How much is the cheapest Ice cream you can buy? The most expensive?

@deenaly (162)
January 28, 2010 11:37am CST
Back in the 90', I used to buy RM0.10 ice cream. It's just regular flavoured ice, packed in cylindrical plastic. We had to gnaw the ponytail like knot on the ice cream. Right now the cheapest ice cream I can get is RM1.00. Nestle' sold those ice cream. The most expensive so far is Haagen Dazs. Their Ice cream are very expensive. 100 ml costs (I think) around RM30.00
3 responses
• United States
1 Feb 10
From your text, I miss my 90's childhood. At that moment , an ice cream can be sold in 0.10 yuan(rmb). I still remember the orange "ice cream". Now I think it was just made of sugar and water. Though it was very cheap and not taste well, it was the happiest time when I could take this kind of ice cream. Er, Haagen Dazs is too expensive for me to buy it, whether in China and US. The first time I saw Haagen Dazs was in a supermarket in China. It cost 35 yuan(rmb) a smallest piece. I think if I were crazy I might buy it. In US it is not cheap also. You can pay 6 dollars to buy a 500ml Haagen Dazs, but in other brand you can buy a 3.75L ice cream with the same flavor.
@deenaly (162)
• Malaysia
2 Feb 10
I once see an ice cream worth more than RM100.. I was shocked to see that kind of ice cream is available in the market...
@chazzief (237)
• Malaysia
1 Feb 10
We can get Potong Ice Cream at RM0.70 to RM0.80, a very classic version of ice-cream I must say...hahaha. And yeah, the 10cent icecream is now hardly found, and it's cosr around 30 to 40 cents. Haagen Dazs is totally the most expensive I've found so, but I prefer Baskin Robins.
@deenaly (162)
• Malaysia
1 Feb 10
Hmm... Very hard to find potong ice cream nowadays... I wonder why Dazs and Baskin have such high prices for their ice cream? Is it because of the branding or the ingredients?
@MrKennedy (1978)
28 Jan 10
Cheapest is probably Tesco's own-brand (Tesco is a UK-based chain of supermarkets) for about 50p or so. The dearest for how much you get for your money has to be Ben & Jerry's. It is about £4 for a pot, which is blooming expensive for what it is, glorified ice-cream