and I decided : NO MORE cable TV.
• India
23 Jan 10
Hello my friend Godmother Ji, So nice of you for your positive and favourable Response. I think watching TV within limited time may help relaxation. But I am happy taht you have taken drastic action by parting away with TV. May God bless You and have a great time.[em]thumbup[/em
• United States
23 Jan 10
Hope this isn't true
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• India
23 Jan 10
Hello my friend Firesja Ji, So nice of you for your positive and favourable response. You are alone out of five responses recieved. It is very true. Let's not get addicted.Everything is good within limits. Excess ofeverything is bad. May God bless You and have a great time.[em]thumbup[/em