What Is The Worst Animal Cruelty Case You Have Come Across?

@Janey1966 (24170)
Carlisle, England
January 30, 2010 7:26pm CST
I hate animal cruelty. In a civilised society there is no excuse for neglecting an animal or to be intentionally cruel to them as they have no voice, rather like very small children or the elderly. All are vulnerable. Anyway, I used to watch a series on television called "Pet Rescue" in which it highlighted the work of the RSPCA and gave stories of animals that had been rescued and - subsequently, re-homed. One case sticks in my mind though and it was YEARS ago I watched the programme. A guy kept horses. Nothing unusual in that. Many people keep horses in the UK. This person was different, however. Why? Because he intentionally starved his horses. How did he do this? Well, he actually took the trouble to construct metal "cages" for his horses to reside in, each horse had its own cage within a field, exposed to the elements. This is bad enough as a cruelty case. However, the worsed part was that outside each cage there was food and drink for the horses. Unfortunately, the food and drink was just out of reach of each horse as it strained its neck to feed itself. I mean, how cruel can a person be?Sadly, most of the horses died but a few did survive. Someone who reported this man actually went to see one of the rescued horses at a Sanctuary. He was amazed at its transformation...and so was I because photos were shown of how the horse looked before it was rescued. I have never cried so much in my life. A mixture of anger at the cruelty and relief that some of the horses survived. What amazed me the most was the trust this horse showed to its rescuers. A bit of love, attention and above all FOOD, was all it took for it to be rehabilitated. As for the cruel guy, I can't remember what happened to him but he would've been prosecuted...maybe a short time in prison. Also, he had a lifetime ban on keeping animals. It's a shame he couldn't be placed in a cell without food really, isn't it?
6 responses
@luvmysons (497)
• United States
31 Jan 10
I hate to hear about animal Cruelty.. I guess I just dont understand why someone would mistreat and animal. I have witnessed an owner kicking the crap out of there dog. It was a doberman.. It was right outside of where I worked. The dog was yelping. We call animal protection.. And they took the dog. I was a crying mess for days. The dog was so scared.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
31 Jan 10
That is awful. Dobermans (like all animals of course) are beautiful, I cannot understand why someone could do such a cruel act...and you witnessed it too. So sorry.Someone kept a horse not far from Mum's house and I used to walk past it each day in order to go to work. I could just make it out through slats in the fence. Anyway, the horse was kept in a back yard, tethered, even though there was a small plot of land beyond the yard. Day after day I saw this horse tethered up and soon realised that it could not turn round. I then noticed that a pile of manure was becoming larger and larger on the plot of land. It started to make sense...so I contacted the RSPCA. An Inspector came to take a look (with me in tow) and was...at first reluctant to do anything about the horse "because it looked well fed!" Well, it would be well fed wouldn't it? It was a manure-making machine, that's what the horse was there for! Anyway, it soon transpired that the horse was indeed a manure-making machine and the manure was being sold on to residents for their gardens. The horse was eventually taken away. I was annoyed at the RSPCA though; so reluctant to do anything at the start. They can be like that at times!
@umabharti (3972)
• India
31 Jan 10
hi,Animals have the right to live as they are .We humans do something which hurt them which is cruel towards them.i read an article in the Hindu "beauty without the beast" as on saturday 30th 2010.i read the tales of horror.Unspeakable torture to the animals.How cruelly the animals like rabbits ,mice,hamsters,rats monkeys and guinea pigs are put up with unspeakable torture for the beauty products.i would like everyone go through that article to atleast think what they are using for getting the beauty and the look.Try encouraging herbal products.Beauty is from not outside which is shownoff ,it is totally from the character and inner qualities of any person brings beauty.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
31 Jan 10
That is so true my friend! Thanks for your comments, it is much appreciated.
@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
31 Jan 10
That is horrible - I'm glad he was caught and stopped - and yeah - a cell with the food and water just out of reach
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
31 Jan 10
I really like the idea that the ASPCA tends to have the police with them when they go round and "arrest" someone. Out come the hand-cuffs and into the back of a van they go. Nothing like that here, unfortunately...and we don't have enough RSPCA Inspectors either. This is a job I would love BUT I would end up killing someone, I'm sure. I couldn't cope with having to be "nice" to an abuser, it would drive me insane!
• Philippines
31 Jan 10
Hi there I have witnessed cruelty to animals. I have witnessed cruelty to dogs. In the past years, there were documentaries about cruelties on these animals. The documentaries featured dogs being sold commercially for their meat. The cruelty starts from catching the dogs. Most of them were sold as wholesale and came from many parts of the country. Some of them were dog-napped. Befre loading into a truck, they were tied up tightly with a rope or wire. For them not to be able to bite, their mouth were forcefully covered by a rusted tin can. They were then stacked up hastily into a truck. These dogs end up into various customers who salivated on gourmet dog meat, so as they claim. In the kitchens of these people, the dogs were slaughtered and cooked into many dishes. These dishes are a hit specially in cold regions of the country. Regards
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
31 Jan 10
I really don't know what to say to all that, except that dog meat is not standard fare in the UK, thankfully.
@olisaur (1922)
• United States
31 Jan 10
Nothing makes me more upset than bad/lazy parent and animal cruelty. I am very passionate about animals and nature (and not to mention against this mad expansion of human "civilization" and factory farming). I've seen so many cases of animal neglect on TV- when I was a kid I always used to watch that Animal Cops show on Animal Planet. Just the other day I was watching Nightline and they had a segment on the treatment of cows in [factory] farms that mass produce most of the milk Americans drink. They were unspeakably inhumane to the cows; they mercilessly cut off their tails to help "keep them clean," branded their faces, kept some out of sunlight and fresh air for their entire lifetimes, and one farm worker even smacked cows in the FACE with a wrench for no apparent reason. I was so affected by that segment that I cried- its so frustrating that some people can think of animals as "lower forms of life." A life is a life, no matter what species.
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
31 Jan 10
I took photos of cows in fields a number of years ago and was struck by how individual they all were, just like us humans (which they are very wary of by the way, unsurprisingly). Zero grazing, whereby cows are kept in sheds their entire lives as opposed to being out in the fields (at least during the summer) is becoming more popular here and I, for one, am totally against it. Compassion in World Farming is the respected authority on farm animals and how they are treated and would like intensive farming eradicated. I hope that day will come...but it's a long,long way off, especially when developing countries are now adopting the same methods. Very worrying.
@ykkkuan (59)
• China
31 Jan 10
Hi janey How horrible it is! My mind reeled and i feel disgusting about what the bad man did! The similar cruelty case also can happen on the human, we can not able to imagie! one of the programs on discovery channel palyed the worst human cruelty case a month before~~~~The couple grabed girl into his suburban log cabin in which there are many various of equipments that be persecuting the girls. Their log cabin near by the lake and it is a perfect place for them to do horrible things!By the way, they shared the same room with autosaddism and observe their movements.That man devoted all his life to reserch what was the "great and effective" way to try his best to persecute girl, and in order to get huge joys from that. According to places said the last step of their plan on individual called 'rattlebox' and no one can be survived from that hell. A galvanical chair was grounding central of that room and a camera was hanging on the top of the chair. All the prepare serviced for watching a whole process clearly to the couple. I am wondering that if this kind of person have any hurt in their heart?! How so cruel they are! I fed up with these things even just whether watching on tv or hearing from others. Life is really difficult~
@Janey1966 (24170)
• Carlisle, England
31 Jan 10
You are quite right. Terrible things happen to humans as well. I am against cruelty in all its forms, always have been. I once went to a Circus with Mum and my brother. I was only about 6 years old. I witnessed elephants with plumes on their heads in a line, one holding the elephant's tail in front with its trunk. They walked round the ring and stood on stools, had people riding them, allsorts of "tricks" they were performing. Instead of being excited I was upset. I'd watched wild animals on television so - even then, knew the difference between the wild elephants and ones kept in captivity. I've never been to a Circus since!