RED ALERT: wife freaking out

January 29, 2010 12:51am CST
yes you read it right, she is not in a good mood today. i look at the calendar and a few days from now she will be having her monthly period. in the early part of our relationship i already mastered to put the schedule of her monthly period on the calendar every month so i know when to shut up. har har har. so i know when to make sure i wont be dueting her tantrums and to give way to what she wants. it makes my life easier har har har. i know she will be craving for something spicey or something sour so i know now what to buy at the store before i go home after work.
10 responses
@lampar (7584)
• United States
29 Jan 10
You are indeed a 'very caring' husband to her; you even know well in advance her 'period' exact date. hahaha... Good for you , Bird!! At least you can get yourself ready for any incoming trouble from her if you know the actual 'curfew' period and try your best to avoid direct confrontation and provocation, the best course of action is stay away and remain low key while in contact//// and don't forget to stock enough sour or spicy food for her craving too, if that can reduce her level of tantrums. hahaha....
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
not the exact but aproximately i know when it is coming. so before that i have to get my lovin har har har. there are a lot of reason why i needto know those dates. first so that i wont get in the way with her tantrums, second so that she will not be that hot temper if i wont get in the way, third so i know when to shut up har har har. thanks a lot for the response
1 person likes this
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
yes, he sounds like i did something wrong and whats really irritating was he was the first responder har har har. so i guess every member read his response already and was laughing like you. well if you drink...dont mylot har har har...just like driving.
1 person likes this
@lampar (7584)
• United States
4 Feb 10
You can get an approximate date is in itself quite an impressive undertaking in my personal opinion, not bad at all!! hahaha... Pal! your first responder may be is under the influence of booze or high on 'weed' at the time he post his response, i can't understand what he is mumbling about too, it is just crazy what he is saying in this discussion, like he is angry at you...hahaha......
• Boston, Massachusetts
30 Jan 10
Hi 7thbird, I admire you for being so sensitive about your wife's menstrual cycle and for having mood swings during these periods. your wife is so lucky for having a great husband in you. continue being one for her. be supportive and show all your love and care for her not only during these days but everyday of your life.
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
my wife is sensitive on what i need so this is just a back at her thing. sometimes she is impossible to handle during those days and if a dont know the reason it will be more complicated. knowing the reason behind makes me understand it. she even become moody and keep asking me if i love her... when i say of course she will answer dapat lang har har har wierd. thanks a lot for the response
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• Boston, Massachusetts
5 Feb 10
you're able to establilsh an open communication and is really so inlove with each other. i hope more men and husband will be like you that is so sensitive with wives and women's mood especially during these periods. hurray friend!
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
29 Jan 10
Heehee, sounds like you have things under control. You are a good man for being sensitive to her needs. Just smile and remember that it will pass soon.
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
thank you very much for that. my wife is also sensitive to what i nedd so i guess its a back at her on this one. it is much easier to handle things when she is not grumpy and she is not all grumpy if i dont get in the way. on a normal day she will not fuzz about small things she will do it herself but on days that she will be having her monthly periods or during even the small things sounds like ton har har har. thanks a lot for the response
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
29 Jan 10
Well, good for you. I hope she appreciate all you do to stay on the safe side and i am sure that you still love her, with tantrums and all. My hubby has the tendency to either flee or just play wow, and pretend i do not exist. By doing that he knows, his head is quite safe. Good Luck and have a nice day.
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
oh yes, she appreciates me very much on not getting in the way of her tantrums. that is one of the things that a married couple or any couple for that matter.... is to taketurns. if you know the other one is not in the mood then give way. all you have to do is to talk about it. thanks a lot for the response
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
4 Feb 10
My pleasure.
@Mady2791 (545)
• United States
4 Feb 10
For the following days keep yourself locked in your room as much as possible. hhahahah
• Philippines
10 Feb 10
no i dont think that isa good idea. if i locked myself in our room the more she will freak out for she wants me to see helping her around for she is really in a bad mood. leaving her alone will make her freak out more. thanks a lot for the response
• United States
30 Jan 10
You're not the only one who hates this time of month. Women hate it too. I don't like my moods being all in a jumble. Women don't even know what they want when it's that time of month. Many of us know our cravings, but moods are different each time. SO just be careful about what you say and do. Many women get emotional. But, like I said, mood swings are different each time.
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
welcome to the wonderful world of mylot malooh, yes its complicated and there are some things that needs to be done but my wife is not in the mood to do it. she hates too when she is lazy to do things and she hates of her hot temper. i agree with you that she gets emotional too and sometimes say wierd things like asking me if i love her. har har har. thanks a lot for the response
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
29 Jan 10
A lady might have 28 days to her monthly cycle. Some ladies are more emotional towards the beginning of their period because of hormonal changes. The first day of her period might be painful with tummy and back pain. I think that your wife might appreciate a nice warm bath and her favorite meal afterwars. She might like a hot water bottle on the day her period comes in order to ease the pain.
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
lucky she does not have any tummy pain or back pain what she has is head aches before the period. the warm bath not advicesable.... it is mostly hot in our country so it would be more refreshing her having her usual bath. she like to drink anything cold. she is not an ice cream craver but i buy ice cream and she eats a couple of spoonful to refresh her on a humid day. during the head ache me and my son needs to put down the volume of the tv. har har har. thanks a lot for the response and your advice as well.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
29 Jan 10
hi,... I just can't imagine what you said, but it is alright if your wife dont read this. you know sometimes, you need to keep some secret between you and her and it might make her feels good and comfortable with her own husband. As I am a woman as well, I dont like my husband gets into my personal thing and split out on the net... hahaha... I will be so mad. Another thing, it is really nice of you know what you do and what to get for her. good luck
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
oh i dont need to worry if she sees this, har har har. she wont freak about this one. my discussion is some kind of an advice also to other men who wants to do this.... sometimes men say that women are difficult but women are only difficult on such dates like this. then the rest of the month she will give what her man wants. life would be more wonderful if you know this little things. little things but it will mean a lot for the women. thanks a lot for the response
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
29 Jan 10 is the one thing that can cause us to be grumpy. It's really a shame too because we know we are being impossible but we can't stop.
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
not just impossible but big impossible to handle har har har. now if all men knows this kinds oc schedules then life would be easier. i can get out of the way of the tantrums and she will appreciate it so much. thanks a lot for the response
• United States
29 Jan 10
Wow! A man ahead of his time! You deserve praise. My husband always seems to forget when I'm like how you described and that is usually when we have a a little argument. Boy if only he could remember this. We have only been together 20 years and still doesn't get it. lol
• Philippines
4 Feb 10
welcome to the wonderful world of mylot susan. why not try to put red circles on the calendar so he will be curious to ask what are those for. then tell him for you to remind that i have my monthly period on those days and so you wont get in the way of my tantrums har har har...hows that? thanks a lot for the response