Warning: Now Playing The dumbest, worst paying, and diappointing Contest Ever

Blog  - mmm
United States
January 27, 2010 8:40pm CST
Hello and thank you for taking time out of your busy day, to be here for this The Dumbest, worst paying, and more and more diappointing Contest Ever... And this is time you will never get back, which means now, otr 6 years from now in appelate court... Just to be clear u are here of your own freewill. And will be paid nothing. OK COntestants have to come up with an answer this very dumb and pointless question..."The Word Blog is not an abbreviation but is a Noun and verb (the blog or to be blogging, is the same tesnse as to ro run and to be running in English) - that being said if Blog were an abbreviation. What four word phrase would B.L.O.G. be short for in English...there will be a prize awarded to one very badly embarrassed winner who will be announded, just about any dam time i think there has been a correct answer given. I guarantee the winner will be someone who answers the question within the next 24 hours, that responds to this discussion with an answer, and all four words do need to start with a B a L a O and a G. And I as the writer of the dicussion may not be the winner or a contestant, or any of my kinfolk or my girlfriends, and somebody is gonna take the crap they win, cause I aint keeping it, and I needs to go, with the winner, and oh yeah it will not be awared until the end of the race, that is the rules. Break a leg, or two...get set go..."
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