Today was the commemoration of the death of my mother 3 months.

@icesmile (7160)
January 23, 2010 5:45am CST
So much pain when you go it cemetery, then to church, you see where is the place where she is in the ground. Flowers, candles, tears, sorrow, memories, food for poor people, and this is all what we got after death. I wonder, why we are selfish, why we are bad, why we talk to much, why we blame others, why we fight for something, so small, why we are ....just humans?For after death can we enjoy a better place, maybe body come back to say if there is a better place, or if we will pay there for our mistakes, but for sure that our life is end it. I wonder .... just so worth it to be bad here now, with people who can be good or not?I am sure only of one thing, we have this life to be good or evil. after .... who knows what will be? We will pay or not ... who can know? Perhaps only God ... and who knows? It is just so important, what remains after sheep, can only regret, can .... nothing.Who knows? ONLY GOD KNOW!!!!!
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3 responses
• Indonesia
23 Jan 10
i am sorry for hearing that
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• United States
23 Jan 10
Icesmile, You loved your mother so much, she must be enjoying that love now as then. I have no doubt she is in a better place, learning all she has to learn about improving for another foray into the next incarnation. I do hope my beliefs in this are not offensive to you, my dear friend!
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@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
23 Jan 10
Hi, yes are hard days, when i go to cimitery, but i hope that i will understand in one day why this life is as unfair.
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• United States
23 Jan 10
I hope, for all our sakes, that we will be able t see the bigger picture, and realize things were not so unfair after all...
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
24 Jan 10
Hey icesmile~ I am so sorry about your mother. I don't really know what to say to you. I know that it hurts and I truly feel very bad for your pain. I don't know why God does the things that he does and why he takes the people that we love from us. I guess that is something we will never understand. I just hope that you will be able to deal with it the best way that you can and in time hopefully it will hurt less. I'm sure your mother wouldn't want you to be sad.