I watched my brother in law die last week....

@Tidwell1 (332)
United States
January 24, 2010 12:35pm CST
I have seen a lot of things in my life....my wife and I are both cancer survivors and have our share of sad and scary stories but this has hit me in a whole new way. I watched my brother in law die from liver failure...struggling to take each breath. An ex fireman and postman with a bad drinking problem that he was unable to stop. A great, giving, talented, loving person completely transformed into a person that can't handle the everyday problems that life brings our way. Please try to reach out to any loved ones out there that might be in the alcohol stranglehold. They aren't able to see were they are (in a daze) and have no idea how to begin to get help. They are most likely embarrassed and trying as hard as they can to hide the problem. They can't hide it for very long. Denial is a big problem also. I will never forget my friend Gary (GAR) he was loved by everyone that was lucky enough to know him. Please don't underestimate alcohol.....it doesn't care who you are or what you do for a living....it gets a hold of you when your not aware of it. Anyway....I just had to vent... I'm sorry for preaching but it was such a horrible thing to see. God Bless....
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2 responses
@illfavors (590)
• United States
25 Jan 10
I'm sorry to hear that, that must have been devastating. I can't say I know what you are going through as I have never seen someone die in front of me. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts. Blessings.
@Tidwell1 (332)
• United States
25 Jan 10
I am very happy about all of the kind responses that have been given. There are a lot of good people here on MyLot. I am glad I found this website. I appreciate your response also...very kind and caring. This makes me feel better. Thank You.
• Philippines
25 Jan 10
i totally agree with you. We have to help one another. And even if someone doesn't need help, we shave to look for them too. Regret is just too late. We must do something before something gets worse. It's hard to see a person dying. We all should be tough enough to face uncertainties in our lives.
@Tidwell1 (332)
• United States
25 Jan 10
It is so hard to try to help someone that feels they don't need help...this is a very bad problem. It leads to failure and the drinking just continues.