Does god talk to you?

United States
January 22, 2010 11:36pm CST
In what way? Is it through the word? Is it your emotions? Do you actually hear his voice? Do you perhaps even see him? Have you had an MRI recently?
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10 responses
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Hi NefariousFox. No I have not had an MRI, ever! How about you? Trust you are healthy. Yes God speaks to me: 1. Yes, through the Holy Bible. 2. Through His Holy Spirit, to my spirit. 3. Through His Holy Spirit upon my conscience. 4. Through His Divine Providence at times. 5. Through the glories and wonders of His magnificent creation. And a few other ways. We speak with each other every day. He will be directing me tonight as I write my sermon outline. He will speak to me, as He has done numerous times, while I deliver the message tomorrow on what to say, how to say it and how to demonstrate it if need be. Am I hearing audible words? No. There might have been once that I did, but I cannot recall that one anymore. What I sense though is often put into my mind as words.
• United States
24 Jan 10
I did have an MRI once. To investigate a mild movement disorder. Thankfully, they found nothing alarming. Thanks for showing an interest. Trust it was sincere. There's no shame in medical tests, though they do carry a certain stigma. Getting an MRI doesn't mean your crazy, it's just an effective method of proving you're not. God does seem to have a lot to say to you. Perhaps you and he should sit down and discuss the concept of "alone time".
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
23 Jan 10
1.In what way? In many different ways, PastorP pointed out some. 2.Is it through the word? If you mean through the bible yes there have been times when I have looked something up out of the blue and it was the answer I was looking for or gave me more understanding of a current issue I was dealing with. 3.Is it your emotions? Sometimes yes sometimes no, people who deny anything based on emotions are selling themselves short were are part emotional creatures and to deny it is to deny part of yourself. 4.Do you actually hear his voice? Yes I have heard an audible voice before most of the time though its a small quiet voice that directs me. 5.Do you perhaps even see him? Nope but I have had visions. I have also had dreams where I was directed to do something by Jesus. 6.Have you had an MRI recently? LOL, OK ... so if you believe in something more than the material world around you than I guess that means you think someone is crazy. So I guess that means every quantum physicist needs to have there head examined. That would be like me saying every atheist has a narcissistic personality and think their ego is all that there is.
• United States
26 Jan 10
Sorry I didn't get back sooner, going a bit off subject here far as quantum physics there is always the measurement problem which puts anything not observantly measured into the faith category, also virtual particles is another theory which insist that empty space is particles phasing in and out of existing so fast we cant measure it. I myself prefer infinite density of empty space particles that are causing expansion over the other theory. But there again almost everything being done in quantum physics is being done on things that are nearly to completely incapable of measuring therefor there is no real proof it exists. In fact it could be machine error that even says there is a measurement at these scales. Or here is another radical theory for you subatomic particles are only created because we are looking for them, we believe it will happen so it will this could explain a lot about wave theory now wouldn't it. It would also explain the parable of a mustard seed that Jesus was talking about.
• United States
1 Apr 10
Here's why uncertainty in science does not equal faith. If something (say, string theory) cannot be backed up by evidence, than people don't believe it. String theory is not yet accepted science, because there is no evidence. The reason that people are still working on it is because it is mathematically elegant, and shows great potential. The very second there is ANY conclusive evidence against string theory, than people should stop exploring it. Faith would mean that we take string theory to be true because it seems to make sense, and continue to believe it in despite all counter-evidence. Quantum physics is the study of the very large, and is based on Einsteins theories. These are some of the most well tested theories of all time. Quantum physics is not difficult to study because it deals in the realm of gravity, and light; easily observable things. Quantum mechanics on the other hand, is even more reliable than quantum physics. It is the single most accurate physical prediction man has ever made. Heisenberg's uncertainty principal is a property of matter and energy. It is simply the result of the fact that measuring something on that scale causes it to change. It's pretty strange stuff, but NOT metaphysics.
• United States
24 Jan 10
Like I said to PastorP, having an MRI does not mean you're crazy, it's just an effective way of proving you're not. What is it about Quantum Physics that is immaterial? Everything that quantum physics discusses exists in one way or another. If it doesn't have mass, it has energy. It can all be tested. The only realm of physics that cannot be proven at the moment is string theory, but no one's trying to hide that fact. Moreover, science may appear to tread in the territory of the spiritual, but this is merely because powerful and meaningful myth stories are confused for explanations of nature. Unlike religion, if science does not have a way of knowing something, it leaves it to those who care to speculate. But you have a point. I'm really just being provocative. It's not very Buddhs-like, I know. (Baby steps)
@May2k8 (18492)
• Indonesia
24 Jan 10
God sees us and can be heard from a distance and know what we do in this world, he said to me "do your best so that you succeed". You can not see, because he was in the heart of human who always believed in God.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
24 Jan 10
I find that very few people really want to talk to God. Even fewer think they are worthy enough to be talked to.If you are really talking with God, you will know it. Ways far beyond those of man.Unless you understand God at all, most will be just confused. As wise as most of us think we are. We are ants.This is why so few really understand this world and God. Never worry. We are in good hands. Want to know how God speaks???? Don't look in books. Find God and discover for yourself.
@levis143 (70)
• Philippines
24 Jan 10
God talks to me through His Word, the Bible. I talk to Him in my prayers. Whenever i read the Bible, I know God is speaking to me, and He is teaching me new things everyday, correcting me and exposing my motives and thoughts. The Bible is the solid, permanent and unchanging Word of God and if anyone wants to listen to God, read the Bible and God will surely talk to him. To rely on supernatural incidents or imaginations is to endanger one's soul to committing error.
• Philippines
23 Jan 10
God's voice is your Conscience. Haven't you ever wondered that your conscience speaks up when you did something wrong when you know it is? or when tough decisions affecting many people come up? Haven't you wondered why your conscience always tells you to do the right thing? think about it.
• United States
24 Jan 10
I have wondered. Then I took a Sociology class, and now I no longer do. Our sense of right and wrong is a mixture of the norms of societal groups, what we observe in others, and laws. The Mayans didn't feel a shred of guilt for numerous human sacrifices, but they firmly believed that they were pleasing their God. Come to think of it, lot's of people kill in the name of god. Terrorists, radical pro-lifers, presidents, and so on. Are you going to tell me that god isn't talking to these people, but he is talking to those who don't mame, murder, rape, pillage, etc? Why would it be possible that entire army of Christians can kill in the crusades guilt free, but it's the christian god that explains the moral compass of a Buddhist (me)?
@heathcliff (1415)
• United States
23 Jan 10
gods, plural (and "the word" is a construct of "the church"), but otherwise YES to all the above! :)
• Philippines
23 Jan 10
I personally believe that God talks to us in many ways.. He talks to us through the nature, He talks to us through our conscience.. There's a saying that says "prayer is the way we talk to God, and meditation is the way God talks to us".. Thus, pondering on God's word, meditating on them and listening to the mass are just one of the many ways God talks to us.. :)
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
24 Jan 10
God doesn't talk to me as often as I talk to Him but, yes, He does and, no, I haven't had an MRI recently. God speaks directly to my spirit, not with words that my ears can hear but with messages that my heart can hear.
@jb78000 (15139)
23 Jan 10
i have many long and pointless conversations with god. mainly about how much snow there has been recently and what disgraceful things the angels have been getting up to. and he is always going on and on about 'that satan'.