Possible paranormal activity in my apartment? HELP? OPINIONS?

United States
January 26, 2010 4:52pm CST
Before I give the details, I just have to say that i've always been a skeptic. i believe in my younger years I have experianced a few things worth questioning, but could possibly have explainations. I've never been able to prove anything when dealing with strange happenings, which still leaves me as a skeptic. The following events have happened sometime between Friday, January 15th through today, January 26th. A couple of friends of mine, brought an Ouija board over to our new apartment on the 15th. We were having somewhat of a get together, and drinking. I didn't touch the thing, I haven't messed with one of those in about five - six years. Now. I believe what followed after, all has an explaination. I believe their could be a reason behind everything we're witnessing, but I can't help to be spoked, considering I haven't heard any of the following before, and we have lived here almost two months. THE 15TH AND 16TH: The night of the 15th, and 16th, I can't recall anything happening. Although, both mornings, when my fiance and I woke up, at the same time, we could hear a popping noise in the kitchen, while we are both in bed. Both mornings this has occured at the exact same time. It almost sounds as if it's a two litter popping, when the air rises in it. Though, we don't have any bottles in the kitchen. I'm sure there's an explaination for the noise, though we find it odd it has happened at the same time both mornings. THE 16TH - 17TH: On the night of the 16th. We were laying in bed, we have a blowup matress, considering we just moved to Knoxville, from Jacksonville, FL. And don't have all of our items. I was laying closest to the bedroom door, and our dog was laying on my side of the bed, on the floor. It took me sometime to get to sleep. We hadn't thought anything about the bottles, I didn't even consider anything paranormal at this point. Our bedroom door will not open on it's own. If anything, it wants to close by itself, and refuses to stay open. I shut all doors when I go to sleep. It's an OCD thing for me. I was having trouble sleeping. I had this feeling that someone was staring at me, or watching me. Jenova, our dog, was having trouble sleeping too. Around 10 minutes after I finally got to sleep, I heard the door pop open, and the handle jingled, as if someone had twisted it, and let go. The door creaked up a bit, and then stopped. It did not close back. As I have said before, this door, closes on its own. THE 17TH: Adam had the day off, and we were hanging out at the house. At some point, he walked into the bedroom, and shortly came out. He then asked me why I set the Space Heater in the bedroom, to 100 degree's. We've NEVER touched the heater, as our heater works well enough, and have never had to use it. It's not digital, it's a knob that you have to turn, and it sticks as well. There is no reason for me to have turned it all the way up. I hadn't told him about the handle. But I found the heater turned all the way up odd, and decided to tell him. After explaining to him what happened with the bedroom door the previous night, he laughed a little, and joked that maybe it was because of the board. This is around the time I started thinking about it. But, me being skeptic, and thinking there could be a reason for everything that's happened. About two minutes after telling him what happened, the same thing happened, this time with the closet door. And, the closet door, acts just as the bedroom door. I walked into the bedroom, the closet was completely open. I tapped it, and it closed. We tried to get it to stay open, but it wouldn't stay on it's own. Although, previously, it was. Nothing to odd happened the next few days. I don't remember which day it was, but he confronted me about the space heater again. This time, it was on 60. Again, I hadn't touched it. Now, the knob is NOT on the heater. It's on the opposite wall, and it's too high for any of my dogs to accidently knock into it. It's about level with my head. LAST NIGHT THE 25TH - 26TH: We were sleeping in the living room. I woke up, at around 3AM. And Adam was awake next to me, I asked him why he wasn't sleeping, and he told me to hush. So, I listended for a bit, and could hear what SOUNDED like, a few notes of music, every few minutes. Just barely auidable. It sounded as if it was coming from the TV. It would switch from sounding like music, to sounding like a conversation on the TV. Imagine your TV being on very low, almost to the point where you cant here it, but can pick up a few bits of conversation. Only, your TV is completly off. I thought, maybe the neighbors were playing music, or had their TV loud. The thing is, there is 10 apartments to a Unit. And we're 1 of 3 families that live in our unit. There are three floors, us on the top, and the other two on the first floor. There's nobody directly beside, or below us. As for today. Adam left the house for work around 10AM. I went back to sleep, awaking again about 12PM, after being so tired from the previous night. Adam, aready gone. I laid in bed with the dog for a few minutes. About 10 minutes after just laying there. I heard a strange clicking noise coming from the bedroom. It was very rapid, and the clicking only last for a few seconds. It was very odd, but a few seconds after the clicking, I heard a loud bang coming from the bedroom. It sounded as if someone stomped a heavy foot onto the floor. I am sure there could be an explaination for everything. I just need some opinions on what others think.
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6 responses
• United States
26 Jan 10
Before everyone jumps to conclusions, can I ask you a question? You mentioned that you have been there for 2 months. Anything at all happen in those 2 months, that you just blew off? Anything? How has your dog acted for 2 months? Think hard. I am very much into the paranormal, and I do not use Ouija boards, but, it doesn't necessarily mean what is happening came from the Ouija board either. This would be your first instinct of course, since your friends were playing with it. Do you remember what they were asking or what was happening when they were playing with the Ouija board? I just don't want you to jump to conclusions immediately that there are demons playing around in your house. I find it highly unlikely, possible, but unlikely, so I don't want you to get scared. Maybe just a mischievous ghost. Do you know the history of the house at all? Have you encounted spirits before? I'll wait until I hear from you.
• United States
27 Jan 10
Yeh, it's probably your imagination, and related to the board. Let us know if anything else happens, just trying to help.
• United States
27 Jan 10
I've never said I believe it is demons. I know that some believe the Ouija board is only a way to communicate with demons, non-humans, not spirits. I believe it's possible that maybe I am realating everything to just the board. I can not, for the life of me, remember my dog acting strange prior to this, or any strange noises, though I do believe, I could just be more open now that I know someone was in my home with the board. I also believe that it could just be my imagination, hearing things that have an explaination, but jumping straight to paranormal. I don't not believe in the paranormal, i've had experiances in which I couldn't explain when I was younger. But have never been able to confirm anything with myself.
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@cream97 (29085)
• United States
26 Jan 10
Hi, Romaniac. It sounds like this Ouja Board made a path for some demons to enter inside of your apartment. It is very possible. If I was you, I would contact an paranormal team to come and check out your apartment. I would also get a priest or an ordained preacher to come in and bless your home. You can also pray and get some holy water too. Keep plenty on hand. I have experienced paranormal episodes in my life too. My husband does not believe me at all when I tell him. It makes me even more scared, because I know what I have seen and heard. In 2008, I saw the Grim Reaper. My son saw him last year. I have seen and felt many odd things that I know that I have not imagined. It is very hard to explain to someone that is skeptical. But once they see for themselves, then they will have a change of heart. Maybe when your husband goes to work, then you can leave your apartment so that you won't have to deal with this unknown and unseen force that is a presence. It is just an demonic presence that resulted from the use of the Ouja Board. Please be very careful. And if push comes to shove, you and your husband and dog may have to move out of this apartment, if you feel anyway threatened by this spirit. I don't mess around with Ouja Boards. It is one of the things that I don't touch. I am sorry that this has happened to you. Take action and get some paranormal help that will keep you and your family safe.
• India
27 Jan 10
Dude, many chills ran through my spines while reading your story and I now have Goosebumps! Going according to Newton's Third Law: "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction!" So, if there is something called Divine, there has to be something called Paranormal! Are you writing just because you did not get anything to write or is it real!? Keep a camera on all the time!!!!! Hmmmm... Maybe the ghost is really trying to convey something to you! I am really scared and what a piece of writing skill you have!!!
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
27 Jan 10
Yes, my comment is very much real. I will never write anything that is fake on here at myLot! I am as truthful as it comes. Thanks for commenting on my writing skills too. This story is very real. It has happened to me and so have other unexplainable events as well.
• United States
27 Jan 10
My opinion is you sure can go into detail when it's not needed. That was long and kind of rambling in my opinion. My opinion on what was going on, it's nothing that can't be explained, Ouija boards are just cardboard or wood or whatever they are made of and a little glass maginfying thing. That's it. I'd ignore it and get on with your life.
@vandana7 (101523)
• India
27 Jan 10
Hi Romaniac, I am as much of skeptic as you are. :) I cannot explain the heater. Other than that - well, there is something about cupboards and doors that I've noticed which happens in my house, and my house is not haunted. When there is too much of air inside the cupboard, cupboards and you try to close them, invariably one of the flaps somewhere is going to open. As to door, I found it to be faulty locking system. TV can be somebody with very loud television - I cant exactly guage the distance in your part of the world. In any event, if you do leave the tv on, it catches another station somewhere and while you dont get the images, you do get some sounds. Romaniac if the person wanted to contact you, he would not resort to such things. He/she would have a more direct approach. After all nothing stops him or her, isn't it? You've developed a fear for it after that board. I suggest you shift. Even if all logical explanations were found, your mind would continue to play havoc. So it would be in your interests to move out.
@deenaly (162)
• Malaysia
27 Jan 10
This world where we live right now if one but many dimensions. There are God's creatures that we cannot see, touch, feel, or hear using our 5 senses. They can see us however, and they can whisper words into our minds. They have their own societies and civilisations, just like us. They also submitted to religions like Islam, Christian, Buddha, Hindu, and many more. Those who are living in higher dimension can interact indirectly with those who live in lower dimension, but not vice versa. We believe Angels are created from light. Humans are created from earth, and these beings are created from fire. The beings which causes the paranormal activities in your resident is probably those which has joined hands with filthy humans, because they cannot harm human beings by themselves. I suggest you search around the house for some extraordinary things, because some people might have buried something under your house. But then it could be that these beings have already inhabited your place long before you have. However, you might want to check for physical evidence which can assure you that these paranormal activities are explainable by human minds. sometimes, our senses can be very deceiving. Lastly, remember God always. Maybe it's a warning to always rely on God for everything.
• Canada
31 Jan 10
You should never play with a Ouija board...unless you know what you are doing and know how to "close" the session...and even then its an invitation for negative energy...get some sage and burn it throughout the house...maybe consult a psychic...and give away the board or garbage it...