does the end of the month change how you mylot?

United States
January 29, 2010 7:46pm CST
im not talking about posting more towards the end of the month since most people do to try to meet payout but like what you do first? i usually tried to answer my replies to my discussions then start new ones (if any) then reply to other peoples but since im so low on time i switched (at least this month) to posting the discussions first then i will hit either replies or others that way i may make payout since im so close and well with them not updating on the weekends i dont want to log in and be 3 cents short on the 1st.. that and my list of topics i wanted to make into discussions is way too long and its about time i shorten it lol.. so does the end of the month change how you prioritize things you do because of the payout? do you just have the same routine all the time no matter the date? or like me this month change it depending on how much your off?
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13 responses
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
30 Jan 10
If I was very close to pay out I would probably try and do a lot more posting, whether it be responding to discusions, startiung new ones, or just replying to responses. Every post counts. Im a bit too far off to bother trying to reach payout this month, so I will just focus on my usual activities. I always to go my discussions first and reply to any responses. I then go to friends discussions and choose some to respond to. After that, if I have time, I go to hot discussions.
• United States
6 Feb 10
i usually run out of time by then
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
30 Jan 10
I think it does a bit. not every month, because I usually take several months to reach payout, but some months I will try very hard and post a lot right at the end of the month in the hopes that I will reach payout. I don't think I will make it this month though.
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• United States
6 Feb 10
i didnt make it because i wasnt online sunday =(
@maezee (41988)
• United States
30 Jan 10
It used to make me more motivated, like a student studying last-minute test.. I know a lot of us use the last few days of the month as a last-ditch effort to try to reach the minimum payout, which we are supposed to have reached by the 31st in order to get paid. Nowdays, I don't find myself doing this as much - because I've been making more during the beginning of month and so it's not necessary to deal with that last-minute crunch. So, I'm getting better. lol.
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• United States
6 Feb 10
yeah if you are regular on here you usually dont even have to worry because you have already made it.. when you have been gone its a lot harder it seems
@rosekiss (30410)
• Eugene, Oregon
31 Jan 10
No, the end of the month doesn't change the way I do things in here. I will still respond to discussions, that interest me. It is usually at the beginning of the month when things might be a little different as I will post a discussions if I can think of a decent topic to start, that way I get a good start on the month;s earnings, as it helps me get a little more to start with, as I will post more at the beginning than I do at the ned of the month. Good lcuk to you and happy mylotting.
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• United States
6 Feb 10
yeah me not hitting payout last month will make this one a good one
@teamrose (1492)
• United States
30 Jan 10
No. I just enjoy the site. I don't look to this site for making money as the payout is very low. However, I do look to this site for some very stimulating conversations on just about any subject.
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• United States
6 Feb 10
when i was very active here i used to pay my phone bill with what i earned here but i just got too busy
• Philippines
30 Jan 10
yes it does , when im join here in mylot my first month i only posted 1 discussion and not put a comment on other discussion but in the second month i do a lot of answering discussion here in
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• United States
30 Jan 10
I'm new to mylot so it doesn't matter what time or day of the month it is, I'll be here.
• United States
6 Feb 10
i know the first payout i took my time because i was afraid mylot didnt really pay.. once i got paid i was posting all the time till i got super busy
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
30 Jan 10
It makes no difference to me whether it is the month's end or not. If I see interesting discussions I respond on them and if I don't I comment on my own or others that I have still to catch up with but I don't do more or less just because it's the end of the month. Regarding reaching payout, I usually make that well before the end of the month without even thinking about it as I always find enough fun places to post on as the month plods on
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• United States
30 Jan 10
well when i was on here all the time i made payout within the first week or two in the month but ive been not on regularly in almost a year and well all my regular repliers arent on here anymore so its like im having to start from day one again.. but im determined to be on here more regularly which will take care of the problem next month
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
30 Jan 10
not at this moment. when i was new here, that was my way of catching the deadline. it changes the way of my activity. i response a lot to a lot of topics. but now, since i just came back from a very busy days in the past month, i only post the way i normally do, response, start and comment. when all the responses in my discussions are completely commented, i go and start a new one if there is a new idea that comes in to my mind. simultaneously, i respond to my friends' if they get me interested.
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• United States
6 Feb 10
im one of those people if i think of something if i dont do it right then or write it down i will lose it
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
30 Jan 10
Hey moonlit! This month is the first month in a very long time that I have actually made payout in a long time! I used to have no trouble making payout every month, but in the last few months it has taken me twice as long! I haven't been as active and as serious as I used to be so I thing that was the problem, but this month I have already made it! Maybe only by a few cents, but at least I have made it and from now on I am planning on making it every month like I used to! I love this site and really enjoy being here so there is no excuse! I do get caught up sometimes with my "real life" like neighbors dropping by, friends calling that don't understand when I say I am "working online" and my boyfriend who definitely doesn't understand at all about mylot! But, I have told them all how much this site means to me and they can all just "take a number" and let me do what I need to do! So from now on this is the way it is going to be! Mylot friends are very important to me and I don't care if my friends understand it or not because I am not going to let them get in my way of enjoying what means so much to me!
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• United States
30 Jan 10
i think if i hadnt made a lot of friends here than i also made at facebook i would have stayed on here more because i would miss them but i get to talk to them on fb and then life went crazy for months and ugh yeah.. im going to try to make a good amount over because i think it was october i checked 2 days before the 1st of nov and i was like 50 cents over in payout and then on the 1st i was 4 cents shy because apparently a person that replied to everything i did got deleted and it put me into not getting paid that month
@May2k8 (18292)
• Indonesia
30 Jan 10
I think, I could not if I have to chase the day. Although it seems important income but that outside of my ability. I just do my best, and the longer I was confused what to do. This just in addition to me, just enough to pay for the internet.
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@bingchen (1119)
• China
30 Jan 10
i dont think about much at the end of the month.although earning money it seems important in mylot.but i know earning money in mylot only is little bonus for me.after many attempt i have made this i do it as normal thing.of course my first payout would be is happy thing for me since i have stay here for long time now.
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@MrKennedy (1978)
30 Jan 10
I notice nothing different in my posting habits or anything. However, during week-days, I find I post a lot more than week-ends. In the week-days, if I am not working, I'm at uni, so when I get home I'm usually too tired to do anything over than surf the net. Besides, I save all my energy for the week-ends, when the real party starts
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• United States
6 Feb 10
i think im about the same.. my husband and i spend time together on the weekends where i am alone during the week
• United States
30 Jan 10
I am new to Mylot. This is my first end of the month that is happening. I haven't done a lot of responses yet, so diving in and trying to make the minimal amount is not in my plans. I think in general I will be one to get in a routine and follow that routine daily. At the end of the month I will follow my same daily routine and trust that the work I have done to the best of my ability is worth a payout.
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• United States
30 Jan 10
this is like the first month in almost 2 years i will have been rushing to the end to make pay out to where im switching things around.. usually i have a certain way and stick with it and never had to worry if i was gonna make it or not so no need in changing it which im sure is what will happen with you.. coming back when i havent been regular in a long time sucks! im out of practice lol