Work, UGH!!
By gwoman2
@gwoman2 (710)
United States
January 23, 2010 10:06am CST
I have been on my job for a little over 18 years...1 year as a student, 2 1/2 years as a community work experiance participant, which is basically working but you get miniscule pay, and 15 years on the County/State payroll...I've known my current boss all these years and even when I began there as a welfare recipient he was always cordial, friendly, and most importantly respectful...I always admired him for this since anyone out there that has or is on government assistance knows we are treated like Shiznik! Anyhow...just the other day he showed me his true colors...nothing is different...I was douped into thinking that it was...I am so hurt and upset over this...because I thought I really knew the man...I didn't:-( Now it's not so easy going to work each day...I find myself looking at his calendar and hoping and praying that he is booked up with meetings so that he is not in the office. UGH...what a bad feeling...
I won't leave my job because I love what I do...helping people is a lifelong journey for me and I refuse to let the ignorance of one person stop me!!
Anyone have any similar issues at your job?
Thanks for letting me vent myLotters...I needed it badly...and now I shall take my little anxiety pill!
3 responses
@Ladyslipper (1327)
• Philippines
24 Jan 10
I am in a corporate world and 5 days a week, at least 9 hours a day I deal with more than 300 people just in our Department alone. I am a Boss since I am a Supervisor and I handle people and then at the same time I have a Boss who is my immediate Manager. Aside from them I also have to deal with our demanding clients especially when the Boss is away. What I hate about my job is that I am just a Supervisor but I am doing Manager tasks. The most unfair part of it is that there are like 15 Supervisors in our Department but I don't know why the pressure is all on me. Maybe it is an advantage to me since as early as now (2 years in the company) I'm already being groomed to be the next in line Assistant Manager. But we have three Assistant Managers in our Department and then one Head Manager. I really don't like dealing with one of the three Assistant Managers. He does not know anything. He would usually ask me to do some reports for him or forward some data he needs for a report or monthly review with the client. He would then use these without even personalizing it even just the font or lay out and would present it to the Board as if it was him who did all the hardwork. One time, He presented a Deck to me. He asked for my opinion and then asked if the data were correct. I actually noticed that nothing is correct. Where the hell did he get all those numbers and figures? Everything is totally erroneous. I just said though that I think the table is nice and the presentation is great. I did not mention though that all of the figures are not correct. If I told him he would surely ask me to do the report and extend extra hours without the overtime pay again and then he would get all the credits. He ended up presenting the data to the CEOs. The weird thing though is that even the Executives that the data is erroneous. Hahahaha! What a shame!

@gwoman2 (710)
• United States
24 Jan 10
Hi Ladyslipper,
thank you for your response. I'm very happy not being a supervisor or manager of anything...I'm just the front desk and the Sr. File Clerk lady...Many people think that my job is miniscule but it's not I do way more than just filing and answering phones...there are faxes to be sent and delivered, there is mail that must be stamped and sent out, also interoffice mailings to our other offices, set up conference calls, order all supplies for everyone, keep a weekly inventory of maintenance supplies, type resumes for people, and there is so much more, the list of my duties goes on and on... but the part I love best is when clients come to me for help and I can help them...that's rewarding and sort of a feel good pill, kinda like my little anxiety pill! LOL
Thanks again.
@Ladyslipper (1327)
• Philippines
28 Jan 10
Hi gwoman!
I always tell my staffs not to add the word "JUST" to their position no matter what their job is. I always tell them that they are the most important resources of our company because they are the one generating revenues for the company. I value them a lot. :)
@Ladyslipper (1327)
• Philippines
24 Jan 10
He ended up presenting the data to the CEOs. The weird thing though is that even the Executives did not notice that the data is erroneous. Hahahaha! What a shame!

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
24 Jan 10
Hi gwoman...long time no see!
When I worked for the railroad I really liked my boss until the last couple of months that I was there. She appeared to understand and appreicate the skills and talents I brought to the organization...the knowledge that went into the contributions I made...that is until the Administrative Asst. was let go and her position cut. I was assigned the lion's share of her responsibilities, which was fine because I was a team player and our parent company was making things difficult for us. But, suddenly my former boss started to look at me "as if" I were the Admin. Asst. and her tone of voice and attitude towards me changed accordingly. Eventually my attitude towards her changed as well. This woman could barely turn her computer on, knew nothing about our computer network, which I maintained, or the accounting and billing processes I ran across an online network of railroads and customers across the country. I started to talk to her in language she could not understand...technical to a fault...yet I was always polite. Instead of going out of my way to explain the computer generated reports to her as you would to a 3 year old, I simply left them on her desk, forcing her to come to me for clarification and explanations...and she did not like that at all.
Like you, I found myself looking at her calendar on outlook, relishing the days when she would be out of the office. When our parent company continued to reject our budget for the upcoming fiscal year, insisting that we trim it further, I secretly hoped that my position would be cut. It was and I was so happy to be let go that it was all I could do not to laugh out loud when I received the news. I did feel bad for the one girl who remained in the office. She was my backup if I was sick or on vacation but she knew little about the network and she has called me a few times asking for help troubleshooting one problem or another. She told me that she's now expected to do the work of 3 people without incurring overtime, since that budget line is very small, so her stress level is very high. Unlike you, I didn't love what I did. It was a interesting one but nothing close to what I used to do in Maryland, which I did love.
Try not to focus on your boss too much and, instead, concentrate on doing what you love to do. It's sad that this man has disappointed you in this way but people aren't always what they seem and, if you want to stay there, you're going to have to deal with him. Hang in there. 

@gwoman2 (710)
• United States
24 Jan 10
Hi nice to hear from you! It's just soooooo hurtful...I really thought he was one of the good guys...but I was wrong and like you said I must deal with it, especially in this shoe box of a town I live in, jobs are not easy to get...also my job is like 5 minutes away from my home which makes it extra nice...I need to be there by 8 to open up the office and I can leave here at 5 to and make it on time! I can't even look at him straight forward like I used to...he will never know what he did to me. But you know Spalladino, what goes around, comes around...and I never, ever wish anything bad on anyone...because I really believe when that's done, it'll come back on myself or a loved one, so I'm leaving him in God's hands...although the man makes over 200,000 a year so what could possibly go wrong for him?? But I guess that's neither here nor there. I also know that God don't like ugly! I'll stay because I love helping people and the clientel we deal with are in the same shoes I once was in, so for them, I'll stay...they really need an advocate and and someone who will tell them the truth about programs and government and that would be me...
Thanks for your response!
@maezee (41988)
• United States
23 Jan 10
I think there are always going to be people in your life (and job) that you .. can't stand. Who have horrible personalities. I think it's something that we just learn to deal with, don't you? We cross our fingers that they'll get a different job or that they'll get fired or quit - but in the mean time just do the best we can. If you love your job, I think you should stick it out despite the jerks around you who work with you. By the way, congratulations - 18 years is an ENORMOUS amount of time to be working at the same job.
@gwoman2 (710)
• United States
24 Jan 10
Hi Maezee,
thanks for your response. I gotta tell you there are plenty of "jerks" to go around in this organization...but they don't bother me...cuz I don't let's just that when you come from where I did and you meet a couple of peeps who are decent and a then after so many years they actually show you the scum that they really are it hurts a lot...but as I told my friend Spalladino, I'll hang in there, I'm not going anywhere...the people who have the least funds, the least education, need me and so I'll stick it out! Oh yeah remember never to wish anything negative on anyone...somehow it'll come back to haunt you...that is why I leave everything I can't really handle to God...Please don't get me wrong I am by no means a religious fanatic...but I do believe in the higher power of God and he does work in misterious ways...he has proven that to me over and over during my 57 years!
Thanks again.