This Website Taught Me More about Politics & History than my Four Year Degree!

@Rallon (441)
United States
January 27, 2010 12:19am CST
I have never been a Republican nor Democrat; always an independent. I have always believed our two party system is, at best, a sham. After I stumbled upon this site, I now realize how correct I have always been; only it's worse! Democrats vs Republicans is stupid. They are both the same. They spend our money without regard for our opinion and blame the other party for any mishaps along the way. I guess it is easy to point a finger, but hard to actually lead. I am not a Republican by any means, but the attacks coming out of the Democrats towards the Republicans, as well as Fox News needs to stop immediately! Will we still be listening to this rhetoric come next year? Or the next? Stop blaming and start fixing economy already! I don't want to wake up in 2013 and hear the politicians telling us that things are still bad because of one party or the other. We need solutions and we need them now. We need leaders instead of pointers. We need to be heard. Has anybody else ever seen this website before? It is very informative - I now watch it every night and learn something new every time.
3 responses
@lazerm (478)
• United States
27 Jan 10
I checked out the website rightscoop -its ok. its no better or worse than say michelle malkins website. but, your still stuck in the same left/right paradigm; you just don't know it. if you really want to know whats going on, check out and oh, take a look at a couple of the videos I have posted on my mylot profile-remember, the truth shall set you free.
@Rallon (441)
• United States
27 Jan 10
Yes, I view those websites too! There awesome as well. Now you must check out this site on YouTube for the news you should have heard, but didn't! I've been following her for about a year now and she is GREAT! No spin and no angle - just relative information that you will not hear anywhere else. Please go to:
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
30 Jan 10
Alex Jones and Infowars aren't legitmate news. Those people are whack jobs.
@lazerm (478)
• United States
30 Jan 10
and msnbc - those with tingly feelings running down their legs are real news?.alex jones like michael savage, spread the truth-that is why both men are hated. those are real americans, not like the traitors, weaklings, and cowards we see in the lamestream media.
• India
27 Jan 10
Yes, it is true. we can lean everything from internet and can become scholar in interested fields from learning internet. Internet is very useful to students to learn for their studies and get high score. Those who are good in self study, they can attain the goal. We can get information in any field from the net.
• China
27 Jan 10
i will go to vistit this website,and see what it contains?