Okay... First, I'm not posting this discussion to target a certain ptc site. I will not pinpoint a name of a ptc site and its corresponding admin. I'll just say or share here what I've noticed from members of ptc sites. Again, this discussion is intended for ptc site
So what about ptc members? Dogs? Animals? Haha. No. But what are dogs? Dogs have masters right? Dogs obey and follow their masters. That's exactly what many ptc members do in the forum. They obey and obey, praise and praise their masters move even if it's not good or not for the benefit of all members. Who's their master? No other than the ptc site admin.
Don't get it? Okay here's what they do. Admin imposes this certain rule or changes a rule which is for the benefit of him/her solely or something like that in style(uses sales talk/sweet words) and does what members do? Says thanks admin! Admin you're the best! Keep it coming admin! You're the greatest admin! Bla bla bla. Are they serious? Do they even analyze things? If it's war they're supporting war. If it's doom then they're wishing for doom!
I know why they can't complain cause they're afraid they might get banned. But hey, it's better to just shut up and keep away from the keyboards instead of supporting a disaster. They're acting like dogs. Slaves or something like that. Got a better word for them?
Want to see dogs? Go and see them in the forum! I'm not one of them. You better be not one of them!