See God face to face
By asja1388
@asja1388 (131)
January 23, 2010 6:31am CST
One of my christian friends says she has seen God. I am not quite sure about it as I always thought its an impossible thing to happen. I mean even Moses had to cover his head when God was talking to him and God spoke to him through the fire.
I understand that miracles can happen but is it really possible for us human to see God?
7 responses
@loved1 (5328)
• United States
23 Jan 10
In the bible God said to Moses "No man shall see me and live". As human beings I don't think we are physically able to deal with his pure presence. Jesus said "Whoever has seen me has seen the Father" but I don't believe that He actually meant "seeing" in that statement. The bottom line is....God works in mysterious ways. If he came to her in a dream, that is between her and the Lord. He can certainly reveal Himself to whomever He chooses. The Lord can appear how He chooses and has done so many times in the bible. A column of smoke, a burning bush, a white dove, etc. Who are we to judge what she claims to have seen?
@asja1388 (131)
24 Jan 10
You are right in saying who we are to judge...I dont have a right to judge and I am not trying to do that. I just always believed that God is too holy to be seen by human beings, that why I am trying to find out whether it could be true what she is saying. I just started the friendship with this person...I admit I am quite sceptic ( i think we should be) but i never would say it didnt happen, because if it did i would sin against the Holy Spirit
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
24 Jan 10
I would like to meet your friend and compare notes. It is very simple to meet God face to face without being able to actually see his face. I know this to be fact because a few years back I did it.Here is the way it went.
One day It was very clear to me that I had met God a few days in the past. It was a memory. I didn't know exactly when it happened but I knew it had happened. I still remember everything about it just as vivid as the day it happened. It started with me holding the left hand of another man in my right hand. We were standing in from of another man that was seated. There was a real bright light behind the man that was seated. It was like someone standing in front of a bright window. You can see there shape but you can't see their face.
The man holding my hand was the first to speak. He said; Father this is xxxxx xxxxx and he has met your demands. The one holding my hand I assumed was Jesus because he called the other man "Father". The man that was seated then spoke to me. He said; "You can be here only under these conditions, You do exactly what I say, exactly how I say and exactly when I say. He then went on to say, "You will always enjoy doing anything I ask you to do, I give you this joy first for your own pleasure and second as a sign, if you don't enjoy doing something then don't do it because I didn't ask you to". That was the end of it.
By what was said I assumed the man holding my hand was Jesus and the one seated was God Almighty. What I saw was a man sitting about 20 feet away from me dressed in a white robe that went up over his head. The face was open and the robe came to a "V" down on his chest. His arms were folded in his lap under the robe. Everything around us was totally black. No walls or floor, just black.
If you get a chance talk to your friend and get her to tell you all about it. I have never known anyone else that this has happened to.
@StartledByReality (21)
• United States
27 Jan 10
Interesting, because the God of the Bible doesn't ever claim that we'll always be happy when we obey Him. Look at Jonah - he was so unhappy with obeying God and going to Ninevah that he hopped on a ship headed to Tarshish instead. Elijah was so unhappy with obeying God that he freaked out and ran away to hide in a cave, waiting to die. God often asks us to do things that are difficult and make us sad for a while, like giving a message that someone doesn't want to hear. In the Bible, Satan is the one who tells us to make a god of pleasure, and only ever do what seems to make us happy. It's an erosion of character and integrity, and an explosion of self-serving idolatry. I know I'm speaking strongly, but I think this should be said. God will tell you to die to yourself and live solely for others, and for Him first of all. He'll give you joy, and "at His right hand are pleasures evermore", but He won't spare you all pain and suffering in the meantime. Instead, He'll use them to teach you. Satan will tell you to please yourself first, and you end up serving only him. He is the "father of lies", and he is perfectly capable of making himself out to be God. The antichrist will even be worshipped as God (Book of Revelation). The true Throne of God is described as bright and glorious (see Isaiah, Ezekiel, and most of all Revelation chapters 4 and 5). In short, I do not believe you saw God.
@rapunzelcat (271)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Did she explain what she meant by that? To the best of my knowledge it's not possible to physically see God. I think the closest anyone could come to seeing God would be recognizing God's hand in something: a situation, nature, someone performing an act of charity, etc. Was she able to tell you what God looked like?
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
24 Jan 10
If God allows it to happen, I suppose it's possible; but if I had an encounter with someone who said he was God, I think I'd do some testing of the spirit, like asking who the Lord of us all is, before I'd accept what this being claimed.
@PastorP (1170)
• United States
23 Jan 10
Howdy asja1388.
Ge 32:30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.
...Albeit, that was before the sun rose, so it was limited.
And that is a pre-incarnate theophany-- simply put, God the Son appearing in flesh as a human before the He was veiled in flesh (birth of Christ).
John 1:18 explains...
18 No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.
Now, in my time, I personally have not seen Him appear. But I have heard some have said He appeared to them. One was a Bible Institute instructor, Walter Beuttler. I think Pastor Brian Bailey has said the Lord had appeared to him. Check it out on ...
Select audio and try one of is audio books or one of Zion's conventions.
@StartledByReality (21)
• United States
24 Jan 10
Absolutely! Jesus is God in the flesh, so seeing Him is seeing God. He tells us in John 14:21 that "He who has my commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me; and he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and disclose ['reveal', 'manifest', 'show'] Myself to him". I think your friend saw the face of Jesus. John 6:46 says "no one has seen the Father except the One Who is from God; only He has seen the Father". However, in John 14:9, Jesus says "He who has seen Me has seen the Father". The Father has manifested His glory in Christ Jesus, in a "see-able" form to humanity.
Regarding Moses, I think you're refering to Exodus 33:18-23 where Moses says "Show me Your glory!" and the Lord says "You cannot see My face, for no man can see me and live" and covers Moses with His hand until His glory has passed by. Moses is allowed to see His back, but not His face, and later the Lord gives Him the 10 commandments and Moses' face is shining from the glory and he covers it with a veil.
A couple interesting things about this passage: Moses sees God, just not His face. He is the Lawbearer to the people of Israel. The Lawbearer brings an impossible standard - a holy, perfect Law which no sinful human could ever hope to keep. Paul writes in Galatians 3:23 that "Before this faith came [in Christ], we were held prisoners by the Law, locked up until faith should be revealed. So the Law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith". Moses brought the Law to the people which was meant to lead us to the Father through Christ, God in the flesh. Christ came and now the glory of God is revealed where it was hidden before. John 1:14 says "We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth". In the Law His glory is hidden but by grace through faith it is revealed.
You also mentioned Moses' veil. Later in Exodus it is revealed that the glory was fading from his face. Many believe that the veil was not meant to hide the glory of God itself, but to hide the fact that the glory was fading. Through the Law we catch a glimpse of His glory, but by the Holy Spirit through faith in Christ Jesus, we become filled with the glory of God.
@sairamsairamsairam (122)
• Indonesia
23 Jan 10
it is possible to see him
why can you sense him thought he is near you
he do not want any thing from you he just want love from his devoty .
do you know why? because he, himself is love manifestation , throught you can see god