Are you having a SuperBowl Party ??

@Tidwell1 (332)
United States
January 25, 2010 7:24am CST
The big game is coming up...are you going to have friends and or family over to watch it?? If so, how many people will you invite? and what kind of food will you have??? most importantly.....who do you want to win ????
2 responses
• United States
26 Jan 10
WHO DAT?! Yes Indeed the Superbowl is coming up on February 7th and my Saints are in it! Whether we're here at home for it or out with friends, you can bet we'll have some good old N'awlin's food and of course, we want our SAINTS to win! This is our first time to be in a Superbowl. It is especially sweet because we get to play the Indianapolis Colts, and Peyton Manning is from here; his parents used to live in my neighborhood. G E A U X SAINTS!
@Tidwell1 (332)
• United States
27 Jan 10
WOW! that's cool! Have a great time! and...... GO SAINTS!!!!
@Outcast (632)
• United States
25 Jan 10
Having a few freinds and family over. I am the only one with a big screen. Football is better on a big screen. Since I am in Louisiana we are going for the Saints all the way baby. As for food it will be Louisiana favorites like gumbo, jumbalya and all that great food.
@Tidwell1 (332)
• United States
25 Jan 10
Congratulations!!!! I wish I could be down there to feel the excitement in the air! You deserve a Super Bowl win and Drew Breez is the one to help get it. I am also going for the Saints...the food sounds great too! Thank God for the big screen TV.