Is it a good thing that there are Atheists in the world????

@bird123 (10658)
United States
January 22, 2010 11:18pm CST
For people of religion, atheists cause lots of problems. They question the beliefs that so many know for truth. They argue, fight, and call people insane, delusional, and dictating. Try as one might. One just can't quite get them under our thumbs, now can we???? If believing was all important to God, this might be a problem. Believing is only important to religion. Life is the education of God's children. No matter what, we will all know God. That's easy. It's our education that takes a bit more work. So let's take a few steps back and get a larger view of it all. So much of religion depends upon beliefs. As we all know, beliefs aren't always true. Yet people of religion can be accepting of beliefs, taught never to question God or authority. Is this what God wants or is this what man wants???? Atheists force people to question. Believe me. They will not go away just accepting what you say is fact. They want proof. Shouldn't we all be looking for facts with proof rather than beliefs?? This is what God wants! Us to know not just believe! People, beliefs, and holy books aren't always right. Galileo was almost burned at the stake for saying the Earth revolved around the sun. Beliefs from the church and bible said that the heavens revolved around the Earth. What a price Galileo almost had to pay just for speaking the truth. Do religious people help atheists?? Perhaps they help them see that there is more beyond the physicasl world we live in. All the secrets of the universe stare us in the face. There is so much that none of us can see yet. Let's work at it all together. When dealing with atheists or religious people, know that they are both key to the real answers. It is our interaction that will bring all the views to light. Let us discover all the secrets of the universe together. Let's give respect, love, and kindness to each other, knowing that we are all needed if we are to see the full picture, the work of art that is us.
9 responses
23 Jan 10
Hi, I actually agree with some of the thing that you said. But I think you have the concept of atheism and theism for the opposite side wrong. Atheism refer to the disbelieve of god(s) due to non-existence. And an atheist will definitely be irreligious but the reverse will not always be true. And believe in god doesn't mean believing in any religious movement, but the god will always be the god no matter what you believe in. Even in Christianity, there are so many different movements and they have different opinion on certain topics. Does this means that only one of the movement is the right one and the rest of the teaching are not right? But all movement believe in god. What I am trying to say is you have the right to choose what to believe, god do not force you to believe in any thing but god(s) will always be there to guide you even if they do not exist. Claiming something is not true because you yourself do not believe due to non-existence is just as bad as never question the authority which both can be either true, false or both at the same time. And that is what atheists does, so from my point of view, they are just as bad as what they try to claim to be bad or even worse.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
24 Jan 10
So what you are saying is that since atheists can not prove that God doesnot exist that they should be open for the possibility that God does exist. Very good. I have found that few people whether religious or not really want to find God and the truth.Seems the most important thing is to be right.The interaction will lead people to discovery. You are right, believing isn't important to God. Sometimes it takes a bit of drama and adversity to get one to take the right path.Everyone will learn and understand in time. Lots of good comments from you. THANKS!!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
25 Jan 10
The only people who commit evil acts are those who do not really understand what they are doing. God will teach in time. Everything you do in life will come back to you in time. If you do not understand the consequences of your actions, you will live them.This not only teaches everyone what is moral. It will teach everyone to love unconditionally. After all, that is what we all want back.
24 Jan 10
Yes, that is what I believe. Isn't it hypocrite, that while they ask the theists to be open minded while themselve reject the existence outright? While saying this, I do not want to find out whether god exist or not. For me, the concept of god is just like law. Abstract, cannot be seen, but they exist, and this will discourage you to do what is absolute immoral things. And only the most powerful nature can determine what is absolute morality and not you nor me to decide what is absolute morality. If the scientist can create something that is abstract, why not the theism?
• India
25 Jan 10
Atheism by itself is [B]not[/B] a negative influence. I would look at it as a counterbalance to a belief in God, so that the believer has a standard to check himself/herself by, so that he doesn't go overboard and do things that would border on superstition and/or against common logic, where it can be applied. This/These Universe(s) is(are) a coexistence of opposites, one cannot avoid this. Look at the atom or the sub-atomic particles or the cosmos. You will see every where nalancing influences. That is why Hinduism doesn't frown on denying the existence of God. But denial of a moral ethical code is a NO-No. And I don't think Atheists do not have morals- then that would be hedonism. Such ctreeds which denied the need for a moral code did find their demise in India. An atheist who is more human and commiserates with wide spread human suffering like say what happened in Haiti, is more "sacred" than an ardent follower of any religion who looks the other way or has a insensitive religious explanation to what has happened. So, in conclusion I feel let Atheists be there. They do servea great purpose in the scheme of things. But in India we have atheists who go out of the way to belittle, pooh-pooh, and otherwise insultingly behave in front of the believers. Now I call that barbaric.
• India
26 Jan 10
If you have to model the belief-complex that goes by the name of Hinduism, one could consider it as a book in which all sorts of consistent principle written in loose leaf form and placed at will, you might be tempted to say jumbled, where a person claiming to be a practising Hindu, collects his set of consistent beliefs and builds his volume out of the mass of Scriptural Texts that are avail;able, yes, the Scriptural literature is extensive and does not fit in the compass of one book, though one could say the Bhagavad Gita is a sort of compendium of some of the most important currents within Hinduism, esp what is known as Uttra-Mimamsa or Vedanta. Another way to look at H is to see it as a multi-colored, multi-hued rope where each fibre is a part of the rope lending strength to the rope, but individually they may not all that strong or may be do lack something that would act counter to an overall view! Prior to(by that I mean more ancient than) the Texts that were the source of the currently popular form of practical Hinduism which mainly consists of God(s) of varioua forms and descriptions, of which you have given just two examples viz., Shiva, and Vishnu, there were in vogue Six Fundamental Philosophical Systems, which are an off-shoot of the Primary Authoritative Scriptures called THE VEDAS. The Philosophical system are named [B] Sankhya Yoga Nyaya Vaisheshika Purva Mimamsa Uttara Mimamsa.[/B] Of these six systems 3 of them viz., Sankhya, Vaisheshika and Nyaya and one variant of Purva-Mimamsa called the Praabhaakaraas do not believe or postulate a God. One can take it that these are a sort of "atheistic" subsets in the Hindu Conglomerate. How then are they validly Hindu you might ask. That is because they accept the Scriptural Authority of The Vedas! Thus as per the standard classification Buddhism and Jainism are only atheistic parallel systems not the atheistic subsets within Hinduism! But one must also admit that today all but the last two are extinct in that there are no practising "hindus" of the kinds through . Mnay of their principles are absorbed or adapted instead by the current variations within Vedantic Philosphy. What you are asking about beliefs in Gods Shiva, Vishnu etc., is more influenced by what could be called as tertiary Scriptures called the Puranas. Within the Puranic creeds, well you are right, there is no place for a No God situation. But the Hindu thought is a lot larger than that!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
26 Jan 10
Some good comments here. Thanks. Yes interaction is important. To have the most learning for everyone it must include respect, love and kindness. I saw some cartoons from atheists that made fun of christians on the internet. I made a comment to them that angry people seldom listen. Most people could see they only make people hurt and angry. Mean, hateful, disrespectful people will see lessons in the future. To get anyone to really listen, one must get them to think rather than get angry.Even barbarians will learn in time. Thanks for stopping by.
26 Jan 10
I agree with you that atheism by itself is not a negative influence. But you said Hinduism doesn't frown on denying the existence of god, does that means Hinduism one of the atheism movement? Isn't it Hindus workship Visnu, Siva or Brahma? So how can you workship god but doen't believe it existence? As far as I am concern, existence doesn't just mean physical existence, it can be anywhere, whether it is invisible beside you, deep down in your heart, up in the sky, far away in the centre of universe. I admit that I do not know much about Hinduism.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
24 Jan 10
For people of religion, atheists cause lots of problems. I disagree..I think for many ppl regardless of their personal spiritual or religious path its the NARROWMINDED who cause the problems.. They question the beliefs that so many know for truth. They argue, fight, and call people insane, delusional, and dictating. Again I disagree....LOGICAL ppl question various beliefs and as we should because the TRUTH is there IS NO REAL ONE TRUTH that applies to EVERYONE...Your truth is your PERSONAL truth which of course will and does vary from mine for example becuase mine is MY PERSONAL truth...Also Atheists arent the only ones who call names and argue...I've been called many a vicious name by Christians simply because I dont believe as they do. I've had many horrible comments thrown at me simply because I'm not a believer of THEIR truth....Ignorance, uncompassionate and narrowminded isnt what ALL atheists are about nor is is JUST Atheists who are like that and thats fact. Try as one might. One just can't quite get them under our thumbs, now can we???? why would you want to? Believing is only important to religion. in the eyes of some maybe...but there are plenty out there that feel "believing" isnt so much important to their religions but more so to themselves... No matter what, we will all know God. Again, untrue....many ppl DON'T "know God" can one "know" another when they dont believe in the existence? Is this what God wants or is this what man wants???? Oh man without a doubt....going back centuries too compliments of the Church wanting to control...Sad but true..And what i perosnally find rather amusing and what I personally believe is that those fundimentalist and/or narrowminded, control freak religious types all have it WRONG..I dont think for one New york nano second that ANY god wants or wanted for ppl to become hateful, blind and uncompassionate in his or her name etc...I think that all/any higher power should they exist, watch the ppl of the world and bow their head in sorrow... Atheists force people to question. Believe me. They will not go away just accepting what you say is fact. They want proof. Shouldn't we all be looking for facts with proof rather than beliefs?? This is what God wants! Us to know not just believe! Like I said, its NOT just Atheists...I'm Pagan/Buddhist and I dont "FORCE" ppl to question beliefs/religions etc but I do like to get ppl to think rather than just follow blindly! We arent carbon copies of one another so to play follow the leader when it comes to such things is just foolish IMO...I also quite frankly dont care if thinking for myself is what any god wants or doesnt want..bottomline is that its what I WANT AND NEED in order to be the best person I can be on all levels ya know.. Do religious people help atheists?? Perhaps they help them see that there is more beyond the physicasl world we live in. All the secrets of the universe stare us in the face. There is so much that none of us can see yet. I actually think that SPIRITUAL ppl do more helping than any RELIGIOUS person/ppl do...but thats just my take Let's work at it all together. When dealing with atheists or religious people, know that they are both key to the real answers. It is our interaction that will bring all the views to light. Let us discover all the secrets of the universe together. Let's give respect, love, and kindness to each other, knowing that we are all needed if we are to see the full picture, the work of art that is us I dont think its about "when dealing with atheist or religious" ppl..I think its about dealign with ourselves as well as interacting with others...I also feel that the "secrets" of the universe arent meant to be found or figured out as a group...nor do I thnk that EVERYONE is meant to know the full picture really...HOWEVER love, kindness, respect and so on MUST be given to each other in regards to our personal journeys in life....We are all on our paths for very specific yet different reasons and yes you are so right when you say that we need to respect etc each other....If only the masses werent a$$es and so damn caught up in always needing to be right and in control ya very very sad really.. NICE TOPIC!!!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
24 Jan 10
Did you know that everyone on Earth is narrowminded? There are billions of different views on Earth. By having so many views, God guaranties a larger picture than any one person can have.The true picture is a WE. When a person decides that they know it all, it means they have stopped learning and growing. Conflict and drama usually shows up to stir the pot. Never let it get to you. It is part of learning. Everyone has something to learn and everyone has something to teach in this multilevel classroom called life. If you don't think so, you just have to look deeper.God is very smart. Things are more complex than we can see. Like you said. A touch of narrow vision. I work on mine everyday. Hopefully some of these discussions will help the eyesight. Thanks for stopping by with all your comments!!
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
24 Jan 10
I couldn't have said it any better! You hit the nail right on the head! Thanks for that!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
24 Jan 10
Thanks for your wonderful comment.Barehugs
@wkibaki (28)
• Kenya
27 Jan 10
I believe in the human nature to be awed by the misery of the universe that we find ourselves in but not in the oppressive man made religions of the world. The creators of religions have manipulated this natural aspect in every human being for their gain. Religions have been and still are a tool to control the masses like a herd of sheep for the gain of a few individuals, that is the priests and other figures of authority in the hierarchy of the confused mess called religion. Should the masses show any resistance or free thinking, they are threatened with dire consequences of 'burning in hell for eternity', being 'cursed with every known and imagined ills', blah blah. Please! This makes me feel sick. Man should know that all power comes from within himself and therefore under his control. What unfolds before him is a reflection of his inner self, period.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
28 Jan 10
There are a million lessons to learn around religion and none of them about God.Our thoughts and actions do reflect just who we are. God places just the right souls around us for learning and teaching.That is why there is so much diversity in this world.Want to really understand God??? God's thoughts and actions reflect who He is as well. Look around you and understand. Look again for there is always more to discover. Thanks for your comments my friend
• United States
26 Jan 10
I have to give you a bit more credit than I expected. Your veiw is good tempered and balanced. I have never found athiests to be problematic. But I try not to hang with fanatical people no matter what their beliefs. Athiests are just as likely to be narrow minded and bigoted and religious people it seems to me. But to address your question, I think it is the best thing for humans as a whole, that we have as many viewpoints among our giant tribe as possible, because most of our existence is spent seeking truth and hoping it can better the quality of our lives in some way. I figure an anthiest might have perspectives, that only that path of thinking can come to conclusion of. As much as Hindus, Christians, Muslums, Jews, Bahi, Buddhists, Shinto, and many other beliefs are different and sometimes disagree. But taking a responsible look at the truth of our beliefs is good for all of us no matter what view we have. Short answer : Yes athiests can be a good thing too
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
27 Jan 10
Good comments!! Thanks for stopping by.
• India
23 Jan 10
great article...
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
23 Jan 10
THANKS for your great comment!!!
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
23 Jan 10
Well, in the country where I live most of the population is atheist, including me, and I don't think we're a threat for people who chose to believe in different religions. Most of the atheists that I know, including me, won't try to force a people to believe in other thing. On the opposite, most of the religious people that I know will try to force you into their beliefs, not respecting other religions or non-religious people. I think that everything should be about respect. If you have chosen to believe one thing or another, it's your life and your decision
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
23 Jan 10
It is your life and your decision but interaction is necessary for learning.If we are total accepting of each other, then so much will be missed that we learn from each other. Life is about learning and growing as people. It is not about having a good time and avoiding conflict. Sometimes the roughest roads end up with the best view.So share yourself with those trying to shape you to their will. You might just teach them what is missing in their view.Thanks for stopping by with your comments!!
• United States
23 Jan 10
I am not religious in the least. I don't follow any set religion. But I do believe there is someone upstairs, so I wouldn't be considered an atheist. I think they're good to have, I do see how they cause problems to those that do follow a religion. But on the flip side of that they can also have level headed answers that are not swayed by their own personal god. Whereas I find that some people who do follow a religion have viewpoints that are based on that religion and nothing else.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
24 Jan 10
God does want us to Think rather than just memorize. Great comment!!