Fake Clothes???

@junaed (64)
January 29, 2010 2:09pm CST
Do anybody know about where u can buy fake clothes cheap and who looks real. Please i dont want to use 100 dollar for a jeans. Please help me. Ad me as friend U wont regret.
2 responses
@tonyllenium (6252)
• Italy
19 Dec 12
the main problem when you buy fake clothes is not they are fake but in many cases they use materials that can cause damages to your body for example bad colours or think like that so in some cases they are dangerous...you must be careful about this items!!
• Indonesia
2 Nov 10
Please don't buy fake item. It against the law. Please appreciate the copyright. If you don't buy the fake product, the fake product producer will loss and reduce their production. And will never be a fake product in the market again. Appreciate some one else right, so some one will appreciate your right too.