What makes people believe that they were NOT created from a higher power? (God)
By hawaiigirl
@hawaiigirl (13)
United States
January 29, 2010 12:08am CST
Most people that do not believe in God, normally do not have very authentic reasons for not believing. Most respond that they were "hurt" by the church when they were younger or the precher at their church scared them or simply that they don't believe in Him "just because". I want to attempt to understand why some humans think that there is nothing that created us and that there is really no point in living if we are not going to another place like heaven. How can some believe that there was a big explosion and we simply formed?
12 responses
@poingly (605)
• United States
29 Jan 10
Well, the argument is that there is simply no evidence for the existence of God. You cannot test a proof for God--though there have been some very noble efforts. The observable evidence just doesn't lead to it.
However, I think you mischaracterize people who don't believe in God by saying they believe that there is "no point in living." On the contrary, people who don't believe in an afterlife often feel there is MORE point to living, because this is the time that we have. There is no way to excuse suffering by saying "all will be well in the afterlife," which means that we have to do everything to reduce suffering in this life.
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
30 Jan 10
It has been demonstrated scientifically, that children that are not shown love in their formative years have a difficult time forming bonds and relationships, if they ever manage it. Love is a learned response.
The Bible puts it very simply, "We love because God first loved us"
No organic soup can explain how we have the capacity to love.
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@poingly (605)
• United States
1 Feb 10
You aren't taking this far enough, I'm afraid. If children who are not shown love in their formative years have trouble with bonds and relationships, then shouldn't no child have trouble with bonds and relationships since God loves all his children? Does this mean if someone has trouble with bonds and relationships that the person is not loved by God? The implications by your statement are scary from a religiou perspective.
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
2 Feb 10
I apologize poingly, I've read your response and reread it and I just don't know what you are trying to say. I'm not clear on what is "scary" about my comment.
My point is that the concept of love, just the ability to show love, is a LEARNED response. It came from somewhere, even though it is not an animal, vegetable or mineral. You can't find it in any fossil record or point to any "descendant" or DNA strand.
The human family has the capacity, whether or not an individual accepts a deity, to form bonds with others. This is made very difficult, if not impossible, if it is not demonstrated or taught. It is not an instinct. Children that do not have the benefit of being shown attachment or affection have difficulty demonstrating it.
The human family has that capacity, exploited or not, because it was given to it.
"We love(and this can mean humanity in general) because HE first loved us"

@djshadowcash (36)
• Jamaica
30 Jan 10
the issue of god is rather a complex matter to explain because some persons have this perception of seeing is believing. therefore they are of the view that they can not belief in something that they do not see while others will believe in the unseen base on there personal background and the beliefs and practices that were taught to them.

@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
6 Feb 10
Ember silence – just a brief note on your comments – yes there is a God, and His character is love personified. He condemns NO ONE to hell – the churches have all gotten so off track on their teachings on so many things. If one ends up there, it is their own choice of rejecting Jesus Christ as their saviour. Of course, we all have the gift of choice, but many reject Jesus, God, and the whole thing of creation rather than evolution for a couple of reasons: 1. most of us have been taught that in our anti-christ school system, and 2. We want to believe only in what we think we understand. {There is a wonderful website that can answer many questions with scientific proof at: http://www.reasons.org
God and everything about Him has to be approached from a ‘spiritual’ view, because He is Spirit and His ways are not our way, neither His thoughts our thoughts as stated in the Old Testament.
We get all hung up in ‘religion’ instead of “relationship.” God is not a religion. He IS a Spirit. He loves us more than we could ever understand. Most of what He gets blamed for is not His doing or His fault.
Jesus said that if we rejected Him and His teachings, we “would” find another, because when we were born, each of us has a deep seated desire to be linked with someone or something of a spiritual nature, and thus according to our wishes and desires, we choose what route we want to take.
I am a Christian, and my life is not made up of rules and or regulations. I am happy and my life is filled with peace and a knowledge that all things happen for a reason. I may not have all of the answers for these reasons, but I can trust my life and happiness to the Lord, knowing that I will perhaps see many things and have an understanding about it all, after I leave the planet – it matters not to me. I just enjoy the present, and leave the future to Him.
God bless
C. C.
@poingly (605)
• United States
1 Feb 10
Hey Classycat, there are plenty of people that believe that the Bible has a good message but don't "believe in" the Bible. I can't say I believe in it, personally, but I am always interested in hearing people's beliefs and why they believe them. You will probably also find this to be true among sociologists and anthropologists as well. Some of us have a legit curiosity in others' beliefs.

@Chiang_Mai_boy (3882)
• Thailand
29 Jan 10
Most people who believe in a god or goddess do not have an authentic reason for their belief. Most, if questioned simply state that they believe so it must be so. People who state that our existence is proof of a creator demonstrate a serious lack of imagination. The point of living is the life we have and since it is the only one we can be sure of we should make the most of it.

@urbandekay (18278)
7 Feb 10
Yet there are some with authentic reasons. Where are those with authentic reasons that don't believe?
all the best urban

@greenfeathers (1206)
• United States
30 Jan 10
I'd say, as reflected in cultural aspects, that we want to be free to choose without repercussions..We want to define our own self-standards without the influences of an overseer. We want to be our own boss and make our own way and define our own purpose, much like the fella who started all this falderall when he got cast out..The culprit in us is the human ego, the warped side of '..in the image and likeness of..', the thing that makes us believe that we are gods in our own right..And how do I know? I have a mirror. I've seen it..
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
30 Jan 10
Bang on. There's the issue in a nutshell.
"The tree of the knowledge of good and bad." I want to decide for MYSELF what is good and what is bad.
"God knows that in the day of your eating from it, ...you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad."
Hmmm, look where THAT choice got us.
@faridmadeabillion (1127)
• Bangladesh
31 Jan 10
Well, my friend! Too much use and reliance on science and technology have made most of the peoples of today think that there is no Creator or God Who created us. They've turned mechanic using machines too much. They're so dependent on science and convinced about scientific theories that they think that it's impossible for someone to stay as the eternal entity (Allah/God). They only believe in concrete things, not the abstract ones. That's why they fail to feel God/Allah . The 'Big Bang' theory is also established on scientific logic which explains chemical process of the creation of the earth. This theory of creation sounds very much absurd to me. As a firm believer of Allah I believe that He has created all things: living or neutral, great and small. May Allah show these disbelievers the right path to the truth.

@faridmadeabillion (1127)
• Bangladesh
1 Feb 10
Thank you very much for supporting me, my friend. May Allah grant you a very happy, comfortable and peaceful life. Good luck!
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Agreed. Man has become so blinded by worldly things that he's not willing to accept things not perceivable by the eyes. They want LOGIC. They want PROOF that can be seen.
Science has been in a different path from religion, but it cannot be denied that a LOT of scientists have proven that God is real.

@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
29 Jan 10
This may sound cliche. A lot of unbelievers have this notion that if there is really a God, then there shouldn't be any suffering; He wouldn't let us suffer like this. I can understand if they feel that way, but there's waaaaaay more to God's love than just giving you happiness only. He loves people in ways no one could ever imagine. =)
Or they just don't see any proof if He is real. Proof is everywhere--the stars, the birds, trees, sunsets--these are all works of God. Some are just too blind to see.
@hawaiigirl (13)
• United States
29 Jan 10
I agree! Some expect Him to just make life so easy. I just wish more people would see the beauty that he has created and instead of complaining about their life, and enjoy what God has given them. I am just so frustrated because I want everyone to be saved and to live forever in Heaven instead of burning forever.
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
29 Jan 10
Yes. But unfortunately, not everyone is gonna pass the Judgment Day.
People have different beliefs, and no matter how much we don't like their beliefs, we have to respect them. But I really admire people who believe in God's love. =)
Keep the faith, hawaiigirl. :-)
@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
30 Jan 10
Personally I been on both sides of the fence. I think its almost easier to live a life of non belief than it is to live a life of belief. When you don't believe than every moment has no meaning in the big picture other than your own desires. For me looking at the complexity of the eye shows there is no way that it can all be just a coincidence or the fact that most deformities reduce the chance to survival of a species if not make the offspring sterile shows that there is no way the theory of evolution can be scientifically correct.
@rajniparmar (26)
• India
30 Jan 10
i don't know why people think that they were not created by God.Might be there was any mishappening with them or they were not satisfied with their lives.
But i think there is a super power.
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
29 Jan 10
Same question goes for people who believes in a supreme source of power and creation in whatever religion -as there are lots of different religions and beliefs-. What makes you believe that you were created from a higher power?
In my case, I see very easy to try to find something to feel at ease by believing what you have been told to believe in, but I prefer to find my own answers instead of being forced to believe in a deity.
Also, how do you know that your religion is the only right one?
There are many facts that prove that the Earth wasn't created 5000 years ago by a god with a white beard, and that humans didn't just pop out into the Earth but a long evolution process was involved. I prefer to think by myself, as I'm not scared of not having the quickest and easiest "answer", so that's why I don't follow any religion 

@y2j2008 (44)
• Sri Lanka
29 Jan 10
I do believe in god but I do not believe that god created Human.What are the proofs we have that god created human ? And also I do believe Heaven and Hell are in the same place where we live "The Earth"..If god created Human why he couldn't come and make Human much better ?
Does god have a plan for everyone ? Then why some are like it and some are doesn't like it ?
@EmberSilence (22)
• United States
30 Jan 10
There is so much anger when it comes to religion. I will give you my point of view.
When you say "how can some believe that there was a big explosion and we simply formed?"
Well, we don't think that. Actually, that sounds more like the religious theory. We did not simply form, we evolved from a previous species that existed before us. Some people do believe in a higher power, just not God. Me, I believe in the supernatural but I do not believe in the Christian religion. There is a "god", I think, but I do think that this religion has its bad aspects. For one, if the Bible was the truth, and God created man and woman, where the hell went the dinosaurs? the earth evolved to get where it is, and there are no records showing we just appeared out of nowhere. And what about every other planet in the solar system?
There is a point in living, and we all go somewhere. Some people just refuse to believe in a God that condemns people to hell for not being Christian.
If that were the case, then everyone that believes in Buddha or something like that is not going to heaven. I refuse to accept that. If I were to believe in something, the person I would believe in would be loving. They would accept everyone, simply because they have a kind heart. Even if they do not believe.
I hope that answers your question.