Where do negative thoughts come from?

January 24, 2010 6:54am CST
You are aware that thoughts are very powerful. Where do these negative thoughts such as depression, anger, fear, disgust come from? They all come from our minds. If some one says,"its so boring" or "I feel bad" or "mood out" or "I 'm not happy, "I'm sad" or "I feel so ill" or "I 'm so tired" etc -these negative thoughts can harm them. It is better to avoid such words. Words come from our thoughts. Good thoughts and good words can make you great. Negative thoughts and words can break you. Again it is easy to say them than to practice, yet I just wanna share these thoughts with you. What do you think?
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30 responses
• United States
24 Jan 10
I believe it is part of human nature to explore negative and positive thoughts and emotions - and by way of them we use reason / wisdom to make choices. No thought is more negative than the thinker of it allows themselves to be. Granted it is better if you try to elevate your mind with positve affirmation, and it is good for building self esteem. Short answer - Negative thoughts come from humans exploring their freewill and choices throughout life.
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@vandana7 (101478)
• India
24 Jan 10
hi shutupandbuyit, :) I dont think we "explore" the negatives until and unless we face a failure or bad experience, do we?
• India
24 Jan 10
hi, shutupandbuyit I think every one gets negative thoughts. Some may get more some may get less bu every one gets for sure. thanks for responding.
• United States
24 Jan 10
You are welcome
@tommyj (45)
• United States
24 Jan 10
I believe negative thoughts come from the same place positive thoughts come from. We are the creators of our thoughts and our thoughts are what create our world.
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• India
24 Jan 10
Hi, tommyj I think all thoughts come from our minds. It is very difficult to seed positive thoughts in mind though.
@tommyj (45)
• United States
24 Jan 10
I think if we think on positive thoughts then we have more positive ones come to us...
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
24 Jan 10
Very true Vijayanths.Our mind has a very powerful influence on us and we have to strive to keep away negative thoughts.Even a simple thing like a servant not making her appearance puts us off at times.I found a remedy for this earlier on [some 2o years ago even when I was much younger].I will just be prepared for this and be determined not to not feel bogged down by that.THat apart , even in many other important things in life, we have to keep ourselves consciously think of positive things if these negative thoughts creep in.I have heard people saying they are bored staying indoors too and I think this is a state of mind.If we find joy in the simplest things of life , even in blowing a bubble out of a soap or looking at a flower and admiring it we can keep ourselves happy.WE must think of positive things and always say good words.I agree with you absolutely.Keep saying"I am tired ; I don't like something" again and again --the feeling would become manifold than just a tiny feeling in the corner of one's mind.
• India
24 Jan 10
Wow, that is a great thing you did to tackle the absence of the servant maid. be prepared for the disappointments, right? or failures? Yes when you keep on telling I am sick you will definitely become sick one day. I recommended a technique for a friends who was suffering a lot from a love failure. I told him to think of the negative points of that lady so that he could forget her soon.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
24 Jan 10
That was excellent advice you gave.In a way it is true that if we believe that whatever happens is for our own good, God will see to it that it turns to our good.
• India
25 Jan 10
I think I must learn many things from you Kala. It looks like I preach and you practice.
@Buchi_bulla (8298)
• India
24 Jan 10
We have to enhance our confidence level. We must have positive thinking. We must love our own self and also others. Above all these, we must have faith on our capacity and God. Then to some extent we can avoid negative thoughts. But ultimately it is our attitude of accepting life in a pleasant way that avoids negative thinking. Think you like to wash dishes, you will like it, even sing while washing vessels. In Sai Satcharitha book, this incidence comes. A servant maid girl will be singing while doing house work. They present her with good half saree. She wears and feels happy and sings while working. Next day, she keeps the new dress at home, wears again the same rags but with the same happiness and enthusiasm, whether new dress or old dress, she will be singing and doing the work. So nothing is boring, it is only your mental status that is dull and see things boring.
• India
24 Jan 10
Hi, buchi as usual you have responded so well. The example of the servant maid is very nice and interesting.
• India
27 Jan 10
Hi aunty, Even i have heard sai satcharitha book. Though the girl was offered the new clothes she kept them and next day she comes with the old rags with the same enthu to work.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Jan 10
Hi vijayanths, Great post and I agree. That's why the first six years of our life, our formative years, are so important, but of course we must not stop there. If our parents are negative, we learn to to be negative,if they are positive, we will be positive. It's very importance for anyone who deals with children to know this. It's not good to say no to a child, when we must, we should also explain why we are saying it. Find other words to use as we teach them. Unfortunately, most of us don't learn such things until our children are grown. It's never easy to get rid of such thoughts after we become adults, but it can be done with practice. Our minds never stay empty, there is always a constant chatter going on, so when we get rid of a negative thought, we must immediately replace it with a positive one, otherwise another negative thought will enter. Blessings.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
24 Jan 10
Vijayanths! It does not mean that you had accepted that you had negative thoughts ;it only meant that you wanted to see whether there were exemplifications in your own life from instances mentioned by the poet].
• India
25 Jan 10
Kala, I had that doubt whether I wanted to read it for the sake of knowledge or I thought it could help me practically. I think it could be 50/50. Thanks for thinking I am positive and that make me +ve
• India
24 Jan 10
Yes I DO AGREE that our parents influence us in this too. If our parents are positive the chances are we will also be positive. Yes all human beings will have negative thoughts. some may get more negative thoughts, there starts the problem. We should always try to use positive words when we speak. That have great impact on our lives. I read Norman Vincent Peale's " Power of positive thinking"-It is very well written and it is a great book-no doubts. But when I took the book in my hands that meant I had accepted that I had negative thoughts I could not practice his techniques all that easily. In short if we surrender to God totally there won't be any negative thoughts.
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@vandana7 (101478)
• India
24 Jan 10
Hi vijayanths, nice to see you are not running out of ideas for discussions - as yet. LOL. I am not sure it has something to with us uttering those thoughts. I think they are inevitable if the society gangs up against you. :) So if such thoughts have to leave, a few have to gang up against the society as well to prevent persecution of a few. It is generally people who feel persecuted, isolated, ridiculed, cheated, etc., who end up with such thoughts, isn't it? So why not stand up for them, instead of joining at the other end, or being indifferent. For all that you know, tomorrow it can be my turn. :) So I think unless we learn how to do things right all the time, these thoughts will be there, and all we can do is pray that the person finds some moments of peace and quiet, and happiness. In simple words, unless we remove bad things from society we cannot remove such thoughts. Because those bad things are from where such thoughts sprout. Hope I am making some sense. :)
• India
24 Jan 10
As long as the great vandana is in my friends list, I won't run out of discussion ideas hopefully. Society can be one of the reasons vandana. But I think it is in your genes to soem extent. How your parents bring you up and your environment all have an impact on your thoughts, it can be positive or negative. Do I sound negative?
@vandana7 (101478)
• India
24 Jan 10
Genes, yes, to an extent. And environment to greater extent. :) Environment = society and it includes family, isn't it? That is what I meant. Support of friends and family is a must. If we are wrong, we should also accept that we've been wrong, and try to repair the harm as far as we can. The problem is ego interferes with us acknowledging we've been wrong. I for one do not like it at all when society supports wrong without thinking it over. I have noticed in my case that some of my actions were questioned. I was lucky to be asked explanations, and I could present my case, and therefore, turn the tables. But there remain some situations in many people's cases where society doesn't take any action! I will cite an example. We have drunkards. We've drunkard's wives. We as society dont consider it our duty to make the drunkard leave the bad habit, and start contributing positively to the nation by working. But we are willing to sympathise with the wife. Lol. Dont you think the society chooses the easy way out? After all sympathising is just lip service! Dont you think that woman must be suffering chagrin when she cannot really afford for her children what her sister or other relatives can? She would be more aware of what she cannot have! That is not envy - or negativity - it is her failure to get support from society the right way! She might vent her frustration on her children, and the children in turn feel such irrational behavior on part of their mother is allowed. Now that gets perpetuated. They behave irrationally and unfairly with others, and think nothing of it. I know this is a long post, but I have often thought about it, so I guess I am taking this as an opportunity to express myself.
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@vandana7 (101478)
• India
24 Jan 10
So those who suffer unfair treatment in the hands of such drunkard's children, would you blame them for being angry, annoyed, and suffering with dislike - all negative qualities - towards that family? Do you expect them also to extend understanding instead of addressing the issue the next time the same situation comes? As I see it - we expect more people to understand that family so that we avoid correcting one person! I'm looking forward to your input on this vijayanths. :)
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
8 Feb 10
Hi vijay! I think those who use negative words are always governed by negative thoughts; they just cannot think some thing positive. Negative thoughts come to them through their surroundings; I mean it come through the company they keep. They keep interacting with those people, who have devious mind and use derogatory words. They get sadistic pleasure by using these kind of words. They use negative words to see the agony, sufferings and restless on others faces. They just do not know how their negative vibes could bring down moral of others.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
24 Jan 10
vijayanths oh yes you have said a mouthful of great ideas. We are often our own worst enemy. What we think is how our body responds to that, if we are negative, our whole system starts to get hyper, our blood pressure will go up, our heart beats too fast, even our blood glucose level will go up , getting ready I guess to defend us from our own negative thoughts. but if I tell myself I am happy, there may be all sorts of problems in my life, but if I am smiling and feeling good just for this moment my body responds the same way. my blood glucose level drops,my blood pressure is normal, and I do feel fine. problems still there but the stress is not. I feel good now and is not that all we ever have really is now,today. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not yet here. so be happy now, smile now, I feel good.
• India
24 Jan 10
well said, hatley. Thoughts have very powerful impact on human lives. negative thoughts can make you sick, affect your immunity too. We should always think positive, say positive words like"I am happy" I can do it, Its beautiful, I love it, its great etc.... I think there are some words from Bible What you sow , would you reap- something like that... What thoughts we seed into our minds we get same plants as outcome.
@ganeshsh (108)
• India
27 Jan 10
I also get negative thoughts quite often. I am working my best to avoid them. Good topic.
• Philippines
24 Jan 10
They come from dull mind who have no work become the devil workshop. when mind is not fully uses they are thinking of other things that are non sense just to make him feel not bored. so one who have no job need to find other outlet where he could fully use his talents and skills where he could gain more recognition a d earn more from his hard work.
• India
24 Jan 10
Yes, neelianoscet, that is one of the ways of avoiding the negative thoughts.
• India
27 Jan 10
Hi vijayanths, He depends upon how we think, We should always think if a positive way and thoughts so that we dont get disturbed and also we should never think negatively and also stay away from the people who always speaks negatively though this we get disturbed and sometimes even come to depression stage. have a great day.
• United States
24 Jan 10
I think that you can choose what kind of thoughts you have in your mind. Whichever thoughts wheather they be positive or negative those are the ones that we will attract to us. If a negative thought come to me I just let it go and immediately change my thougt to a positive one, trying to be in a good mood so I will attract more positive thoughts.
• India
24 Jan 10
hi, debrajean10 you are really very lucky to be able to practice it so easily.
24 Jan 10
I thought shutupandbuyit's response was the best to this one. I think additionally that negativity stems from survival instinct and fear of failure. It is built in to all of us to compete, survive, succeed, pro-create and evolve, and as with many species, failure to do so affects our mental and emotional state, some more than others. Negativity is the possible outcome of reasonable thought, and is sometimes a good thing when being realistic about a situation or result.
• India
24 Jan 10
hi novaspace, I do agree that fear can cause negative thoughts in a person. That includes fear of failure too, thanks for the participation.
• Philippines
24 Jan 10
About saying negative things I guess people do so because they feel that way just like saying that your finger is burned when you actually burned it. If they do not show and say their present state of wellbeing people would automatically assume that theyre healthy even if they do not thats why they say what really goes on so that others will have the idea that the person does couldn't do work and is sick. Why? Because it is rarely effective to show what you are going through with body language alone. Besides, the tone and delivery of you saying you are sick and sad provides 90% of its validity than that of body language alone.
• India
24 Jan 10
hi, cowboyofhell I think you made good points there. I thoroughly enjoyed your discussion, thanks for responding.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
25 Jan 10
I think they either come from the fact that we are not taking care our body properly or from what we feed our mind or from the company (friends) we frequent. A healthy body has a healthy mind so that we minimize negativity. If we constantly look at or talk about or associate with negative people that is what will occupy our mind and that is what will come out. Negativity in negativity out, positivity in positivity out! Have a positive day!
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
25 Jan 10
I've read in a spiritual book that we are fully in control of our thoughts, as opposed to what most people think, that they just pop out unconsciously. So whether it's negative or positive, it's something that we just created in mind. We should always look at the brighter side of things, for this way, life will be a lot easier to handle. ;-)
• India
25 Jan 10
Basically thinking, anlayzing and expressing and then interacting with others is a good form of intelligence. It should be considered as our qualities and best level of growth. I don't think negative thoughts are actually there in your mind, but they came to your mind from the wrong calculations, misinterpretation and misunderstand. When someone make mistaes and harmful act in relation to yours day-to-day life, then also the negative thoughts came to our minds. But the negative thinking doesn't mean you always suffer or face losses.
• India
25 Jan 10
Positive and negative both are two sides of a coin, both can not exist together. I think when you expect something and get something unexpected, you are bound to think b=negative. we do not do that my wish, we are forced to think that. I want to think positive and fill my mind with happiness however its not always true. If my mind is filled with positive thought, I will be happy and the outcome will make others happy too. Think positive and spread positive energy.
@cintoy (1011)
• Indonesia
25 Jan 10
hi vijayanths I am totally agree with you. Our mind is a very powerful weapon. but this is a double edge weapon. It can destroy us as well as make us triumph. To avoid making/ thinking negatively, we should train our mind it is not easy job to do. It needs sharpen slowly but permanently. When there is negative mind pops out in our head, realize it and stop it. Change it to positive mind. when you get used to it, you have control the most useful weapon in the world.
• China
25 Jan 10
In CHINA,people always said:"nine times out of ten rainy days go through your life".You didn't choice life,but you may choice your mind.