Who has had a better career thus far, Tim Duncan or Kevin Garnett?

@hbk2244 (180)
United States
January 27, 2010 3:26pm CST
Duncan has won three NBA Titles while Garnett has only won one. Meanwhile, Garnett is more skilled player. Overall, I'll take Duncan, based on leadership and winning three World Championships. What do you think?
2 responses
25 Sep 10
duncan has won 4 champions!!!! duncan is always better than KG. though KG's data is little better than TD.
@jeb327 (6)
• Philippines
28 Jan 10
Speaking of NBA careers, Tim Duncan has had one great career. Ever since he was drafted and learned beside David Robinson, he has been a franchise changer, the type of player every team dreams of being able to draft. His impact for the Spurs has been tremendous not only compared to Kevin Garnett but to most of the NBA players. Not only winning three championships but has made the Spurs a title contender every year, a dynasty and model franchise for other teams. He also is always year in and year out part of MVP discussions throughout his career. Garnett has a great career too, but Duncan has a definitely better one from start till present time.